Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 2.djvu/540

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1558 INTERNATIONAL LAW CONVENTION. Aucusr 23, 1906. princi' sobre ci' nhnluculeeatiadieprincipluupu ee Iirngzlacchrdorm obpttlgiere scuerglo, prong- which en agreement my vandoaadnpgloenuli- nndomsdnwdnygsu- bere•ched,s¤deh•l1equgiodgsee tnpadoepahe K Necmuee deevnammmdeecgrg tlrmr m95ee . 0 _ _ by eN•twmofAmen¤•. Gwen- . .• OeG0verme Art. 8: Lee Gob1ern¤e' Art.8/1'h Governments ¤g¤°:°':**tg*"*· ¤$i¥f¤:em•pe•mu(}·}:nE auetengnnibienntiiicar de•irjngf4>1:tifythigConvmx preeenteC•mvmci6¤,lo v¤1¤on,¤hell•¤•dvuetbe so E•¤duaUnirl¤¤d0 h¤·$n¤•bu•.ldel¤e1ht•· Governmentcf_thqUnited Basil, dimde queeetao dQUDid(@dOlBlIIiI‘.§D State ct Ennl, m order cornmuniqueacedcecutroa de que dxclm Gobiuno lo dnt the_n1d Governmeqt per vis diplnuntiee, fs- ;¤|¤?·1qu•£lc•de¤nhE rnymtlniytbeothudiirinlz: aavesevilztrucsdemtill- ciuuln ate duly lin c•96e•. vecsdecanje. hhngt:ieNpIt•’¢:edm¤- clange 0 . , Slznewns Emfédo Pleni· Eniédelo Ina Intutiruo vhenntthe p¤t¤:d•rimq:»t°,Il.:lqndoe Ple¤imteutil::¥iee•¤dDel•· a¤igxaa.mapl‘sr•ev=nteCon~ gcsiicrluaenllepreemte gntfaonveqgnedeiie-m ven gcnm en eu venunn an

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Pxm EquAn0n—Emilio PonE:.$n•on— Fon E¤¤ul0n—Emili0 Arénlo, Olmodo Alhm. Axfvnle, Olmedo Alhm. Aréulo, Olmedo Allan. Pew Pnmunrllznuel P1:.} Er. lkueuer-¥z Fon PAnnmg—?6me1 dis Eddeymxch. ddeyjuertn. Pty uvu-AIberwGu· Po; Bouvu—Albert¤ Gu- Fon Bourn-AlberwGut¤enez,O•rloeV.R¤m¤o. ¤hre¤,0•rl¤¤V.R¤mm». ti6¤es,O•rl¤•V.R0ma¤. Pru Ccw¤¤u—Bahel Pon Cow1nu—Rnhel Fon Counnu-—Belsel ESM Uribe, Guillen: pribo, Guilltmc Uribe, Guillermo eucu. encu. _ Pigiv-i.1g0NDUIAD—F·I¤It0 P<;;z‘vHEon¤n•—hmw 1*13* ;:§:xnun•—F•u•w r¤¤_ pixma-Jus no- 1·¤¤_ rlumqms no- mi Phila-rms no-

b•1di•. INDQO de Obaldfa. mingu do Obaldie.

Pun uu nn Gu- Pon Cuu—G¤u¤lo de Fon G¤u—Gonnlo de IL—GODBl0d0Q¤5Q Que••;l•,R•h¤ll[0¤tu¤, . Quasde, Rebel liunto- Raf»elHo¤t¤ro,A¤¤¤¤1¤ Autumn Gcuiln I4- m,Anto¤ioG0ns£le•IA- Gonzileshnunbo Pgnun. D0. Fsua. Pu.; Rxrvnuce mn- n Rxnhuc; mm., u.¤4·—Emili0C.J0¤b¤·t. ?¤•$:ru—Emili¤ O. §pE?nilio 0. 3:: ou , · P¤.oPn\':—Eugenm' In- Pon Er. -Put-Eugeub F P¤¤...g¤g,,j,, qbure_y Uuinue, Auto- I4nnbureyU¤£nu•,An~ xbm y Uninue Ag; ximMm6Que¤•¢h,l•- tp¤i¤lhr6Q¤¤•¢h,lh» niol(ir6Que•••·l•,l•- n•mCw¤ep. n.¤mCom•j<•. ri•¤0Canqo. Pnm•E•unoeII¤moe¤o P0nr.o•E•rmoe Uxmoe Fon rn Uumn Burn 1}nm»—Jc•qmm Aure- nm. Bunn.-J uim orBum,—Jo•quimAuhn Ngbuco do Annie, Anuelioliebucodggxnu-' relic Nabuco de Anujo, I¤•gmml"n¤ch¤¤deio,I'Fnri¤ie¤d•I¤imF¤ncieod• A¤aB¤ei1,G•¢:n¤¢l: A¤i•“EI,G••tbd• A‘2B1ni1,Ga•ti¤d• ne¤Ga¤enFe¤eirn,Jo|¤ an Guinea P22}: Quinn gaqmmln- Aman On Ja- Oevzlauti uimlb nude v•n,J¤•6P. gmmhvwde vein, nerd•Snlve¤n,J¤6P.

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mochunbun vhr. §·¤:=nd•Fu»¤¤n niohantune vier.