Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 2.djvu/434

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SIXTY-SECOND CONGRESS Sess. III. Ch. 180. 1913. 1449 The name of James Tiernan, late of Battery G Fo rth Regim t ?°¤*’°¤‘¤°’°•*°· United States Artillery, and Forty—iirst Compahy, tlfnited Staigs im- mm"` Qoeilst pay him_a_peusion at the rate of $20 per month 111 GU 0 8 6 IS DOW l'0C61V111g. ..‘%;.¤;m¤ °&;’.°*~¤.;’··¤:’:··· hm °°mP*¤y ’· 1*** *5:¤:¤:¤* m tates an ,au pay apension at era 0 12 m nth.

P;¥Ifth;;n§.me oflifames W. Eélis, lat; of Company H,. gfth §{§,§,°'${“m°’,?,“·

m ttes an ,an ay unapensionat era 0 per montlrin lieu ofutliat he is now receiving. _ ‘“2·1;*·~1·;.:.·;,€.;’.;.*·¤..&· Lge- ‘··¤*..22°°¤·P·¤sE· S.:.;.°¤***...*‘.¤·‘=·· ·"‘“°“·»··~‘=·~··~·~ men m an , arm pam, an pay a ion t th te f $12 1. . · S 'Ijh: litem; of Eepteilllaiugl Wholgy, widow of John H. Wholley, late %m'°$$_ f.“""’.. ?.%°£’.i‘§‘.?£}";°$? U$".£?.“1?..I'$$“?i.‘2¥;h“;“.§ $3 .}.‘§.?..'I mg, and $2 per month aaixitional on account of the minor child of the said John H. Wholle until he reaches the §e of sixteen _ The name of Frances O’Rei]1y, widow of obert M. O' eilly `“"‘°'“’·°“‘“*’· late major general and surgeon general, United States Army, ggyvhg apension at therateof$50permonthml1eu ofthatshexs The name of Lewis L. Daniel, late of O0mpany K, _Fifth Regiment L°"" ‘* ”'°‘°'· United States Infantry, fith pay him; pension at °”?.~£2‘?.2.f.§3.§} ‘1.°5.‘i°{.‘i{‘L...’1“,,°..t.. ..f_é.‘§£Z."M'§3.ed'“gs.., ·····»··=~······ United States Army, and pay him a_peusion at the rate of $24 per “"F£h ‘“ "°“ ‘i’£§;° hi “Y“‘iZ' $‘?K§‘3g;.. $.1 A Yule 1 ¤-·~···» tin; iisagszagt surgzonl States Army, and pay her ai pen- nmA'Y°h` $111 at the rate of $20 per month. Approved, March 4, 1913.