Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 2.djvu/607

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CLAIMS AGREEMENT—GREAT BRITAIN. Auovn 18, 1910. 1625 Special agreement between the. UnitedState:a¢idGreatBr•’Io£1• the ·*¤¢¤·¤¤·w•- subm1e•1on¢y`outstandw:"g pecun·iary_ela·irne to arbitration. _`__"—"- at Washington August 1 , 1910* rahjieahon advised by the Senate July 19, 19I1,· eemjirrned by enelaange of notes April 13, 191l. Special Agreement for the submission to Arbitration o Peeumq **“¤•°·¤ rm Ulaeme outstandang between the United States and G1'¢d·{B1"lfG‘lfb. mmmum Wrmaus the United States and Great Britain are SIQZIB. tories of P'°°°`°‘ the convention of the 18th October, 1907, for the pacific settlement of international dispptes, and are desirous that certain uniary claims outstanding _ tween them should be referred to arbitration, V<>¤·¤·¤>-¤•· as recommended by article 38 of that convention: Now, therefore, it is agreed that as am contained in the_schedules drawn up as hereinafter rovided shall be referred to arbitration under Chapter IV of the saild convention, and subject to the following rovisions: Aimeu: 1.g£:ither pear? may, at any time within four months ,,§,;',;··*··*·· ¤* from the date of the co rmation of this agreement, present to the other party any claims which it desires to submit to arbitration. The claims so presented shall, if agreed uppnby both parties, unless reserved as hereinafter provided, be su mitted to arbitration in accordance with the provisions of this agreement. Theti shall be grouped in one or more schedules which, on the part of e United tates, shall be §reed on l&and with the advice and consent of the Senate, His ajesty’s vernment the right before §;eeing to the inclusion of any claim a6’ect1ng the interests of a -governing dominion of the British Em‘pu·e_to obtain the concurrence thereto of the Government of that ommion. Either party shall have the right to reserve for further examination <¤·*¤· *•¤·•·¤· any claims so presented for mclusion in the schedules; and any claims so reservedi shall hxpot be pregudiced or barred by reason of an lung' contains in t agreemen . itnucu 2. All claims outstanding between the two Gpvemments °"""'°‘”"’· at the date of the signature of this agreement and originating in circumstances or transactions anterior to that date, whether aubmitted to arbitration or not, shall thereafter be considered as nnally barred unless reserved by either party for further exammation as provided in article 1. _ _ mu Aarrcu 3. The Arbitral Tribunal shall be constituted m accord- ,,°*,§,'{’,,,,,,,,_ "'“*°“‘ ance with article 87 (Chalplter IV) and with article 59 (Chapter H1) of the said convention w 'ch are as folloysg _ _ vol lg "Aa·rrcu 87. Each of the partnesm dispute appoints an arb]- · ”’·‘· §ator. The two arbitratlgs thus selecte;_lé:1hooae_ an th do not vree on t int 0 em proposes wo candidates talker? from the gggeral list of the members of the Permanent Court, exclusive of the members appointed by either of the parties and not being nationals of either of them; which of the candidates thus proposed shall be the umpire is determined by lot. _ , . _ _ ` "The umpire yhiesides over the tribuntl, which gives its decrsions b a ma`ori of votes. " , "An*¥x¤r.z 5b. Should one of the arbitrators either die, retire, or l'°'*"· ’·“'· be imable for any reason whatever to discharge hrsfunctions, the same prooedureis followed for filling the vacancy as was followed for appointing him."