Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 2.djvu/408

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SIXTY·SECOND CONGRESS. Sus. III. Ch. 137. 1913. 1423 ThenameofJesseM. Silvers, late ofCom an L FirstReg1men' t ’¤*¤¤¤'¤¤·•••¤· Kentucky Volunteer Cavalry, and pay him 2 pelasion at the rate of I-° u' mm Sliggr month m lieu of that he is now _ name of Philligntne Steins, widow of Gustavus A. Steins, late "'°"‘“"° °““" acting ensign, United_ ates Navy, and pay her a pension at the rate of $25 per month in heu of she is now receiving. The name of Elizabeth Philhps, widow of William C. Phillips, late EPZA m.m•,., of Company F, Fortieth Regiment Illinois Volunteer Infantry, and payblzer a pension at the rate of {12 per month. _ name of Mary J. Chase, widow of Charlss Chase, late of Com- “°" ’·°"”°· pany H, Sixth Regiment Maine Vohmteer Infantry, and pay her a pension at the rate of $12 month. The name of Joseph N. Wilson, late of Company C, Sixtieth Regi· iL°·pa°'i°¤.'°v$”¤a°¤°£?‘ ment Ohio Volunteer Infantry and pay him a pension at the rate of Siiggr month in lieu of that he is now receiving. name of William Graham, late of Company I, Fourteenth Regi- mm°° °”°""‘ ment Iowa Volunteer Infantry; and payhim a pension at the rate of $2%lper month in lieu of that e is now receivingk e name of Peter F. Dixon late of Comcpany _, Eignth Regiment N" " °""‘ Tennemee Vohmteer Mounted pay him a pension at the rate of $24 per month in lieu of that is now The name of Geo a Jonas widow of George B. onas, late of °‘°""'"""" Company C, Tenth Elmont Nyew York Volunteer Heavy Artill , and pay her a pension at the rate of $20 per month m hou of thatedze is now rece: . . The nam•:1¢:lgH Milton Babcock hel less and dependent child §°“'°°§,,,,,,, W, of William J. Bam late of Companies {and B, Second R%imsnt ¤¤•=¤°m Rhode Island Volunteer Infantry, and pay him a pension at the rate of $12 per month. ‘ _ _ muh H W ML The name of Isabella H. Watson, widow of Wilham N. Watson, · ‘ late of Company A, Seventh Regiment Wisconsm Volunteer Infantry, and pay her a nsion at the rate of $12&er month. _ _ Pm { The name ofpfsaac J. Nichols late of mpany A, Fu·st Regiment ,,,,,‘{",,§,,,,,,_ · Alabama Volunteer Cavalry, pay l11lI\_8 pension at the rate of $30 _ pu rmnth in lieu of that he is now receiving. _ I W I The name of James W. Mauyiield, late of Company I, Eleventh Regi- '*"°' · "°°" ment Illinois Volunteer Cav rg, and pay hun a pension at the rate of $30 month in lieu of that e is now recaving. _ _· _ Dm mm Tgrname of Daniel Hilliard, late of Company C, Fifty-third Reg; °‘H' · ment Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry and pay him a pension at rate of $30 per month in lieu of that he is now receiving. _ I at The name of John H. Ruf, late of Company H, First Regiment °'*¤K·" Arkansas Vollx:nte•§BCa§ah$ s;;d_ pay him a pension at the rate ei 24 mont in`uot t isnowrecenvmg. Tllfrname of Henry A. Grove, late of Company B, Forty-seventh H°°'"‘9""` Regi¤;_e1;tmIllinoie Vo Infiaitiltgl, pagwhim a pension at the rateo mont in uo a emu vmg_. _ · The nazneP:i?George W, Short, late of Company B, Third Regiment °°°"° W °°°'°‘ Kentuck{‘Yo1hu:iutee;- gavgalhrgg and pay hun_a pension at the rate of $24 permont in o a isnow _ _ wm, K The name of William H. Brown, late of mp¤¤y E, Bm Regzient Ohio.Volunteer Infantrgand pay hm; Q pe¤810¤ it BW of per month in lieu of that m now reoenvmg. _ mob mm The name ol Jacob Row, late of Company F, Second R¤£1¤16¤*· IW! Volu1;1teerhI°z:1fa;,nft1tt£;mh¢g pay him a_pension at the rate of $36 pqmont in t is now receiving. 1, The name of Ella; G£hFrame, wi¤g¤lW_0f J3? ¤,trl;¢:!: m-G` Com F Fortysseven Reg¤m° elif Ph _ lm , payhgrnz. ’ ° attherateof$20p¤·monthmhennofthatahen _ pemnon nov ve•••*"*¤¢.