Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 2.djvu/898

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1840 INDEX. comuxk ,;,3,; _ ,,g,,,· P ‘ C , Pan. penaiori . .. {' .. 1;:1 esgpzpriation fork printing and oiniexangfor. Conga]; JEL ‘ eetunatesan etete te u pension gueased 1261 deficie{:pg·d:ppmpri•t.i<:I:rel;0r%uti¤g and 933 cum", ,4,, i ... . . . .

  1391 acknovazedgigrleat by, of receipt of resolu-

Clorles ., * Legislature relatnng mn incrr···•ed 1251 to agbile bicenuénmali . . . 1453 ’ ‘ ‘ D••pL , arrange nts or coun eec vo suthaity :{Secretary of Labor to appoint fgclheaident and wm President. . . 1465 commigionere ol`, etc ... 738 certificate of ratification of Amendment to Concord {venue NIE, D.N(&,th clpiwl S the (lonetgtutnon authorizing, to levy 1785 mm, lughsrg from tzeet taxes on mcomee .. To Rock &pek Pak designated . 65 concurrent resolution authorizing adjourn- Concord, N. H._, _ ment df, August 22, 1011. .. 1456 limit ot cost mueaeed, public building 861 August 26, 1012 . 1464 cterme oi cggtu at . . .. 357 mdhgandglhohday 1011 Capwprietion public building;} ... . 410 joint ofgre tiroiioutég M65 M4, , notification of termination of treat of 1832 appropriationlorauorneyincharged. .1 404, 761 with Runia, adopted am? ntilied emfloyment of other counsel forbidiog 781  : ... 621 en . ns , e . e -servrce em - Coadunud Gannon (ne Ordnance, Army, _ Pe _ eee,¥nterieredwith..l{... 566 Obsolete): , patmionfor apportionment of Re resenh Conduit Road, D. 0., ativea in, under Thirteenth 13 ap tionfurim toG1eatF\Ils. 154 trade agreements with Canada authorized, F;.’°§.;ihg12lJ8iDCiI.W\®‘EIi eubjecttoactionby ... 12 along .. _ ... . 117 Congrua Eagan, D. C., _ meeemente credited to appropnatnon for extending water trunk for measrgsenueag iurmer1:w . gg . 177 con oing unprovemen mesnen c 1 wa epern Coneculr River, F . ondAh., nentrevenuea; iormerhwrepeeled. 177 appropriation for improvement ol .. 210, 810 Congmr, fntanationel w Lond,

Jexanunation of, to be made.. . 227 appropriation for exhib t at .. 301

pension inereehed . : .. 1421 appropriation lor quota . 3 .. 101, 603 Oonfeczimray, Conraeo/0haa•b¢r·aI¢gfOo••••ae•onJCo••· dut on Canadian 4 made! and nduatriol Aaaodoeiona re¢:'kldutyinCanedaon 7 Jxblnternaaiw ,1 ° Conf _ litvieltglota, nc foreignh vemmenuin tedtotakepart Bu a ro nation care, protection . .

 bz! the United Staten. .,..   441 Ovnyme  and Dmoyophy, Interau ou I I

ergo, Ill., 4 appropriation Dihictot Columbia ex- Cbapjimpnauon for etc., of . , ... 441 wm lnbit at .. .. . 166 edema , . ., ponristruc erlean dying igd ilolumbia magfbebtm in Park, C., allowed to 636 in crate Arling remain or meeti . .. ... C I tongemetery; no expense. etc .. 440 oéa°Bo\ool Hyyksg on eterunr orergn vernmenta to te loan of tents,_etc.’, for use at Chattanotp in Fourth, at gulglalo N. GQ end®1ckamaugaPark,to. .. . 721 Congr¤•qn6‘o¤olIn••¤uneg,1nla1¤nb1ml, hereafter restricted to Grand Army of the appmpnataon for expense of meetings, Revblic and United .. MBS Wadnington, D. C . 417 (,'•Tqeder?g&ng¤u1ra’.I:rcwri";n,Adz,0Elu., M4 C'01l9·r•ca•m•Ug¤j`o•I•Le¢¢er•ofEnderrge,I1•· <II10 ., ...a UHIGNIQI, Cmqedaure Yda:’·R¢r¤non,' Bacon, Ga. deicie rlation for report of Col:;n o5tenta,Pcote, etc., tu ... :.. 628 egate. ... 606 er, emu ., . Oongreammz Dueuoq

t i¤rdari'r'.aéestofro;gerty¢! ... 1286   for    864, 74;

1 cult, 0I' . . · · ’ er;t_ nutlurised to invite 6lID mercury, Biiogmphiml, natromtohold . 637 lppngmataoniorpnvpanngneweditirnd. 470 subjectafcr cowention . . . ... g printing ord? ... . . 1466 appropriation; ... . ... reason! Ooqfaenea §i1•o•·‘i:,Eru•• us czr·i:‘fo:lAugu¢, lél, tobepaidonday 44 appmpdauon dah, iournmen . .. 0oapmRi••·,€&C., of _ mia i¤rl:$e;r1iber,1011,tobepaidDee¤n· ul ‘W"°" ‘·‘· ans W Qwarutndeeiova .8Uu, .. .. .. enended b Co¤|n•toChim anralq I Deeunbee 10 be ol repuglinniurmotgovesfnrnant. 14N G nee• ..?:‘i:gt¥.. 101