Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 2.djvu/350

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SIXTY-SECOND CONGRESS. Sm. IH. Ch. 42. 1913. 1365 'l‘|»nnm•ofH Frink,l•t•0fComp•n I,E1gh' tcmthRagunm' t ¤•¤¤**¤·¤=· 0nnne¤ticutVo@u:1ltt1;`v§•· Infmhzsgndpsyhiringpmsion stthnntcot $30 mnnthmlwuofthst snow " . _'1‘Ern•g¤• ¤{.I<::r;¤u¤vci‘I?1»:éyI¤;?¤, 1•:»nd:fCon1;::¤uyE, sum- ..%*:':*“ °*·°* Ragnmn 0 ‘ , n punsi at ul0l'It0d$368QDOD$hi.DHOu0fth.:g0hD¢;’W{B00i , . 0n 'fhnnamacf oorgcM.I·‘ia1=co,lsto0f§JompmxI, t °•°¤•*'·’*¤’°•· Nowm¥’:;khY¤0llT1t•‘5•;· §.anng‘]:•yhpa ponswn at.tbor•t¤c£$30

 n•m•dJ0uph C.Trigkoy,l•t¤ of  B,Ifir•tR€ant '°"*°·"‘°'”·

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