Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 2.djvu/754

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amendment were in favor thereof, and that the Governor of said Territory has by proclamation declared the said amendment a part of the constitution of the proposed State of Arizona:

And whereas the Governor of Arizona has certified to me the result of said election upon said amendment and of the said general election:

Vol. 36, p. 568.
Ante, p. 42.
And whereas the conditions imposed by the said Act of Congress approved on the twentieth day of June, one thousand nine hundred and ten, and by the said joint resolution of Congress have been fully complied with:

Declared admitted as a State. Now therefore, I, William Howard Taft, President of the United States of America, do, in accordance with the provisions of the Act of Congress and the joint resolution of Congress herein named, declare and proclaim the fact that the fundamental conditions imposed by Congress on the State of Arizona to entitle that State to admission have been ratified and accepted, and that the admission of the State into the Union on an equal footing with the other States is now complete.

In testimony whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the United States to be affixed.

Done at the City of Washington this fourteenth day of February, in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and twelve and of the Independence of the United States of America the one hundred and thirty-sixth.


Wm H Taft

By the President:
Huntington Wilson
Acting Secretary of State.

February 15, 1912.

By the President of the United States of America,


National Forest in South Dakota.
Ante, p. 1680.
Whereas, By Proclamation, effective July 1, 1911, the President of the United States added certain lands to the Black Hills National Forest in South Dakota, and changed its boundaries by setting aside portions thereof to constitute the Harney National Forest; and

Whereas, In order to provide for a proper adjustment of the State’s claims to lands within said Nation Forest in satisfaction of its common school grant a memorandum of agreement was entered into under date of January 4, 1910, between the Forester, United States Department of Agriculture, and the State of South Dakota, whereby it was agreed that the said State should relinquish its title or claim under its grant in aid of common schools, to lands included within the Black Hills National Forest, prior to survey, being the whole or parts of sections 16 and 36 in each township, and be allowed to select other lands equivalent in acreage and value lying along and within the boundaries of said National Forest, and it was further agreed that a Board should be constituted to be composed of one representative appointed by the State of South Dakota, one by the Forester, and the third to be selected by the other two, which Board should make an examination, upon the ground, of the lands to be surrendered, the location of which had or might be fixed either by the lines of the public surveys, as extended over said forest, or by protraction; and also the land to be selected lieu thereof; and

Whereas, The Board constituted under such agreement has completed its examination and designated areas of lands within the Harney and Sioux National Forests, in the State of South Dakota, equivalent in acreage and value to sections 16 and 36 included in the