Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 2.djvu/733

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1714 1>1z0cLAMAT10Ns, 1911.

  • ¤*=*¤¤“¤*· This roelamati shall t ttheeettlementand f

""”*’·"‘ mes ngnwrem §ma ¢:»°¤$i:;i°m me entry u¤aer°l€1?_Xc{?i Co approv June eleventh, nineteen hundred and su, en-

 "An Act,;1‘e provide for the entry of Agricultural lands wrthm

an muse. 0 It is not by proclamation to reserve any land not herotoforeembraeed m a National Forest, nor to release an landirom ...;‘.;":2.‘.‘¥‘..".L..‘{.."‘*, reservation. rm. mas eumissm from me Deschutes Nieman For- Qi ·_’_“,_ » est aaehewn on the attached duggnm are withdrewn for classification n¤•.p.u••. undertheActe¢§unetwenty- th, mneteen hundred andten (36 - Stat. 847), n pmvrded rn the prpehmahon efeotive July iirst, ninelteenlnmidredmdelevuychangngtlreboundarnesofsaid National

WHEllEOF, I have hereunto set my hand and

eamedthesealoItheUnitedStat¤tobea£xed. Dune ¤theGt‘yo£¥°a:‘hingwa°thhthirtiethhdaydJ:nla;‘e,·il1I:,tb year o our one mend mae unrhed v_ [ein-] ¤;g1ef·tl‘;eI¤;dependune•oftlneUnitedSt•testli•on•h¤i.i.:: ID Drum _ V ~ _. Wir H Tan Hurrngmog Wmint _ Ares; •m¢a·yef8U•. ...{;'1°L'E·.,,.. Br·¤nPn¤srna¤·ror··r·snU¤¤•¤Srrar¤erA1r¤r¤a A PROCLAMATION Ng ’•·••·,,m“,*• WHEREAS during the month ell A. D., 1911, I ng) made

 ruoed thirty-one (31)   to tab deet July first,

Mesa-;. nmeteenhun and eleven, aifoctmgandhaving relatronto eaten A I-. NatmnalForestemthe§tates0f§}ol0¤do,Idaho,Mentu:a, oregon, $¤gg·_ ¤*g*,_·Wahmgwn and Wyoming, dto-mt: Bonneville, Briggs, Cascade, Fremont Klamathi,Malheur, llinam, Neaperee Oehoeo, Okanegan: (Qegoa, ayette, St. Joe, San Juan, Santiam, Selvyay, S10ux_ , Siskiyou, Umatrlla, Umpqua, Walrus, Wedahe, Weiser, 0 °•¤·•¤•,,, •*,•••·•,, New, therefore I, William H. Taft, President er ‘ seq;

¤:s°°•i°{; anon-. of America, by virtue of the power in me vested by‘la·wUe!:litd·`il>artim»

1;-2 by the prevmons of the Act of Ceugren ap ed June fourth, teen_ hundred and nirrelxseven, entitled ‘ mw Making zropngfurns for sgsldgy ci _ expenses ofhthe Goxdrmnent ford; other p , do proclaim that said oroclamationsafllzyenmg txoned ausging ‘ P¤1’P°¤• of •¤¢:n9d`m bw"? mwpem gx pmdatdforbgvlp mentionedN v mir ¤»¢..,· nears.; ,, "‘ '“,d,,,‘,,,· ,,-° ti-ative nmits thlguld bg redue1:l and a mor:h:fiicient of the Forests efeetedg and that said pmclamations were made and u• t0beandahal5be§l0;¤dereda•oneactandallt0 vc I ! . ° at , i.. ..,...“·r·“··., nggxgm m:·;:::...u·°*·°.d e‘?.i.°r2'i‘2: __ ,any o __0rest,nerw iftendedtomah any addmnn, ner irq any addrtron made, to“anymNatienal Forest um. In ¤¤¤*¤f_ <¤•¤g•ted,1{1thm_thel¤m1tsofpryofth•aaidabovemmit tronedStatesm¢gnflictv1thtl»Kr¤v¤rer¤·I;•;{theAetolCo¤gre¤• glwd urth, nmstom undrsd um, · · Making appropriatmns for the Department Ale: the Escal year ending June thirtreth, nineteen li and eight,"