Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 1.djvu/1132

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1114 SIXTY-THIRD coiwennss. .sms. 111. GH. 144. 1915. shall have made available a like amount to be used for carryielgl out @*°*}_:*g,b the aforesaid agreement: Provided, That such exchanges sh be °° u' made on the basis of approximately equal area and value. _ D°mg;*i° P°*°*° Domrsrrc POTAT0 quanaurmnz To enable the Secretariyof Agriqudliiniefgtaeu with culture to cooperate with those States in the inspection of rish pota- §§°°’ f°' "°"°°°°i°"’ toes where a quarantine has been or hereafter shall be established by the Secretary of Agriculture, prohibiting the movement of such potatoes from any State into an other State, District, or Territory of the United States except undlir such rules and regulations as he E¤‘°*°°¤¤°¤° °*· ma rescribe, and for the enforcement of such rules and regulations, Pam and7fIdr the employment of persons and means necessargy in the crty of Washington and elsewhere, including rent outside o the District of Columbia, $100,000, $25,000 of said sum to be immediately available. R‘g§§ug;¤*j{=§,g_$_<]ith”gi Dmmoxsrnyrrons ON nmcnnnrrox rnomcrs: To enable the Secdevelopman ex. retary of Agriculture to encourage and aid in the agricultural development of the Government reclamation projects; to assist, through demonstrations, advice, and in other ways, settlers on the projects; apdv for the empleynienthof pegsons and means necessary in the city o ashm` gton an e ew ere, 40,000. Frseemauenar Dry Ixrngpxririozgai, Dmr Corvezrzrzss, Dmrzgmnih E,,m,°“£,, ,;,,d,Toena et e cretaryo Agric ture ocoo ra wr an m e at- an exhibit at the next annual meeting of iii; International Dry F Co , to be held at Denver, Colorado, duringuthe fiscal y dune thirtieth nineteen hundred and sixteen, ustrative of the investigations, products, and processes relating-Ito farming in the subhumi , arid, and semiarid regons of the nited States, including labor and all expenses in the city of Washington and elsewhere, $20,000. Debates m be in- That the President is hereby authorized to extend invitations to "°°°' other nations to appoint delegates or representatives to the International Dry-Farming Congress, to be hel at Denver, Colorado, September twenty-seventh to October eighth, inclusive, nineteen hunmm. dred and fifteen: Provided, That no appropriation shall be granted or N° ""°""‘ used for the expenses of delegates. c•>¤=¤rv¤¢i¤¤ ¤¤¤¤v· Coormnyrrvn Fran PROTECTION or Fomts·rm> wamnsnnns or ig?:i§$§Zl°$fi63t°w1¢¤ Navreanuz srnnausz For cooperation with an State or group of g$g°;,{,°’ °’° P'°‘°°· States in the protection from fire of the forestedy watersheds of navivén. 36, p. M1. able streams under the provisions of section two of the Act of March gist, nineteen hundred and eleven, entitled "An Act to enable any State to coo rate with any other State or States, or with the United States, for tg; protection of the watersheds of navigable streams, and to appoint a commission for the acquisition of lands for the purpose of conserving the navigability of navigable rivers," $100,000. m¤ r md M- Experiments and demonstrations in live-stock production in the cmmmiéq upon- cane-sugar and cotton districts of the United States: To enable the {',‘,$,'g,',·§,,§,‘},§ ,,‘Q"""°°" Secretary of Agriculture, in cooperation with the authorities of the States concerned, or with individuals, to make such investigations and demonstrations as may be necessary in connection with the development of livestock production in the cane-sugar and cotton districts of the United States, including the erection of barns and other neceseary buildings, and the employment of persons and means in E’°°“°“°"’°’“°’*·°°°· the ciey of Washington and elsewhere, $60,000; and of the funds hereto ore appropriated for the development of live-stock production in the caneeugar and cotton districts of the United States during the fiscal year nineteen hundred and fifteen, not to exceed $7 ,500 is ggueby made available for the erection of barns and other necessary 8* °‘”"‘*'“°"‘*°“’· Hereafter the Secretary of Agriculture is authorized to sell in the open market or to exchange for other live stock such animals or