Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 2.djvu/881

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mmm:. 1823 Calumet Company Pan 0unada—Co dn rua. may c.l§·nge mgetgqngagm ‘lVilli,am A. 73 consent oil a ;i‘: 1§uired for bridge c.ia..»».¢.,..`Z“f32’ii,¢, D. c., ‘ §’§T’”» ¤.iE.m‘L&‘»Y.‘3’i3't ap _ nation for repairs . 151 ... 10m

::·g1;,f“im wi 206 Us furseal   teubsddelivsred in Govern;

PPN 1¤¤V¤¤¤¤ , n pwviyiing - acquiring site and erecting public building’witl1 gmt Britain oetgm 502 ah sutlmuiaed ... . . 874 proclamation zdsrving strip of larid Camden e. . hmm · appropriation for public building . 418 loci hx I I - - I 174} Camaon,DonOarlo•, tradgmml tsautboriaedtobensgbl pension increased .,.. . ... 1054 _ .,.., 12 Camerqn, Dvsncan D., subject. to aa.·6en by Congreq ... -.. 12 cP€¤¤0¤§'¤¢!¤§d·.·.·.·-··-·.·.· 1144 d7l'ld'07I‘ ul., FP"]? ‘ - . . v acquiring site md erecting public building C. I- mu nlm-I” and °xp°m°°‘ 4-m' ms (MMA g1t’a,.I-2 mf I Ed `'`’ '‘'` 876 dutiesoh ar¤c' leg from Canada... 4 pension inland ____ ____.____________u__ 1393 meffectouevideynlizimsgecxliedrgtesby Camp C'I•ag¢,_Columba.r, Ohio, dutiuC{:u*dbe i';¤°“ b C '·“°'l *“I!J?l*?'· · 6 appmpmmn for Gcntedeme comcwry. gum pmdpotcdh y on mud 6 camp, °'`'°'`'`` `' '°'``'° 441 I¥ti¢l9¤ €X¤mPli {Nm -|d||¤- _ - peugon inuénd 1257 _ from Canada .. 9 Camp Pm, OHM ··•‘·•·‘·‘‘‘··•·‘·· · ‘‘‘‘ m effect <>¤ ¤vid¤¤¤• cl bps •d¤¤¤i•>¤° _ appropriation for International mw c°*d* °‘ 'P°°m°d umu Ri¤°Sh00ti$Emp°uLb•·•..-··· 711 _ StBt0lII'd0l$..2... l0 0,,,,1,;,,;;, Bmjamm __ articles admitted into Canada from United Cpenzicgn igcreased ... . 1149 l 8***°°"°° *]{,**°*¥··;;;;··;;;:··-l ---· 10 MP. »i » Elnl:llaadn11tg&o{dut; . 1.1 Ca];n¤§£ ncreged . ... 1151 Mnhion Ingham i W".- u pension i¤cm”d______'-'_____ _____· 1145 further trade sgreementato bemgotsated Campbell, Elizabeth A (www) ."Y “’° P*F¤d°¤* ·-········-···· · 12 wnjgn ___________ ________ [ _______,,,,. 1 an '“*’*°°€‘° ‘°"°"."’ °°°€'°" ··········· 12 Cumpbsur Emmy u_ (widow). Gmail, Ehmbdh (mdmv), penmn incmad __________ _ _______,__,,, 1428 P°°°°° ‘‘‘‘''‘‘‘° '°'`‘‘‘'‘' ‘' um Campbell He", Cena! 7blI•,_Pa·nmm, mmm; ingmkd _____ _ __________________ un proc|•¤¤•¤¤¤ pmcribins Nec of -·-----··· 1769 Cgmpbful pgyqqh . and ZOB! (MG dll! (.A¤8l Actgl Wm.? ,?m,,,d _______ _ ________________ 1214 •pp~p:1•¤i<>¤ f¤r ¤¤¤#¢>>¤¤¤» fm ¤·¤|¤¤¤r>‘ 485 (3 , mw, .,..., agggon ________________________________l _ 1345 lor rehe of nhipwreckod Ame-:-i<11n megampbggl, Jayne. gg, nnen in .. : . _  ; . . 104, 696 C¤»¤~g;·;;=g·°,¤;=·;;¤ ·······-·--···--···---·- W .£.’£¤?.‘E‘.§B§I'$“3¤'&'.“»~°'°'£"‘°”"3·z‘ ”° ‘ . unece, . xgeimi incrzaaea · usa !¤;d¤¤•!» ·!¤ir> ·¤·m>¤i¤¤. etc-. www: g 5,;;, Jo), y_ nz _ . . . 564 zancgsion incrzased 1201 *!°° tv l"*·‘*'¤2 V¤*¤'[·* ·-·------- ; --~·.-. 564 Campbell, Jogphr ¤·lnv¢···fment of receipts; da-pgqcqi ng pension increased .. .. 1123 p¤~»6t.—; monthly n·p0rL—· mqumxi, ,, 564 ga,,,;P;,,;; Lumber com y, nulbornly of governor cf_Punama Vanal over 564 may bmp Saint mls River, M0. to 20 sppogatmsnt of magmnrten, cnnntablg, 564 Campbell, ,{,,,.,‘ ‘·,,,,‘ ‘ " ‘‘‘‘‘‘'‘‘‘’‘‘'‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ demic; `éé»I1§1i&1ié{1"i¤i{ `aiéiéabhh} ' ‘ creased ... . ¢¢¤¤¤ ······-------·--- . ... . 565 cnggxsz kloberl N., 1043 prsyclice; iqrisdictim; ... . . . 565 may be reinstated Erst lieutenant, Coast Juni, 0$¢¤l¤» lim!. MC  : 565 , Alggncyy corp. ,_,_,,,, · ,____________ 1 903 transfer of records, etc., nf exacting 56 C“I]",',,,,° {1;,, §’”_ J_'“”_ _"_’ _______ _ _________________ 1294 in-¤1¤.u¤i{ 2»}`éiiZ@ih§g`é6b}i§.`.'.ZZ ZZ Z I ZZ su g,mp5g;;_ Fillfam g_, wm contmmnce ot supreme Bw p€DX!ll¤Cl@@d.. .. _ ·•···- ··—~ ; --··--- · ---·· ··•-· qmahy duties of imma uG¤ah handcrrod . 566 ·'_· f,u¤,,‘ and Hug procedureeyc _  : . 500 “"""’%.'I.“..I.‘Z»'lr,?$>.»l.6e§‘H..1. Lf nm wp;-¤· ¤»’¤2¤¤» Gnrcmtwurtofapppaia. sca go, mlrki boundary um between ndw not to be erected within Ungwdngum md ___________ _ _____ gg, gg; 15 mile cl Guvcnmmt stations in., N7 for exhibit at International Dry land had Zone, Ganannnentoflaze also Istbmian

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agreement wi rea n regula · appropnh odious and luyeq, · North Atlantic coast iidieries of? 1634 depamnent ol civil · 484 C0§€0¤$lR8¢0!dlDb0tUf¤l*0tiX1E€* fu labor, deparunnt of civil adminb may of site 2: external ahh! be tn& 4M exchange Parliamentary matdib, etc., dqaatnnt of civil Hansrd .. 682 adminitntinn .. 480