Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 1.djvu/1275

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INDEX; xxix Book_of Ert·i;nl¢e.s, Pla- Born, Pago. <¤*=¤¤¤¤<e¤ or \¤¤1>;¤¤¤ •pp;¤pm¤¤m¤,` ‘ to du on mined . 119 give m detail num r of persons, onzee lint, crude and 155 ratesof pay, objects, etc., forexpend~ Boro, James, _ marc contemplated 680 payment of Court of Claim; Endings w estimate for public buildings and works heir-; of ,,___,,,,,.,_____,,,_,______ 982 under contract excepted ... 680 Bomm., Max., · ` also umt cost of construction work .. 680 appuqpriation for amistant tre•mmr’¤ corrqspo tails of expenditures in umm ...,.,...,,,,,,,,.,,___ 476, 1013 m p year ... 880 for enlarging etc., customhouee . ‘ . 5 otlger notes forbidden, exceptclumges for expenses during remodelinghetc ‘. 5 1{1 form, etc.,  ; 680 for electrical burglar alarm, pu 'c buildexpenditureo under tron Act to be ing . ’. - - 16 annually estimated for in, afterJu1y for improvement of harbor . 36 1 _}Q15~ ·-----. ; ·... 690 furmvy yard, public works; use of bal- Booker, Wdlmm B,, . ance, .,,, , __,.. . . , .,,,,,.,,,,, 400 payment of Court of Claims £Ddi!\§*U) 987 for animal quarantine station, building Bookkeeping and Wmunh Dénhfon, ewmry for superintendent .,,,.,,.. 419 1Qepartm.en¢, _ _ _ · for cuntombouse; temporary removal of approprmnon for chef of divmon, etc. - 467, 1009 force ...,. . ,.,.,.,,, 60} Booklets, · for public building, apprainerd stores. - - 823 duty on, decorated by hand, etc ... 146 for navy yard, public works .,.. 996 hthogmphnmlly printed 145 » constructmn, etc., of immigrant station, Bookout, Sarah Di, t¤msferredmTr¤¤ury Department- 2091 payment of Court of Claims findingnto heirs Boswell, Wdhbm E, ~ ‘ ' of -. . .. 978 payment of Court oi Claims Endings to 968 Books, _ _ Botanic Garden, D. C., ‘ · duty op ch1ldren’¤, lnhographioally appropriation for superintendent, saintt pruned .. ,déa.{ ... f mtg, usd laborers ... x, 1%: no specially provi or ...,. z . or repurs o. improvements ... , 1

{Jasper for, not specially pro- for general repairs . 06, 670, 878

vn for .. . ... 144 for removing fence, etc.; reappropriw Additional from country imposing ex- tion .. - ,,,,,... ‘.,.· 66, 670, 878 port duty, etc., on ... . . 144 deficiency appropriation for assistants and on free list _ educational institutions, laborers ...,,,,..,,_,., 208 etc.; limit .. 155 for remirs and improvements. . . 208, 327, 1153 for United States or Library of Congress- 155 on free t, plants, trees, etc., for .. . - . 161 in foreign languages .. , . 155 Botany (see Plant Industry Bureau, Departm raised characters, for the blind .. 155 ment of Agriculture). of persons from foreign countries, used Botany, Spssirrwm of _ abroad 155 on free t, for public collections, not for printed more than twentggmm . 155 mls ... 162 printing paper for, valu not over 2} Bowler, Hneliah, cents per pound ... 160 payment of Court of Claims findings to sdprofessioiinti, 0 i:r;mi¥rant¤ .. 161 B le Cminintntnr of 974 special' reg tions or ree entry 0 ser' , ou aps, on one declaration .. 182 duty on metal . 130 Books, Copyrighted, Bottle Glassware, only one copy required for deposit in copy- duty on decorated, etc., blown ... 121 right office, it of foreign author and Bottles, _ _ ublished abroad ... 311 duty on, qontaimng nomlcohohc bever- Boone, Glzorge, ages if not pla1n_green, etc . 137 payment oi Court of Claims findings to ad- containing spirits, wme, etc 137 ministrator of .. 971 glaas,_dec0mted, etc 121 Boomboro, Md, Gerrrum Reformed Church, plam. . . 121 payment of Court of Claims findings to . 975 Bottom, Hana? P., _ _ Boonsbom, Md., Methodist Episcopal Church, payment 0 Court of findings to payment of Court of Claims fin ings to 975 executor under last will of. . 968 Boomboro, Md., United Brethren Church, Boulder, Colo., payment of Court of Claims findings to 975 condemned cannon granted to, for Grand Boonville, M0., Army Relief C01’ps .. . .. 12m} appro riation for public building .. 5 Boulogne-aur—M'a·, Fyongc, _ _ _ Booacr, george A., acceptance of invitatnon to_part1crpat.e m ma bridge Black River, Coming, Ark 206 Sea Fisheries Exposiiuou at . 778 Boot xlxzcings, Bmmdary Cmnmisubn, 1[mkun, dutgaou cotton, etc .,._...,., 140 appropriation for contmuing work of. . 446, 1120 Booth y Harbor, Me., water distribution work . . .: .. 446. 1120 appropriation for vessels for fish-cultural report on method of preserving boundstation .,... . 876 B ariiine, etc .., 1120 Boots, oundary me, on free list, leather. ,__,_.,...,.. 158 i consent of Congrem to, agreed, between leather for, uppers, etc ,,,,,..,,..., 158 Connecticut 8Dd L[3$3Ch\1S€ttB 727 Bcracic Acid, Boundary Line, Alaska and Canada, duty on .. . .. 114 appropriation for surveying and mark- Borates of Lime, Soda, etc., mg .. _ . ._ . 447, 1120 on free list, crude and unmauufactured. . . 155 advances to commxmoner . 1121