Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 1.djvu/1109

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SIXTY-THIRD CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 144. 1915. 1091 teen hundred and thirteen regulating the preparation, sale, barter, exchange, or shipment oi, ang virus, serum, toxin, or analogous product manufactured in the nited States and the importation of such products intended for use in the treatment of domestic animals: Amount for mmm And provided further, That not more than $75,000 of said sum shall •nas¤•a»a,m. ° be used for the investigation, treatment, and eradication of the disease known as dourine, and of which sum of $75,000 which is hereby appropriated for the investigation, treatment, and eradication of dourine, $25,000 shall be immed1ate1y available; Multum au For general administrative work, mcluding traveling expenses and wma " salaries of emlployéees engaged in such work, rent outside of the · · District of Co um ia, office Hxtures and supplies, express, freight, telegra h, telephone and other necessary expenses, $39,286; In all, for general expenses, $1,856,706. Meatinspecti Man ms1>1¤:c·r1oN, BUREAU or ANIMAL INnUsTRr: For additional Aaaiat¤.¤tx§’,'§;,,.; e uses in carrying out the prrovisions of the meat-inspection Act V°1·“·P· °"· oizgeune thirtieth, nineteen hun ed and six (Thirty-fourth Statutes at Large, page six hundred and seventy-four), there·is hereby appropriated for the fiscal year ending Jime thirtieth, nineteen hxmdjred and sixteen, the sum of $375 000. Total for Bureau of Industry, $2,585,336. BUREAU or PLANT INDUSTRY. ..fl"" ""’“"* Br Sanaams, BUREAU or PLANT Im>UsTRr: One physiologist and ,,.¥,§’c,Z£k;"f‘2',c_°‘”“‘ pathologist, who shall be chief of bureau, $5,000; one chief clerk, $3,000; one executive assistant in seed distribution, $2,500; one officer in chanrge of publications, $2,250; one landscape gardener, $1,800; one officer in f records, $2,250; one sngperintendent of seed weighing and m , $2,000; one executive erk, $2,250; three executive clerks, at $1,980 each· one assistant superintendent of seed warehouse, $1,400; one seed inspector, $1,000; one seed warehouseman, $1,400; one seed warehouseman, $1,020; one seed warehouseman, $1,000; one seed warehouseman, $840; six clerks, class four; twelve clerks, class three; two clerks, at $1,500 each; twenty-one clerks, class two; forty-seven clerks class one; one clerk or draftsman, $1,200; one clerk, $1,080; eight clerks, at $1,020 each; twenty-thi·ee clerks, at $1,000 each; forty-five clerks, at $900 each; one c1)erk or draftsman, $900; twenty-one clerks, at $840 each; two clerks, at $720 each; one laborer, $780; forty-two messengegs or laborers, at $720 each; eleven messengers. messenggr boys, or la rers, at $660 each; twenty-six messengers, messenger ys, or laborers, at $600 each; one artist, $1,620; two clerks or artists, at $1 200 each; one photographer, $1,200; one (photographer, $840; one laboratory aid, $1,440; one laboratory ai , $1,380; three laboratory aids or clerks, at $1,200 each; one laboratory aid or clerk, $1,080; two laboratory aids or clerks, at $1,020 each; one laboratory aid, $900; tive laboratory aids, at $840 each; seven laboratory aids, at $720 each; four laboratory aids, at $600 each; one laboratory apprentice, $720; one map tracer, $600; two gardeners, at $1,440 each; four °“"’°"°”·“° gardeners, at $1,200 each; eight gardeners, at $1,100 each; fifteen ardeners, at $900 each; nineteen gardeners, at $780 each; two skilled laborers, at $960 each; two skilled aborers, at $900 each; three skilled laborers, at $840 each; one assistant in technology, $1,400; one assistant in technology, $1,380; one mechanical assistant, $1,200; one blacksmith, $900; one carpenter, $900; one painter, $900; one teamster, $840; one teamster, $600; twenty-one laborers, at $540 each; twenty-four laborers, messengers, or messenger boys, at $480 each; three laborers or charwomen, at $480 each; two aboreis or charwomen, at $360 each; three laborers or messenger boys, at $420