Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 2.djvu/82

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1096 · SIXTY-SECOND CONGRESS. Sess. H. Ch. 138. 1912. -¥¤¤¤¤·-¤·•••— The name of John L. Reese, late of Comginy E, One hundred and eighty-second Regiment Ohio Volunteer entry, payuhhhh: pension at the rate of twenty-four dollars per month m lieu o now ¤•¤·>¤¤W-¤•¤·!· is The name of ansom W. Bailey, late of Company A _Qne hundred and seventy-first Regiment Pennsylvania ted Militia Infant% and pay him a pension at the_rate of twenty-four dollars per mon in lieu of that he is now receiving. _ ¤°¤°°*·w•'“’°· »The name of Horace R. Weston, late of Company I, Thirteenth n o un an , an a a on a iW”°%“?‘“£2.Vf§¢“t?.$ I"*‘¥i‘°"’ “‘¤§Z..°°“°"4‘.‘i.l B' F€’°&.??5"L‘} tvrileinta -four dollars month in of that hg is now receiving. William B y wager . "`"` “°n'L“" $..1 t3 €“"‘°" 1““’.i°* °°‘i1‘.%’..“”’ p.¤K’.i”?s°'°?‘l°t.R°“tZ t un av an a a a ra iiliotilhirty dtxsllars per month ihblieiu of thal he is now recei ° . _ ¥°*·¤ W*=¤*=· The name of John West late of Company E, t Iowa Volunteer Cavalry, and pay a pension at the rate o thirty dollars per month m lieu of that he rs now receiving. _ b_‘;_“”•¤ K- '*`*¤*· The name of William H. Tmkham, late of Company A, Regiment Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry, and pay hrm a pension attherateoftwentydollarspermonthrnlresrofthatherenow 1‘¤·¤·¤¤¤-'1'¤¤¤· mglqhvelilrganre of Frederick J. Thilke, late of Company A, Thirtyseighth Regiment Wisconsin Volnmteer Infantry, and pai a pension at therate oftlurty dollars ermonthmlreu of that ersnmrrecer . ‘gK_¤¤·¤¤v¤==¤·¤¤** The name of Christopher G. Burdic late of Com any E, Tiagsl Regiment, and Company C, Forty—£1jstkIte§ment, Volun- .‘f2.‘il'.£‘{.‘*.’1°{.?'.;..'£l‘§‘*¤.."f2?.'..’2.‘?"a1J&°L‘0$°..c..“h’ ’“° °f °"°“”'“'°“’ ·*¤°*°·° R°•¤· R The nam; oieditnébroee lgtelof ·T•re§rty-eeyeurith egrment m tatee o o teer an a · pension at the rate of twenty-four diillars per hleiiiyof that rs now recer . Fw! G- '¤`¤¤¤•· The name o?I1§en.ry G. Trimble, late of Company C, Reil- - ment Kentucky Volunteer Infantry, pay hun al pension at the rate of sixty-five dollars r month m lieu of hat he rs new recer . gw; The name of (harles arner, late of Company H, 1forty-eeven5n ’ R%l;l6Ht Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry and pay him a pension at _ rate of twenty-four dollars per mont rn lieu of that he rs now rece: . ’°"" H°“"""'**· Thzmrgame of John_ Hollabaugh, late of Company Q, Kftyéirst Regment Pennsylvama Volunteer Infantry, and pay him a pension at erate of fo dollars er month rn lieu of that e rs now recervrng. ¥•¤r¤• ¤~ ¤~¤¤·¤· The name of Ewa L. iwhary, widow of Charles A. Zachary, late captain (bmpany , Second Regiment Kentucky Volunteer Cav , . dry and pay her a penszon at the rate of twenty·five dollars per month rn hen of thatahersnowrecei . ’°‘“‘ ‘°"'°"‘· The name of John Roeswviiii, late of Company H, Fifth Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteer Cavalry, and pa him a pension at the rate of 0 PM thu·tydollarspermonthinlieuofthat&isnowreee1vrng' . """‘° ‘ · The name of Eugene 0. Pratt, late of Compan B, orty-sixth Regiment Wisconsin Volunteer Infantry, and ay a n at rtheeuy:it;g0f twenty~fourdollarsper·rnonthin§e¤r ofthat eisnow ‘°"‘°**"'°"°· ThenameefRobieM.Towl lateofCo Onehrmdredth Regiment Indiana Voluntec Iiilantry at the r‘::;:h;•;twenty-fo11rdolluspa·monthinheu0fthat’l?eianowre- ’°‘“"·'”¤'· TheiiameefJohnJ.Evarra,lateofCompany TlnL Reg-° ment Kentucky Volunteer Cavalry, and pay him F , at the rate oftwenty-fourdollarsnermonthrnlieu of thathersnowrecdving.