Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 2.djvu/987

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INDEX. 1929 Labor pgueaua, P•¢¢· Lake Champlain N. R and V1., P inquiries to be made_by lndustnal appropriation, for improvement of Nar- Intmne Comrmgmn mto increasing rows of ,,,,_,,, , ___,,___,,,,..,,_ 20l_ 80] r Cuseiulnem, eic., of . ... 416 examination to bethnmde of · °’."’".““°"“ . . . °° W . · I-- approprétion for, cliiei staustacian, clerkeh)5 83 Lake Orig, Playa conn ns wl cam 822 e ___,,,,, , .,..,.,. , 7 nmng' °te f bli b ’ ding' , - Labor Department (ue Department of Labor). mq . . .. { t. 877 Labor }:)wpu.u.s, _ _ Lake_Coun¢y, Ind., _ _ inquiry to be_mgule_by Industnal Relations authunzed across Calumet River m. 19 Qommmrou mto gneyhodn of adjust- Lake _ _ and Dunne Creek, Fla., 1ng,_etc., by mediation 416 appropriation for immovement of, from Labor Qrycmwuwm, _ _ Saint John Riva to Cruaent City, appointment. on Indushual Relations Fla.; restriction .. , . 810 Commission of not lens than three Lake Denmark Naval Hagasine, N. J., S repreel4;;i1tative; ogu . . . . 415 agngopriation for public worke . 34; W1 Labor coin! acer, o• ance, e ne _ _ appropnationforteet1ng,etc . : 640 prelumiury examination to be made of or purchase, etc . . .- . 045, 795 waterway from Toledo, by Maumee Labéorgadditirirgzlchior Chicago, Ill . . 545 River and Fort Wayne to Inke mn na, M1clugan' . 228 approprixion for Bilmhase, for- Auditor for Lake llichigan, Post Office partment . .. 881 preliminary examination to be made of Labor Saving Machinee, Treasury Department. Grays Reef . ., , 228 appropriation for purchase of 758 of waterway from _ Erie to Toledo Labor Statiahkx, Bureau 0_/Z Depatmad d · » E)? M*“m°° RWW wd Fm w¤}'¤¤ 228 name of Labor Bureau changed to 737 Lok of W9°•#1 -m’M¤;, _ powersllgrod duties of of *PP1'°PB":·¤°¤ f°¤' imP¥°V€¤1¤'¤¥ of z¤PP8| 816 or iaim surnam _ . . vs 1 I·¤*¢1?¤·e*¤L**¤i··· 14- . pmdsgonéegotz paying fo,. mjuries mu,. 737 p :':ammation of, tobemado". 227 e ... hh . , · ·· , . relimmaryexammstron of to be mnde... 825 L borerr, L3 ·:,"-vm ’ M I · tiestricted kt; eight hours a day on public 726 Shggmalpgyy SW Railway riverwgld L} ·---- - ;· · · Ei; 726 may briiggo umet Rlvel', South Cbilclgo, 88 14160*0*. of} _ preliii1inary’ examination to be made of d€¢l¤¤u¢;<i¤;f1¤ ¢f¤¤tY with J¤P¢¤ of ¢°¤· 1509 wnterwai to::?SpiRiver from. 229 L¢1b0f¢¤ 0% Publi? Wéfh, _ appropriation for iinprovementiif . . 217 return from President requested oi bill Lak; Um"` wcgq relatéilg to.? ... _ .. : . Z . - 1466 ;ppro;}riatio;’f:or irgtprosementoi waterway WF!. mm t un to . . 820 [Q', _ , Lake Wa.shingt0n8°Hi¤., appropriation for co¤¤*ib¤¤¤¤ --·-- 406»783 appropriauou lor im mvementot . . 212,1111 Lace-Making 1{adnne, Lever and Gqdvougb, [,,,1,, wuhgngm WJ _ ¤PP¤>P¤'i¤¢i0¤ {O? Y€f¤¤dm8 dune! 0** m" appropriauon for improvernentof wnwrwny Wported .. . .·-·- 663 } from Puget Sound w __,,_._,__ 590 Lacey, _ illiam M, 1168 Lake, Willis, pension mcre ...-..· · ·-·· nemn` increased .. . . 1168 Lackey, Oscar E, _ _ Lap; , payment to for miunos .·-------.--·--·-- 1373 rural ‘ delivery by carrier with motor Lackor, William Smith, boston ... . 553 pensionlvmgeesed ...-~.··- 1084 Lak; Inlet, Fla., _ of to be mm 226 liaeoma, . ., 1¤11¤¤|’.Y eximunsbon , e... construction of public building authorized I Flq., _ _ _ at _____________,___, , ,,,____,,____ 872 acquinsg site and erecting public budding Lacy, Amel' M widow', *utl1¢H!$ -..~.. . .. 8'4 pension.? . .. ) ... 1 127 Lakes, _ _ _ { Ladeau, John B., mvesupting pollution, etc., of, as a5ectpension increased 1371 _ mgdrseaees of man, authorized . 309 Laduke, Jquph, Lahn,_C7•qrler, Laptoumon increased ..-- 1043 £nD’€!'€I¤Bd ... . 1332 WM. 1 . . pension increased . ... 1381 mcreaeed ... . 1(B2 LaFluh, Elkabeth éwidow), _ Labm, _J0sgp}• D., pension inc 13:13 nsion mcrueed 1160 Lafond, Frank, uw Liga, M glut., pension increased . . .. condemn cannon granted to ... 1009 Lake Beresford, Fla., to be mad f LG7II¢f,•¥0.,-itc { _ b _ w` l1mmary' xamination • 0 acquiring _ or public nilding ao. pre canal fiom Saint Johns River .. 823 tbonzed ... . ... 878