Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 1.djvu/1297

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mom. li Cole, Martina C., _ _ P•s•· Cologne, _ _ Pagepayment_ of Oourt of Claims findings to duty on, conurmag alcol1o1.. . ... . 118 hggtof 982 Co notcontaining cohol ... . .. 118 a.p for public building site . 610 apgréopriation fo'; to ... 442, lm az, ., secretary legauorn <{etlciency appropriation for public build- Colon, Pagnagna, _ _ nf ,... 560 appropnatron for operating public works, Colgrovc, _ ._D.,* _ _ · etc., from receipts therdor . 676 c: t.1on for rermbursing ,,.,, 589 0° ?_uarautme station .. . .. . . 676 duty on .. i . 130 examination for, required before imno of 0ollarandCu{fuuona, hcsrmeswoi1ioarsotste•mvesse1s.. 765 duty on, of ne, pearl, ivory, agate, etc. 147 Colorado, _ _ C metgléfvelry ... , ...,.,_,, 149 approrgguon for mrveyor general, clerkisés, 1034 0 ‘ .-..-»»...,. C0duty‘o:‘;t’;';...l§i‘;; 134 publicFlands in, added to Pike Natiormgs HM llara , , crest .. . . . du on cotgn, etc. not speciall Rocky Mountain National Park, estab- ’ ty vided for y Pm- 139 lished- boundaries na linen 'KZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ 141 ce1mo»1y¤¢5e}1ez1¤·¤»q•¢,o}.leZ§ `'``'`'`'`' Collec¢or.s,_Inm·ml Revenue, agpropnatnon for maintenance, etc., of. 426, 1007 “"¥"°;'5‘.i‘1‘?1‘?.'$..f1°$.l“'“‘°Z"‘i;;;,;, ‘‘*‘‘‘ $22*}% °‘L ‘"'°“""" ¤...1»1.1,¤.m., 1..1.. or maze .. pprolmnhon - appointment of ad deputy, for ’ dian Reseryation, Cal., to Yuma,

 collection, etc., author- 180 for Aux.;   . li .. 85

rz . ...,., . . . . 11 aims, neat 0- regulations for, pay, etc., to be made.. 180 pock,.41is .. , . _ . 588 use on regular internal revemne work contribution from Arizona and Cal1· autbonzed-..i’;>. HSE . E1 - 181 in forniaiptc ... . . . .. f 588 pom`t, tc., n e tieswi - qmtec alongbankso, in may Igut regagd to dvi! servigllaws, etc. 2IB mperial etc .. 861 Collector: of Customs, expenditures m emco. . : . _ . . . 861 decisions as to rates of duties on impats, contribution from rmgatnou district etc., 115, final:..., 187 C0 .. ,...2k; . 861 P gengaal . ..,. . ...,. 187 appropriation for channels, etc.; for 587 m gen a praré to court tion pugionu .. . .. appeciilcustoms appeals? 188 Colorado River, ¢z.,_ _ to determine if vesels corgply with re- preliminary exammatnon, etc., of, to be quirements for crews veaels . 1170 made . .. - . 1059 clearance refused forfailure . 1170 Colored Women and Children, D. C., National time for filing complamt . , .. ,. . 1170 for, _ punishment for false aflidavlt. alleging agsmpnauon for care of children in 546, 921 noncompliance . 1170 Co 'ngfor Dlquora, munity for noncompliance ... . . . 1170 duty on . 116 to ve appraised actual market value and Colors, _ yvho eaale pnce of imports . . 184 duty on artists . _ 110 Collector s_0_Qic¢, D. C., _ ceramic, etc., notspecially provided for. 119 appropriation for salaries. . . : ... 518, 896 chromium .. , . _ 1 18 or preparing tax·sale certificates . 518, 896 coal tar, not specially provided for . 115 College ar , Ga., _ _ lakea,uoi:?}>eclall’i»cI>rov1ded for 119 condemned cannon granted to Georgia M11- not spec y pro ed for . 119 itary Academy . 1211 Collar, Andre;o fc _ En 982 I _, ent o o dmgs‘ to Czfmqifeeltf books, etc., for; limit 155 c}?%$·`e¤ Cww. WMU-. _ philoeoiatlnical apparatus, etc., for ... 161 condergnged cannon granted to, for city of 1199 0 lk ,s¢a¢eAg¤cu‘ lz 1, . ·-·- · ·-·-·-··--—·-·---····· zoosggrative agriculuuxxl extension work C°l"*mb‘“. ‘Z’?"’“l f°' W°”“”· · Cui between Department of Agriculture 72 ’PP*°Pl‘;“!“l {Ku f°’ c°“¤`“°“°n ° “°w26 625 Callas, andnnunnu-nuHun"-H"' 3 101* Gqlllppillé, 6143.; half {IOM DlBil‘l.¢!t ,838 duty on cotton, etc ... 140 F°‘:““°°· · ·t· E ···· D· ·.· ··.· · °‘Z"”;Z.(?§§£’3 ¥Z?';‘Z¤’Ze..““””c¤0¤‘°'2i me 1.,, 0* *·¤¤.¤* i¤¤¤¤* ¤vP~P*i¤¤:· ---·-· 838 PP PPannma. Canal service .. ’. . . 71, 675 ggcmpf lggclpnt P°u°mB '`‘'‘'‘’`' 545* gg C ll'n·ml` I , Ill., · ’ppm` `````'````` · `'`````` (:¤1:pr<>pri;¤i<>¤ icr v¤l>1i¤ b¤ildi¤8 ··-—--~ 61*% 823 desclezlgf .  ?‘fi*T’?i‘i’T‘?: 1147 Collivnbm ¢g;,Ve-arels, Preqention of, for care of indigzut patients 1142 rules to _ made for lights, etc., required mmm, em, to under sum;-inumdem on mland waters .· ; -·.. 381 of Capitol Building, em . 1147 dredges. wrecknmz v<=¤¤e1¤, ate. mciuded- 381 cezumzmi rnymmemijqr me oing 12., 0., Cgllgdign, appropriation for maintenance .. 50, 650, 864 duty on ,,,,,,. .-. . . . . . ... 116 01‘ !€p&1!'B . .. . 50,650,864