Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 1.djvu/120

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SIXTY·THIRD CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 4. 1913. 101 to impound the waters of the Yakima. River, Washington, for the reclamation of the lands on said reservation, and for the use and benefit of the Indians of said reservation. That said commission g,,‘€§21tL’llty°°i"°°°°i' shall have full power to make the investigations herein provided for, PM P- 6°4· and shall have authority to subpoena and compel the attendance of witnesses, administer oaths, take testimony, incur expenses, emplo clerical help, and do and perform all acts necessary to make a thorough and comp ete investigation of the subjects herein mentioned, and R°*’°"‘ that said commission shall report to Congress on or before Jann p,,,,,,,,,_ first, nineteen and fourteen: Provided, That one-half ofaiih dg¤g}¤,jaj necessary expenses incident to and in connection with the making of name. the investigation herein provided for including traveling expenses of P°“· P- ”8· the members of the commission, shall be paid from the contingent fund of the House of Representatives and one—half from the contingent fund of the Senate on vouchers therefor signed by the chairman of the said commission, who shall be designated by the members of the said commission. , That the Secretary of the Interior be, and he is hereby, authorized §’_°‘,,,,§m‘;},‘§°,,';f:_?§’°g anddirected to make an allotment, in accordancewith the provisions of b¤if¤ of Q¤¤·1c•¤k-¤¤- the Act of July fourth, eighteen hrmdred and eighty-four (Twenty- °°‘-$'3i.z;,p,w, · third Statutes at Larige, page seventy-nine), of not more than two hundred acres of lan within the Colville Indian Reservation, in the State of Wasbiiilgton, for the benefit of the heirs of 3ue-lock-us-soma, deceased, oses agreement allottee numbered ( g ` y-five, jointly, in lieu of the portion of the Moses agreement allotment numbered thirty-five embraced within the patented homestead entries of Deborah A. Griiiinand Mary J. Grrflin, and_trust {‘}§‘§°3‘{‘{,f’°*,,{"°°““·

 hone thereon under the provisions of the Act of March eighth,

iriénetgen) hundred and six (Thirty-fourth Statutes at Large, page t - ve . {hat the patent in fee heretofore issued in the name of Deborah A. Prii£i°if¤Aaé¤G¤i»iln°' Griflin, June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and six, for lots one and two and the northeast quarter southeast quarter section six, and lots one and two, section five, township thirty-six north, range twexgtgnseven east of the Willamette meridian; and a similar patent issu in the name of Max J. Griffin, November twenty-first, nineteen hundred §$,“Q,{·,,‘f'§‘{‘,·_ and ten, for e southeast quarter of the southwest quarter, and lots five, six, and nine of section thiigvy-one, township thirty-seven north, range twencty)-seven east of the illamette meridian, all situated in Okanogan unty, Washington, be, and the same are hereby, confirmed and declared valid, notwithstanding the aprevrous allotment of a portion of this land under Moses agreement otment numbered Rembummm to thirty—£ve, and the sum of $500 is hereby appropriated to the Colville mmm. Indians for reimbursement. _ Shgmmm That the Secretarg of the Interior be, and he is hereby, authorized mma of imno to purchase for the kagit Tribe of Indians in the State of Washing- $"°““° ’°‘· ton the tract of land actually used by them as a. tribal burial groun , and there is hereby appro y riated, out of any money m the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, the sum of $250, or so much thereof ss may be necessary, to carry out this provision. VVISCONSIN. W“°°¤Si¤- Sec. 24. For the sup ort and education of two hundred and ton H°"‘"° S°°°°l° Indian pupils at the Indian school at Hayward, Wisconsin, and pay of superintendent, $36,670; for general repairs and improvements, $4,000311 all, $40,670. _ _ _ Tom SML For support and education of two hundred and fifty Indian pupils at the In 'an school, Tomah, Wisconsin, and for pay of supermtend— ent, $43,450; for general and improvements, $10,000; for heating plant, $10,000; in , $63,450.