Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 2.djvu/921

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mnmx. 1863 "‘s*'é"·"’ "°'“'"’”""q°:*""“°?· M. t. ""°‘ ”‘f».;'i,‘.€‘..;""°"»:"*"“‘°°,.,r..“"“°°‘Er.,,.,..r, "" e mono a ro naron or ru trons, ' ‘ . { Eglrnlidgsrrrgln . 599,917 h r.% ... {Tm T? . or or ergency oepr . . 599, 917 eight of buildings, ° thextended ior f Eastern Drspensary ... 599, 917,' etc .. 1 f$ Board of OhiIdren’s Guardian 599, 918 parapet ll: for Reform _School for Girls .. . . 1.. . . . 599 highways system, chair in plan for Foufor Industnal Home Sdrool ... . . 599 teenth Street N ., etc., authorized. 326 for workhouse 600, 629 partof North Dakota Avnue NW., elimigor Madison ..,.. g nr:lted from. .. 5 . . . .. BM or r . cerernom] 1 13 of Qesh, {or pagringgidclgments 600, 33 . . . Ll?- . — E. 10B or unacy Wnts ectric twrh , 103 for expenses, supreme court . . 600,918 indigent insane, balance due Innne Az for support of convicts out of District. . 6(ll,919 lum for cost of, 1881 to 1911, to for National Training School for Boys.. 000 reimbursed from District revenus; for support of {prisoners, jail ... 500, 917 installments . . ..,, 4Q], for Home for ged and Iniirm .. 600 inane, collections on account of, to be defor naval militm . . .. 600 lull to credit d United for assess0r’s office ... . .. 916 takes and half to Dktrict . . . .. 917 for coutingfut expenses . 916 insurance eom of anfor public forary ... 916 nual return ed .. 22 for condemning streets, etc . 916 land, etc, to connect Potomac and Zoofor extending certain streets, etc., _ 1ogwal_Parks, to acquired 885 iu wholly from District revenues. . lrcenses requ1red_lor etc., of x sewers . es ; penalty for public srgles, . .,,. . 910 _ 653 for electrical department ... . 916 Lmcoln liemonal glan, etc., approved. : . . 1022 {or Qlgllumbia Institution for Deaf ... Hetropglrtan _ °‘,C&r:po.rry, regulation 490 or ’co . . OPGSKKII . . . . . fo ealtlr d partment ... . .. 917 Acsdsrrrycsdets, two allowedfrom 252 fo; lice celurt . 917 money mding on securities at for glmnbia H ital for Women. . 917 _ more than {per cent per annum 657 for Govemment?§>ita1forInssne .. 917 license hu; app patrons, etc ... 657 for Smoot Companyu . . . 918 pumshrnent for vrolatrons ... 659 for mrlrtrs expenses 918 notgpplrmble to natronal banks, etc: . . . 660 got refund M; A. R. Thompmn: overh delaitnc allowed for hght or refund o erroneous ons .. an egrn , mtugurtl ceremo- · · · [mm mQ 1913 ,,,..,,_,,.,,,.., HB3, IMI dm uso r>¤¤¤>¤¤¤ ¤¤=» ¤¤¢¤*e1>¢i¤¤.¤f ¤<>¤··¤¤¤ •f- r¤·1s·¢m»r1»¤¢1rwil¤»‘ . mv . ¢¤¢*··>*P¤*>'*€°’¥*¤·'·, ,···¤ ···· E ·-·-— 1 M American Red Crum may erect temporary P°h°° Jjwrduly Pg: N-'“°”'"F! in P°°°““° P“`k ······ 1 · ‘ M ishmmt . l 192

 f°*` ’“Pl’°"' 'ma mm' 134 threats to do bodily harm; punishment. 196

coneeuosrneriiéirirrrurorbiuarrssrsa. rm P°“°°':;‘cfL’””__,a{,h_h‘?“““¢'°d___; ffl] ff ,3 bringirg stogsn ngiliiaxlhlp _¥-l¤• prevention rffcontsgiovus 1911, 3 istri p amoun or services, in .. la t .. . . . 45 blic regulatrh 914 Commgdiélgg Barney Circle, l¤¢¤¥·i¢>¤ ¤¤¤l> 29 puresuigticm on rn:¥er· of corporations. .. 1006 ' . ... - - real estate the , restriction mrpaadpns, Ameritxn A¢ld¢|IlY It R0I¤9» ogrip lotzzntlr . . . 474 pprpwtfi $@3-. ¢!l¢•¤¢`l•‘l; -·-··-·--· 124 return from President requested of bill Amor-gazed oqntal of PIII. dllritf 654 nl {mm capxtal punishment ln..(i 1465 ...----· · ····· · · · - ; -·-····· e o Ween C uaru an

 Numismatic Anociatwn, char-   giver, rwokeall _________ 353

r.,,‘*’ ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ rs; as ‘°“ °*‘°°"“"°°"°·r.,rM1’s‘°““°;':.rr°‘é{‘°.d...*’¢ ‘2;"" err;-an s way rntingschanged .. -·;.:.-· 647 ' ...,.. 679 Gerxzae A¤Yl\1¤1_ A¤¤<¤¤¤0¤» we streetslxgltg., e§t;rsion, etc., of Colorado 1 board directors m¤<l15¤¤‘l ·-------· A e .. National of Am and Lettn, an exwprlgglgei Ksrurergyé S¤estN1;vW ... 7} gran .».··· · ···~--·---·- · xtensron The Naval History Budd?. dlrkf ’ gxtension of New Hséaggshim Avenue. . . 729 panted ...·· · ··-·· ·· --··-- ·--- 322 extension 0; %nderw A Stree§I_&W. lg worth nid be used b Fifth extensron 0 estem venue ... lggiriroent Nationallluard, name restored to Oregon Avenue .. . 65 inaugural ceremonies . . 1022 suKragep|·0ce¤10n,st¢>pp•geof tr-atlic fog,etc 10% eight-hour work day stipulation for work 1.l(l9,0t¢.,t0P0i0H|2¢8DdA¤l¢0|t1IRlVQI

  • " ""31°”.r;‘.$`.’;r“°°"‘“i“ '°"““"’ is $ ¤.¤¤."°°*.r§m’°'”‘£“§§».‘r'3f.*.r".3‘“‘ 93

,,d.,`°.$¤°°°r.u¤¤ .. ZZZZZIIIIIIIZZZIII on rurmurrmrsaa; pmerrire . se George adringtonlemuial Buildingau- report to Congrs; appeal to Supreme thor-ized in Amory Square; com- Court _ . 94 struction, etc ... . . .. 881 appropriation for expense .. . . . 94