Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 1.djvu/1107

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SIXTY-THIRD CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 144. 1915. 1089 BUREAU OF ANIMAL INDUSTRY. B`{,g},{_¤¤* I¤°¤¤**¥ Sanmms, Bunmu or Amman Innusrnr: One chief of bureau, ,.§,‘§‘_’,1‘§§k§?‘i§§,_°‘ "“' $5,000; one chief clerk, $2,500; one editor and compiler, $2,250; ’ six clerks, class four; one clerk, $1,680· thirteen clerks, class three; two clerks, at $1,500 each; twenty-three clerks, class two; two clerks, at $1,380 each; three clerks, at $1,320 each; one clerk, $1,300; one clerk, $1,260; forty-two clerks, class one; one clerk, $1,100; one clerk, $1,080· fifty clerks, at $1,000 each; two clerks, at $960 each; sixty-five clerks, at $900 each; one a.rch1tect, $2,000; one architect $900; one illustrator, $1,400; one laborato helper, $1,200; one laboratory helper, $1,020; two laboratory hlgpers, at $840 each; one laboratory helper, $720; one laboratory helper, $600; one laboratory helper, $480; one instrument maker, $1,200; one carpenter, $1,100; two caTenters, at $1,000 each; two messengers an custodians, $1,200eac ; one skilled laborer, $1,000; thirty- two skilled laborers, at $900 each _; eleven messengers, skilled laborers, or laborers, at $840 each; thirteen messengers, skilled laborers, or laborers, at $720 each; four laborers, messengers, or messenger boys, at $660 each; eleven laborers, messengers, or messe boys, at $600 each; three laborers, messengers, or messenger boys, at $540 each; thirtygthree laborers, messengers, or messenger boys, at $480 each; six borers, messengprs, or messenger boys, at $360 each; one watchman, $720; one c arwoman, $600; one charwoman, $540; eleven charwomen, at $480 each; four charwomen, at $360 each; one charwoman, $300; two charwomen, at $240 each; in all, $353,630. Gaiman. rzxrnusns, Bunmu or Aminx. Irmusrar: For carrying €§{’f',`§;fgf"'· out the provisions of the Act E roved May twenty-ninth, e' hteen hundred and eighty-four, estab Ini1§a Bureau of al Industry, and the provisions of the Act applrov March third, eighteen hundred V°1‘ 2°· *" m and ninety-one, providing for the safe transport and humane treatment of export cattle from the United States to foreign countries, and for other purposes; the Act approved August thirtieth, e` hteen v°'· “°·P·‘“· hundred and ninety, (providing for the importation of into the United States, an for other urposes; and the provisions of the v°L ”·*’· ““· Act of May ninth, nineteen himdlied and two, extending the inspection of meats to process butter, and providing for the inspection of factories, marking of packages and so orth; and the dprovisions of the V°‘· ‘“· ’· m· Act approved Fe ruary second, nineteen hundred an three, to enable the Secretary of Agriculture to more effectually su];-press and prevent the spread of contagious and infectious diseases of ve stock, and for other purposes; an also the provisions of the Act approved March v°'·”· P· ““· third, nineteen hundred and ve, to enable the Secretary of Agriculture to establish and maintain quarantine districts, to permit and regulate the movement of cattle and other live stock therefrom, V L 34 sm and for other purposes; and for carigix out the provisions of the Act m$.·m;‘Z;igh¤` hm of June twenty-ninth, nineteen hun and six, entitled "An Act to ““'· prevent cruelty to animals while in transit by railroad or other means of tra.usportation;" and for carrying out the provisions of the act V°'· 37*P*m approved March fourth, nineteen hundred an_ thirteen, regulating t e preparation, sale, barter, exchange, or shipment of any virus, serum, toxin, or analogous products manufactured in the United States, and the importation of such products intended for use in the Couwing mmm treatment of domestic animals; and to enable the Secretaiiy of Agri- u¤¤,m. culture to collect and disseminate information concerning ve—stock, dairy, and other animal products; to (prepare and disseminate reports on animal industry; to employ an pay from the appropriation Employee herein made as many persons in the city of Washington or elsewhere as he may deem necessary; to purchase in the open market samples 91006°—-vox. 38—·;P’1' 1—-69