Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 2.djvu/578

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1596 WIRELESS TELEGRAPH CONVENTION. Novmrssa 3, 1906. releve la statign mime taghee séiall blehcharged by than 0t'é t t é o '- legra managemen haiiegespeifcues aigrld desariaviree. the coastal station is subject with ‘*‘°°°.;‘i“" °“"°"J.“"?' ‘?‘°g'°i’§‘ ates on ar o vesse . ¥¤¤··¢¤¤*¤··¤¤r>¤— Pour les radiotéxegrammes a r For w'}nr§|:stelegrarnsintended destination des navires, l’Adm1- for ships, the wireless tel aph nistration qui a percu les taxes est management which has colgcted débitée directement par l’Adm1- the fees shall be charged directly nistration dont reléve la station by thewireless telegraph managecotiere des tum cotiéres et gle ment towhichthecoastal station bord. Cette dermere crédite is subject with the coastal and l’Admin.istration dont releve le shipboard rates. The latter shall navire de la taxe de bord. credit the wireless telegraph man- “m“ {1 ‘i}‘a°aE°“°' i' te. -1-aaaarasa, aaa. le an on me- mx}. ca; aha wirel>eas tan"` ph ministration qui zemrou les taxes management which has co‘il€rc·ted est la meme que dont reléve the charges is the same, however la station de bord, la taxe de bond as the one to which the shipboard n’est pes débitée par l’Admi1gh- station is subject, the shi board tration dont dépend la station rate shall not be chargedlsy the c0t1éN- wulelees telegraph management to wlgitch the coastal station is subje . ¤¤nw¤¤¤¤¤¤- 4.Les mtesmensuels rv- _T}m gh] - °° mt ·1¤¤»·¤°: ¤i· wmwbmcefpe in; as a”°n$Ta. ’Ea“I-°°a'L`1”Za°a°a€X¤ ciale des radiotélégrammes sont account, of yimlx telegram, étabiis !'¤d10*·é}6g¤‘¤¤\¤1¤ PN ¤•· shall be made out for each telediotélégramme avec toutes les gram se arately with all the necindioations utiles et dans un déhi essa?m<£ta within a period of six 3: 6 rlnsgspgrrzgzrr du more nuquel Eau ffrom the month to which se . _ ¤r»·=¤ •¢=•=¤¤¢¤¤· 5. Les Gouvernements se ré- §T'Ii"il;l&0vcH1m°¤tsr$rv8th° servent la faculté de lprendre entre right to enter into s cial ,_g.me_ 2%* `2Za‘1`£a°°£§a§f.?a2j,’i$iE’;‘.fa‘éZ?; ‘”‘?““;,“'“°“g °‘*"“*°K’e°° md ‘”‘“‘ 8% , _ priva enterprises ( arf - statn9usr·¤fwtél§grnph1q¤¢¤.¤¤m- ating_ wireless telegrgph pagmes de navigation, etc.) des 5}}1pPmg°°mP°ui$, cw) with ,

I;:l1t:':§::“?U¥ii: (}.: vie; of adopting other provisions

concernant la comptabilité. wl to gccouutl ,,[';f°'°•“°°“ ”“‘ [l5]12-BU¤¤AUI¤T¤¤NA¤0¤AL I2. lxmasarroxn. Buanu. XXXVII. XXXVII. "'“°°‘*'f"· Le Bureau international d Th In ‘ Mk'? lm Administrations télégraphiquz Tele B phswshTli'l?;1:iitr13;lt•$<i‘wi:li sera chargé, sous réserve du oon— the 5:-ities specihed in Article 13 sentement du Gouvernement de of the Convention, subject to the la Confédératmn suisse et de Pap- consent of the Government of the §;2“?a‘;?‘;t‘L‘?a£.‘5‘“°“a2‘a.a"“" spat S‘““‘a ‘$°$;°§‘·§*a°“.a.,a‘““ *"° *** , ions · A @2 13 de la cozivennaa. Pmv ° Um"' A<w¤·>¤¤-¤ ¤¤v¤¤·¤ pensee émentaires The additi nal mu] resultant du fonggiggnement dn ing from thezvork oi tlligainternat: Bureau mternatienal, en ce qui tional Bureau so far as wireless ooncerne la radiotélégra hie, ne tclegraphyis concerned shall not dorvent pas dépamer 400&>frm¤ exceed 40,000 francs a year, exclu·