Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 1.djvu/113

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94 SIXTY·THIRD CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 4. 1913. C¤¤¤¤¤¤S¤¤¤¤L F - rt and education of five hundred Indian pupils at the Indigln ghxl at Chilocco, Oklahoma, and for pay of superintendent, $83 500; for general repairs and improvements, $7,000; 111 all, $90 500. Pawnees. Flor fulfilling treaties with Pawnom, Oklahoma: For perpetual an- $$i.°°zi,y{» su. nuity, to be paid in cash to the Pawnees (article three, agreement of mm November twenty-third, eighteen hundred and mnety-two), $30,000; “°‘ ‘” m €2¥..i§‘.‘3"% *¥§$§“‘Li‘§r%l?.§5 i'££.°°a.dl“ (“Z.‘?il°t}l‘§1?a$§£?”%i’£ ESE? ’ I I ¤I}',gJg_¤g,jj· “'*‘ for pay of oneyfarmer: two blacksrniths, one miller, one engineer and vom. ri vw apprentices, and two teachers (article four, same treaty) $5,400; for urchase of iron and steel and other necessaries for the shops (article flour, same treaty) $500; for pay of physician and purchase of medi- 0141 GMM t 0 e lor, un an regu ons d 1¤- cinT•lih$%00Sei:n lm, $4i’i£0·Inter' der rules d lati to d°1iid°l;°fi}°2»1£¤cuo¤· be escrilied li; is hereby autho1ized'to expend, out of any “"‘l‘;l""°"’“°°‘ fung in the Treasury belonging to the Choctaw Tribe of Indians of Oklahoma not otherwise ap roglrglted the sum of $10,000, for the use and benefit of the Old (goo d Industrial School, near Hugo, Oklahoma, this a propriation beir;5 made to carry out the purposes of the act of tllfe General Coun of the Choctaw Nation passed October thirteenth, nineteen hundred and eleven, appro-— priatirég the sum of $10,000 of the funds of the Choctaw Nation to be en ed for the benefit of the Old Goodland Indian Mission and lgldustrial School, which has been incorporated and is now known as Old Goodland Indian Industrial School, which act of the coimcil was apgrovgld by the President on June twenty-fourth, nineteen hundred an tw ve. Vol. 7, . 425. , · , ‘ tm ..5:;*:·;·s2:;*.z£.&·;;*z;":;g£;,.**.t3.··:.¤.:·.¢d=...F°r.s“.,.°z..*i°¤...<"*...‘;=l*:.:*:.*.®*.r·~ Pm P for l;1la¢iksmith,and assistanftis, and tools, iron, asilndlsteel fp; black: ' “°‘ 't s o (same artic e an treaty) $500; in , $1,500: romdedj P¤%?=?“ of the the Erpidenlgs of gh; States shall certify the same to be or e es mteres o e ans. §§;_§i,',}g€,€,°*}¤°”°’· theeéxilpvavymgfliiéigelggrenogapher and typewriter, $900 per annum, at j,'°,fIf_g,§g·*¤“°Y· For pay of one assistant clerk, at $720, one constable, at $540 and one lease clerk, at $800 per annum, at the Sac and Fox Agenc Okla-- homa; in all $2,060. y, g*=;;:ygg;¤¤Y· For pay of pig; figgicial clerk, at $72% <;ne5z£sista.nt clerk, at $780 perannum,a e eca cy·ma, 1 . §§;§n’;§{°,§f°’· For salalsy due Emest Steeker; superintendent of Kiowa Indian School, O ahoma from August fifteenth, nineteen hundred and twelve;] gg Sggtemher eleve;g6i.1;g1eteen hundred and twelve, inclu- _ sive, a per annum . m,·'jg;§$**° mm ¥’"* For continuing the relief and settlement of the A ache Indians new ilmtlggncntégc- confined as prisoners of war at Fort Sill Milit Eeservation, Okla-- ’ ’ P` hpxgii, pntlands in glglahcéma to be sglevcérted foratlgem by the Secretary o e n error an e ecret o $100,000 t b ded. under such rules and regulatioiisy as the Srecretary ol`} thi: Iiitifilbinand PWM, the Secretgg of War may prescribe, and to be immediately available: m§?,zh;€S,,,,pmm,d Provided, at allotments may be purchased in Oklahorna for the Mggmzé hm pup widow of George Wrattan, mterpreter for the Fort Sill prisoners of caste. war, Martin Grab, and Edward Welch: Provided That the lands VOL 2i' pi m h°{)‘?°°£°;`;’ €1;`6h°;g°it?*' Pu? foF Said l¥<;1‘t Sill gndiz}n%`sl};all be su]ec_ pvisionso e neraao et. t eighth, eighteen hundred and eigilzyseven (Trwieiity-fgu1?th gtaltliflleys Tm mm at Large, page three hundred and eighty-eight), as amended, and °° trust patents shall issue to said Indians in accordance with the said £l<1;té;1>dg•l`§Il;;*;1=;]1;_5ér¢;1§)hth, eighteen hundred and eighty-seven, and the