Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 2.djvu/40

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1054 SIXTY-SECOND CONGRESS. Sus. II. Ch. 109. 1912. the rate of twenty dollars per month in lieu of that she is now receiv- ¤¤·¤ ¤· °¤¤¤*¤•· { S ah E, (tunmngli am, widow of Adam A. mm ham,Gla;1t:1Idi§(9Jom‘;»Imy G, One hundred and thirtyyseoond Regiment Indiana Volnmteer Infantry, and_ pay her a pension at the_ rate or twenty-four dollars per month m heu of that she rs now receiving, anc two dollars per month addrtronalshgn acoormtlilgf the {minor cluld 0 'd Ad A. ° 0 sixteen years

•eee.»¤¤  That in the event of the death of Berthssgxnnmgham, help-

M•¤·°* ·=¤***- less and dependent child of Adam A. , the additional 'on herein ted shall cease and determme: And promded ag’?¥i?’m°$¢s°‘&*l° °° lurth¢r,f'Ig1eat Qyeut of the deiaeth of Sarahtlg. tt rt Cunnmgham on e pension ro su iletzltlzd, the prozisions and limitations of the psnsion laws, at the rate gf tslelge dollars FI month from and after t date of death of said . am. “’°"'°‘°"°'”‘ a'I"he name of A ijah S. Cheats, of Company Kilgirst R?inrent Oluo Volunteer Cayalry, and pay a pens1qn_at t rate 0 thirty dollars per month m_l.neu of that he rs now reoervmg. _ "“”""" "` “2°§‘.‘:‘§ 3* `"I.".l"“»>..’?.;..&.¥"‘a.*.£*° .‘f.¤°?£?£..""° ’&.?.°‘§,’;“"».;”.?.‘2 men 0 aro a un » pension at rate of twenty-four dollars per monlhin lieu oz that he """'°"°‘?'°°°‘ m Tl; name“§;Iimeson S. Tweed, late of `Company M, First ment Tennessee Volnmteer Cavalry, and pay him a pension at the rate oi twenty—iour dollars per month in lieu of that he is now receiving. W¤¤¤¤°¤¤¤- The name of William Gurin late of Com any F, One hundred and sixty-first Regiment New Yorlr Volunteer Igfanty, and Company; E, First Regiment Volunteer Cavalry, an pay him a pension at the rate of thirty dollars per month in lieu that he is now recer . ,,H’:‘,,°';_ mu Thhungame of Sarah E. Cloud, widow of Ellis A. Cloud, late of Oompany G, Fifth Delaware Volunteer Infantry, and pay her a pension at the rate of twelve dollars er month. ',}°“m}"f,P'y*' g The name of William W. Gordon, gte of Com any H, Nineteenth Regiment Wisconsin Volunteer Infantry, and pa a pension at the rate of thirty dollars (per month inlieu of that ge is now receiving. ,.2_°" °'“°‘ °‘¥'“' v0'fl1et(-name oftlkoxrtim arloe Cameroliifulate of First Patctery un Lngh an pensi t rate - nm`. Bm¤m_ six dollars per month iiiylieu loptgat hols noworlleaiiei . 0 Y ' The name of Anna M. Robinson, widow of Elishavfliobinson, late of Company F, 'Qventy-seventh Re§1m' ent Wisconsin Volunteer Infantry, and pazuer a_ pension at the rate of twenty dollars por mm Loan monthmheuo t sheranowrecei . The name of John A. George, late hlngompany H, Third Regiment Wisconsin Volunteer Infantry, and palyahim a pension at the rate umu nant Eftégollars per month m lieu of that rs now recemvmg. _ name of Emmanuel Mennet, late captain Company D, Fifty- mnth Regiment Illinois Volrmteer Infantry, and pay him a pension at huhkun the rate offorty dollarspermonthinlieu ofthat heisnowrecei . The nge o John _L.vP?·kins, lahtfe of Oozpiany D$;I°metyY’¢?5n Regimen vama o unteer pensro' dthente°<:in:hirtydoDnapamon?l1h'r`!;Heul<l;ythatl1lLehno:r1 °"""‘°“’°"“‘ rngmgnimseroemaes megs. metros c 4 aa lieutenant Oompanknlf, Infantry,andpay apennonattherateofthutydollaraper °····'· °*········ "‘°r‘i§.’l‘..."‘ ”°Jr‘2i£"‘ Iii "i>.%°' '°°““$’J...o..., sr ¤._,,..· . o mmtU¤itedStatee!V<>lunteer·Slrsrpsho0tars, andgaghimapensnou