Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 2.djvu/930

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1872 INDEX. Enlisted Hen, Ar·uty—Continued. Pan Enlisted Hen, Nm•y—Continuod. Pon. a tion for extm-dnt y, srtill allowance for, result of personal misconduct Ppmqnltl ordnance foertlz. _ excepted . ._ . . . 329 fications 576, 709 clnldren to receive, if no widow 329 for switchboard operators, interior- enlhunent term made tour years. 330 poets ... 576, 709 voluntary extension authorised; pay and for extra·duty pay. Alaska telegraph allowances r . .. . 331 system . 576, 709 may be discharged within three months of for 20 per cent increase on foreign serv- expirationof term withoutprejudice ice ...  : 576,709 torights,etc .. 331 Canal Zone, Hawaii and Porto Bsco no reduction or increase of pay by this excluded .. . . . . . . . 576 _ Act .. 331 for additional pay, first reenlistmsnt. . 576, 709 reenlrstment bounty . 331 forsix montdrs pay ot, dying in service. 576, 709 payment it ter-ln is voluntarily extended. 331 for disposition ot rernatns ot . ... 440 rncreased pay allowed . 331 deficiency appropriation for pay .. 601, continuous service privileges 381 f ty 619, 919, gg: restrxctaronktzrl duty gh on bazlteahips when or ex u ... . ... -. . oc or u repairs at additional, autheged lor _Quartermaster _ navy .,, .,,.,,,,,.,.., 356 Corgan replace crvrlran employees. 593 E7\l\|U7|¢ll¢!, _ and Nang, details the lrne on extra duty .. 593 prohibition against dssertsrs, not applimay serve as stenograpluc reporters for eableintimeofpsace  ; 856 courts martial etc.; extra pay .. 575 Enloc, Thorns E., . pay deducted for alrssnce reqrlting from pension increased ..., . ...,,,. 1173 personal misconduct. 572, 706 Eno, term o enlistment extended to seven years. 590 pension .,,,,,.,,, , ,,,,. , . , , 1331 last threeon furlough with Army Reserve. 590 Enoch, Samuel C'., ‘ reenlistrnents at end ol tour yeas; du- sm pensrgnincreased .,, , ,..,,,,,_,,,,.,, 1151


furlough: to Army Reserve aft: three pension increased . ,,,,.,,,,,. 1161 years. .. . Z .. 590 Enrollrnsnt o{ Domestic Vesscla, restriction on reenhstments ... 590_ license , consolidated in one documqrt, 70 four {years counted as enlistment pubd Enslow, Georys FK, ir pay, etc .. . . Z ... 590 pensim increased ... . ,,,, 1421 serving in Army Reserve to receive pay, Ent, John, etc., up to date of fnrlonph. --.=. _ 590 pension increased .. .. 1402 nowgzyéxoatsé during fur ough until su Entomology Bureau, Department of Agriculservice permitted in organization for lull wl apgrpriation for salaclea; .. 291, w term ... generalexpsnsw vestigatrb m... 291, Bnal discharges, etc.; reonlistrnents . 591 insects. aliecting 'csreal and longs enlistments oi honornbly discharged sol- plants, •tc.· . $91, 846 disrsmArmy Reserve.: 591 , 846 recall ot furloughed soldiers by tha Q rtsrransan dy . 292,846 President .. 591 msocts atiscting health or man and pay, etc., credit for service allowmce tnimals . . 292, 846 or time m Army Reserve. . 591 for preventing spread of moths ... 292, 846 transportation and subsistence {rom place deliciencyapprognationlorinvestigations. 622 ol discharge to place of enlistment Envelopes, oatol, jietolandkspistry, allowed to, on discharge. -_ . 576 appropriation for ... . ... 552, 800 to officrlorzlawcis at no greater distance, if 576 Envoy: and Iiniuers Plsnb se ---·---—--·-·-···-········· P0¢¢n¢¤¤·y, rnilenge in lieu, il desired ... 576 a.ppro#·i.ation for llarig . ... 95, 688 Enlisted yen, Harms Corps, Emu, _ illiom H., appmpnatron for pay of; number in-Sw, un Epensrou .. . ... . ...,... 1293 of rm sergeants establhbed. 851 tion for Fvvention of ... 436 t.";§, .,r"}2nZ'1 ... rom s;§‘}'§¥£2s r, for pe ing deposits ot, stolen by pay clerk pension increased ...,,,,,, , ,,,,,. 1138 _ S. S. ‘Qeorgra".._ ... :.. 330 Eppcrsgn. §'otl•crins(wido¤),, for remains ol, dyrngu permorrmcrased  : ...,.,. IZTI ab ... ,902 B'q¤p¤gs,_Anng 0omp•rndGarnson, allowance tor, dying ut line of duty .. -. 329 plgropnstion for .. . 584, 717 mult of personal misconduct excepted. 329 cieucy a propriation for . . . 619 chigdrsu to rcchgve, if :31 widgwuai. . . £ Equity Rrtlesl guigcnts Court, M4 may e esrgna aana marlc apmpnatron revmng" ... .. Enlisted Men, Navy, En; Po., apggopriation for pay . . ..,,,,,. 828, 891 terms of court at ..,,,,,.,...,,,,... . . . 731 payiniy deposits of, qnlsst by P•y Escamblu {liver, Flo. and Ala., clerk . 3. S. "Ge¤rgra" ... ;. . 830 appropriation for improvement ol.; . 210, 810 hr remains ol, dymg“’9°2 prel1mrn;_ryexamir1atig;s;ol,tobemado... 227 •••··—·--···• ··--- •··•·••• s °$GI, deficiency · for _,,,,,,.., su pension' rrsgq@ ,..,,,,,,,,,.,.,,.,. mss for enliattnpwt ties. . .. . ... 620 Esau, Andrea L, ll1owancetor,dyinginlineolduty.. W penionin¤;d . ..· IZ