Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 2.djvu/62

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1076 SIXTY·SEOOND CONGRESS. Sus. II. Cue. 112, 113. 1912. ww. 1 late f H `tal Co U 'ted States “‘"’ nl`; %v“2‘;°.3L.H§§'£if£.£r“‘§:.yrt.‘& . ,§‘3l’§i... .t‘%’§a dollars per month. _ num. umm. f Ab E. A.r·mstr·o , late of Captam Wilber’e Com-

  • °°“'·i"“"‘°‘*'· $ve'll;·`?1:ll°Ii*1als°l mgmt _0mg0¤ il¤&mmhy;1mmes31m: arg

fmlhteen <1l0'll:!r-gmlyrrlgftlruirlvlixguaolf thx he isangsvmreceivin lealchtllauabrnan. 0 The 3311; ch‘l llaughtrnan, lateff {X. L. Regmen Oregon erm o un Orego i·"*"l'?im·é*»: item Mz: ¤·.2· srl .;.2 *****6 sixteen 0 mon m e 0 · Hira¤¤1LK¢0¤¤L ram Mme of McCord, late if Cam H. Latslxllvgs Co A Seeo t Orego oun 0 un Oregon anqrllglglrinéton yar? and pay him_a pension at_the rate of sixteen dollars per month m heu of that he rs now ¤•¤¤·»¤ P·¤•¤ The name of Mahlon fetree, late of Captam W. H. Latsha e _ °°.'i‘€€“’tm**ga* S°°‘¥’.‘}.}Z.?é'}“12.“d'$.‘.l'$.?£.“ 2.l3“§.f§“rsY1"3”,.¤“°” .r..’£'2‘.?.'§ an as n , rate of sixteen dollars per month in lieu of that he is now

  • ¤**·*"°°°¤·*» The name of Andrew McDonal, late of Comwny Q, Forty-fo

Regiment United States Volunteer Infantry, ar with Spam, and ayhim &%GD§l0l1 at ther;ateéi'twenty-fourdol|arspermonthm M E°l·§* "‘“° °?é’.‘L" '°"§?Eu.t r t. r em. C ·r1me· Regs °¤· name 0 . a 0 , - "w°u°°' ment°W`rseonsin Volrlgucteer Infantry, War with gpxaug, and pay him a had ~ pension at the rate of twelve dollars per month. _ cm,g_¤•,Q•g··•¤· 'lfhe name of Charles Miller, 0 Company I, Fourth Regiment United States Infantry, War with Spam, and a pension at the rate of fort? dollars permonth m lreu of that is now reeervrng. ·'•¤• ’*'°¤¤‘*¤•· M';l‘hb:n:rar_%e fl JeeseI"J£‘furr·entin&_ late pgféompany 3, a 0 rmteer an ar wrt am an a - sion_at the rate of twentytrlzllars per mon& in’lieu olnlhat he isgnggv "“”*¤ '·*’•°•· Thisuirgame of William F. Paee, late of Colonel 1[arkham’s Nauvoo Legion, Utah Volunteers, Utah Indian war, and pay him a pension at the rate of sixteen dollars per month in lieu of that he is now receiving. Approved, May 9, 1912.


Be it enactedby theSenate ndH Rgrrnmtati theUnited ""'°¤'· States of America in Oongretge aaagiewxflg Q at the of the Interior be, and he is hereby, authorised and to place on ghgmrzelnsltrn roll, subyect to the provrsrons and limitations of the "'”*°‘**‘°,,,,°’°••°*’,,,,,,,· The name of Sam el C. Whitwam, late of F F urth imma Regiment Volunteer Cavalry, and payirlrlinmz pension at the rate of fifty ollars per month in lieu of that is now receiving. ¤·¤•M¤<>· ’1‘¤¤k¤- The name o Leander 0. Tucker, late of Com y K, Thirt.y·third Regiment Iowa Volunteer Infantri, and &ay a pension at the . rate of thirty dollars per- month in en of at he ie now w°}”A‘ I"` Tim mm° Yf w°¤l°gnA· M*“» 1**0 °f C°mP\¤]` I, Eighty-fvvrtb R..§‘f.‘2°“.».M I”"£.“§.ll° ”“ I"‘&‘*"ir.‘.'3‘?.l’£'r¥.t°‘»l'2 ·" "°"°‘°." ’5‘·"‘° are mon in m now . sneer .r.r¤v¤ name of Samuel Powers, late of Com any D, Forty-eix Regiment Miesorm Volunteer Infanhy, and a pension at the rateoftwentrfourdollanpermonthmheuollgatheismwreeeiving.