Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 2.djvu/440

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CONCURRENT RESOLUTIONS OF CONGRESS. SECOND SESION, SIXTY-SECOND CONGRESS. ¤··=¤¤¤·r ¤, ML HOLIDAY nmcsss. [H. Can. Res. No. 21.] Resolved the H tlc Senate a¢mcurn` K°°°""°"" That when two oggeusg aegiourn on Thnirsglay, December 2,;%%: they stand_ad]ourned until tw ve o’eloek mendun on Wednesday, Ja;uary third, hundred and twelve. _ . m r_1 , 1911. rebrmq :1,1m. _ COTTON TAB`!}. [H. Gen. Ben. Ne. B.) Reeolvedbyt7•eHoueeoRepreseruati t7w8enateeom·un-r' , §§,,"2,‘},,‘“‘,;P,, ,,,_ Tha!_there shall printedfand bound inu:oliune form, with aeeidfri-

 Ernying illustrations, one hundred thousand copies of the Special

nsuler Reports on Cotton Taro, submitted by Dewtment of State, m response to the request of Representative rlliam G. Brantley, of which thirty thousand shall be for the use of the Senate and sixtyeilve thousand for the use of the House of Representatives and five thousand to be delivered to the Horne document room for distribution. " Passed February 27, 1912. e rmwy za, mz. EMPLOYERS LIABILITY AND WORKliEN’8 COMPENSATION. [B. Con. Bn. No. 11.) RecolvedbylheS¢1wte(theH l ,,E“$‘§,’1H& That there be printed ten th0usai,1'd·;da`<i·iti0¤al¢‘e0pies of the Messing), P·{[¤¤¤¤- Mmam of the Presrdent of the United States transmitting the report of EZ

   and V£’¢3r;1krnb¢;1’s (wlmpgonsatiorr Commission,

,q, O B Om ° ° ' ummm. Ewa ttgegming live hur}dre5theopies beggr the use o(;DthefS:n};1g1 ve usan oo res or e t f · ' mw? eowtfrm ¤§c..:t..`5’Z°§is Els ·3’.‘.1‘°.s2 ..?€£“ei.‘3.§;§.*Zt°§.; on e udrcrary 0 ate; an .;;""§‘{',d$°:'{ °° twgat igrgrteube asohienate Documgnt, in one pamphlet, me-n»¤u¤¤. five tlwousand co ies shrslglie for the use&gc& ?16 r§eI:art?e0nt§’el$£ séradsgzgnhtrgdreg {or m use of the House of Reggressmnives ousan e · ’ on the Ju _ _ of th; unw; eopres or the use of e Committee Passed February 29, 1912.

 wd Ergcrr ;o.uz1>f1zr:1>ov.·r ON woo;. SCHEDULE.

Btw] ouee o Rapresentaer md, · égigllawgirrrr Tha! there be printed twenty thousand',e:d¢iitiorigal eo nu!2e M ,,,°;:g**•{:"} Document Numbered 'Hrree hundred and forty-two being the •-*¤.$g·g& messsg; of the President of the United States transmitting e re ‘ of the f Boardfo:eS§hedulefK of the tariff law, twelve thouspirfd copres or use o t Rs fggmtltxj · eopiesforthermeof theS;?nu*::e‘? P · 7‘“d°"""l‘°“°‘“" Passed Merch 1, 1912. 148