Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 2.djvu/497

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ARBANGEMENT—OBSCENE PUBLICATIONS. Mar 4, 1910. 1515 Pour le Danemark: For Denmark: S' 6: (1.. s; C. E. Com. (1.. s. _C. E. Com. Pour  : For S 2 (ns.; Oouvxo Cuanuno. (1.. s.; Oouvro Cuaanno. Pour gatats-Unk: For United States: (Ls; A. Ba11.1.r-B1.a1w¤a1¤>. ns.; A. Banmr-Bnaxcmnn. Pong Igranee: · Fei France: \8¤ ¤ (1..s.) B. Btanxomz. (1..s. R. Bannon:. Pour la (grande-Bretagne: For (great Britain: (ns.; E. W. Famuu.. (1..s.i E. W. Fanuau. (1.. s.) F. S. Buuiocx. (1..s.) F. S. Bmznocx. (1.. s.) G._A. Arrnm. (1.. s.) G. A. Annu. Pour l’Itahe: For Italy: S 6: Signed (1..;%%. C. Buzzxrn. (1..s. J. 0. Buzzarrr. (1. s. Gnnonnro Ca1.v1. (1.. s.) Gnnouuo Cum. Pour Pays-Bas: For the Netherlands: Signéz S' ed (1.. s. A. nn Szrunns. (L.8l§¤A. na Srruns. (1.. s.) Rrmaan Macau. (1..8.) B.m·¤a.aN Macau:. Pour&e Pgrtugalz For (1..5nCou·ra nn Souza Ron. (1..8. Co1m·rnnSonza Reza. Pour la Rumie: For Russia: S' 6: Signed ·· (1.. Sl§¤ALlXIS nn Bxumoannn. (1.. s. Auzxrs na Bm1.1.1:ouu>¤. (1.. s.) Winmmn Dtaucmsxr. (1.. s.) Wunmm Dnnuomsxr. Pour la Suise: · For Switzerland: S' 6: S` ed (1.. nig] Lum!. (1.. sl5¤ Egujacopie egartléifee conforme: metre tgatenlwuw, UI•¢j‘ du Service du rotocols, Amnxm Mo1.1.n1>. And whereas, the said Arrangement has been duly ratified by the ‘•¤• Governments of the·United States, Germany, spas? Franco Great Britain, Italy, and Switzerland, and the ratiiications 0 the Governments were, as provided for bg Article 6 of the said Arrange- **“•P· W ment, deposited by their resgective lenigotentiaries with the Government of the French Rein; lic on Marc 15 1911; Now, therdcrc, be it own that I, William Howard Taft "'*"•‘*"· Presidentof theUnitedStatesofAmenea,havecausedthesaid Arrangemmt to be made public to the end that the same and every article and clause thereof may he observed and fulilled with good faith by the United States and the citizens thereof. In testimony whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the

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ne at n o p m year ofhmr Lord one thousand nine hundyied and eleven, [sen.] and of the dence of the United States of America the one h and thirty-fifth. Wn H Tarr By the President: P 0 Kwmr Seerdary of Side.