Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 2.djvu/857

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mnmx. 1799 Army——Continued. Prize. Army—Continued. Psa. nppropnation for target range, Vancouvcr appropriationtoruseof tents, etc.,atChiek· _ llormvks Wada ... 583 amauga Park to Grand Army and roadways, Arhngwn, Va, ,,,,,,_,.,, _ , _ 583 Confederate Vetgnms .,..,,.,, , __,, 721 road In Vancouver Barracks ... 583 for pumhase of Belvoir tract, Virgin' l` lling swamps, etc. Military Academy 584 from District of Columbia; use ti filling ponds, etc., l·`ort Taylor, Fla. . . 584 [und ,,_,_,,,,__,,____________ _ _ _ _ ,539 pavement, Fort Banks, Winthrop, bounty to honorably discharged sol- Mas .··· ~ ·······-· ; ···-----·-.. 716 diers resnlisti in time of war ..,... 590 _ road, Forth Canby, Wada,. 584, enlistment extendegl to seven lor water an Severus mt rtary posts. . an- g ’ ____ 590 additional land, Fort D. A. Ruhsll, Corps W ···; ·-·-·-·· ····_ ··.·-----~·--- 584 sition,stc . 591 for mag bndgcs, and trails in Alash. 584, 716 General Sta! Corps, composition, etc., Sgnal Corps building, Alaska. .. 717 medihsd ,,,, , ...,,,_,,,,_,,,__ _ _ _ 594 for elter m the Philippines ... Z. 584,717 cadet service not to be computed as for clothing and camp and garrison lenizth of service of officers . 594 _ equrpage ... 2 . 584,717 usso amountsi¢1rdeparhnenlain1eonindemnity for destroyed clothing. . ._ 585, 717 solidated corps ...,,_,, 594 for poet hospitals, construction, repair, presnt rank, etc., of officers not afetc .. 585, 717 fected ,__,, 594 for $1uar-ters for hospital stewards .. 585, 717 for fortifications ., 125, 671 for ootinggalleries and ranges .. 585, 717 for military Academy ... . ... 251, 856 Fort D. . Russell, Wyo .. 585 for pensions, ,.,.. . ,, 311, 736 for Army War College . ... 585, 717 for armories and arsermls . . 438 for rent, Quartermaster Corps, D. C 585, 718 it military pens , 438 contracts for storage space for execu- fu equipping uanspsrts with lifebosts, I five deplar¤nents,betc.. 718 fm etc ... . 1 33 or paying amage c 1ms, etc., target quartermaster c0mm¤s.ry' su practice _ . 586, 718 plies to relieve suEerers in ni; for lands, etc., included Fort William sinippi and Ohio Valleys .. 633 H. Seward Reservation .. : . . 586 for sncampments of Organized Militia for- clotlni%;orn out, etc., in lighting with. .. _ ... 639 forest . 586 delcisncy tPg*°P'i*¤on for Fort Mason for Medical Department; snfplies, etc. 586, 718 supply epot, Cal . 3- preventing spread of epi emics 586, 718 for arrears ogiay, etc .. 48 employees, etc 586, 718 War with n . 49 Hot Sprin§, Ark., Hospital . . . 586, 718 for wirelem taglmsne . 601 for Medical useum· library . . . . 587, 719 lor Subsistence partmznt . . . 601, for care of insane Filipino and Porto 619, 623, 919, 935 Rican soldiers .. 587, 719 for pay . 601, 619, 623, 919, 935, 938 for Engineer Departmentgexpenses, etc., for mileage to omcers and contract surol depots. .. 587, 719 (genus. . . 601, 619, 935 for instruments for issue . 587, 719 lor pt. F. A. Grant ,. 601 for school, Washington, D. C.; restric- lor Lieut. Col. D. E: McCarthy ... . 802 tion ,,... . ... 587, 719 for Maj. James Curtis .. . . ... 602 lor equipment of troops , . 588, 720 for Capt. George H. Scott ... 602 for services of civilians . . . 588, 720 for Lieut. George Buhlen, jr ... 602 for contingencies in the Philippines. . . 588, 720 for Lieut. Sanderford Jarman .. 602 for Ordnance Department; current ex- for Military Academy ... 602. 619, 935 Pgmcs .,.__._...,,,_,,.. 588, 720 for contingent ex DIC . . . 619 reimbursement for arms imued to Post for General Staff % . . . . 619 Omoo Department. 588 for militia encarnp ts . 619, 623 for ammunition for small arms, etc 588, 720 for Quartermaster s Department .. 619, 6Zi price of powder limited . . . . 588, 720 for Medical and Hogntal Department. . . 619 for •mall·arms target practice; marks- for ordnance and nance stores ... 619 men’s medals, prizes, etc 588, 720 for pensions. ._ . .. .. . . 621, 925, 936 price ol powda lunited .. 588 lor commutation of quarters, psymastcrs issue to institutions, etc. ... 588, 720 clah Z . . . . 623 for manutacture, etc., of arms 589, 720 im transportation ... _623, 935, 938 for repairing and pruerving ordnance im water and sewer systems at military stars .. 589, 72) 623, 935 for ordnance stores .. . .. : 589, 721 for Department ... . ... 623 for Infantry, etc., equipments 589, 721 hr commutation of quarters, pay clerks. . 919 for annual rule contests, trophy, medals, lm relief of sutiaers {rom Booda 919 sw ____, , ,,__,_,_,_,_____,,, 589, 721 for Col. William S. Peirce and for purchase, etc., ot automatic machine Ma;. T. L. Ames . . . 920 rms, _,_,,_______,_, _ _____,,, 589, 721 fig gg:. . 3223 for Field Artill material for organnsed’ t. 0 . ... . . Mijjgia ,,,, ____,_,_____,,.. . . . 589, 721 for Capt. J. E. Norrnoyle .. 920 pa. entforstouesuansfenedwothe i¤rCapt.J.A.Co0per . 920 g:·eaus, etc . . 589 for Ca t. Briant H. Welles ,. 920 or ammunition lor Field Artillery, Or- for men, extra-duty pay .. 935, 938* ganized ... . . 5N, 721 ion- Qnartermaster Corps ... 935 royalty on automatic rilles .. . 721 for barracks and quartaa. . . 935