Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 1.djvu/1347

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mmm ‘ ci Fort Hays Kuna., Abem 1*8% For-tsill, I of Fin P•¢•· . I a I . grantpi; reversion lor nommer- - f Field 352, 1063 rlgh!¤_ _ 11D‘p\\l0d_ _.. ... o or` y _ e 352 1063 no additional appropriation 710 tres patents to_ issue for %ou¤e¤m to ’ '°r$‘¤o,.-K”‘?:oo.o¤..o”"’· momrrm or rar r,.%°r2%“"r..,.·..r.o,.°"""“"‘i»r.r;»;‘ °‘ Im? 7 ‘!

 Clan, New Bruniriek, and 581 Old, · 0-

KB09 wary MIL f 'ppmg' , etc., hospital Fglrteiifiencyj for sirrveyirig 577 F S for 584 prom, , V or! ,· . c:¤.,· appropriation for improvements on land appo uonf sanatmi , fencmg' 611 Fm for Indianxhosprital . . .. i 584 Flr: M I T · worlhI_ am., V appropriation` - .. 595 appropriataon or Army Staff College and condemned cannon grantetd) to Indiaumi serviceschoolsat. . r. $52,1063 achoolat ..., - ...,.__,.. . .,,,,,, 1199 m§1e;r11brarybml1%1nt%servicescheeI¤•t-. 364 . d I prison as propnH n expenses, torpedo _ Barracks . L .: 1074 up xt.; . ...,. 9890, 935 ··Drsc1phux;yary llerracks, tosnpersedermlrr 1084 Fart}? _ _,l¥yo.,OId, . 035608 prison . ~ . . . a ropnatron orrwans. 1 F¢3r¢;(cHmrg, Baltimore, lgd., - For}ipW¤h€ng¢on} Hd., nf ecrencyaprnpriation urmennrcnentito appropriation orpurchase awnmplamls I•`ranc£8c0tt K%&\qtc.,at ... ...· 568 . aljoirrirrgq. .. r. ... Zi)

 ¤mo¢·e_£m·publ·lc 382 Fm wre•pprop§1ation;easementg1anted..-. _ 630

ForlMa£:ron` ;7oiva,·-uni-_-nn"--nn- ddr:} ’ i»roprrw’ 'n.for·tnnsporung' aprglopriataion lor .. 8 mmeggz ofmllexicem refugees, 1144 Fort noon Reservation, ., a , e . . . . , · ‘urisdiction ceded to California over ¤glrt' oiwa through, granted toAtch‘ , I _ oi, while used for Ergsition 783 Topghaand Santa Fe Railway x- Farl Heyy: yard Iegagine, ., ’ » panning. ... .  :. . L .. 726 app hcworts .,. 936 Fort Yuma _ School, $13., · ‘ Fort M Ara., lend set aside for farm . . .. 587 appropriation for .. 84, 587 Fortsjoauong Iort 1{ol•o¤e_Ind•oa Rua·@on, An}., appropnauon for gum and mortar not appropriation for dike to protect ririgable 588 . . 887 lands on .., o way em - Fort Monroe, Va., road Company through Cape Henry, approprratmn for wharf, roads, and sewer. . { J3, defensesia ... . 88 7 629, or ernizingo erem ments- . 388, 887 for Coast Artillery School ... 352, 1064 for fire-control stations, eltic.; range iindresidence for Cape Charles quarantine odi- ers ... . . 887 F Peckcei may bibuilt at 615 for methods of war instructiogsg 887 on gemry, rmt., _ an Arnllegl posh. .. . , appropriation for support, etc., of Indiansgo 593 go! Gif., tricdplants . gg, at . .. , orsearc rg tsorherbor eense . , Fort Peck Reservation, Mont., _ _ for preservation and repair ... 389, 887 approp;-yrztuon for constructing ungauongo 593 iw planiy. .f I I . . .1. . ig . . . . $3, % em , orsuppres oreectnc an , lands ets ;·:l1;ildren who have not re- 593 got 888 walls, etc . 389, gg iv otments .. . . . or preserving torpedo structures . . . . specialciieport required of irrigation project for operating; tire-control installations. . 389, 888 in, gsodtof water rights of Indians, 583 { Lwut. Oo . Frank Greene. ... égg g met , etc ... or armament . ... , 8 Fort Place N WK3. C‘.,_cing for mountain, iield, and siege cannon; to become part of Irwng Street ... 526 contraotn . 389, 888 pm pm", M yg, for ammunition ... . .. 389,888 deficiency appropriation for public build- 61 gg; 3:;]*;; -··----—·-·~----· · ..-.__,_‘ Y ’! Ou' 1 Fm °`°` ``````'```` 5 for ammunition for seacoast artillery, appropriation for Army Mounted Service for Jm€°°°é%&";l :]‘1é;§ ····· Fm SamSc;°°1°t ‘' '‘‘‘`‘''` 352, 1063 for ammunition,’etc.,for neld, etc.;artil· 7 appropriation for ooroinouog orropol ... 1010 ,0, §",;,.f2°“&_; · kg; glggéjégé · i;afj9°· 888 Fort Sill Indian School Reservation, Okla., tu-i€,___’ ________________________ 390 888 ¤d¤¤i¤l0¤ °iC$d¢z;>i Wichiur ¢l·¢·r I¤di¤¤¤ 9 for purchases etc., submarine·m.ine prac- ’ into, i ... 3 · _____ 1 ..,,,_,_______,,_________ wntraga ggpggzq irvm Lawwn rscla- 597 ger oiigzlog, etc., §un{ ... , 2.90, g no charges until delivery oiwaierixxzi 597 or ;mmd___’ _______ _ _ _ ____ _ _ 390, 889 Fort S'll, Okla., all f uartersto ill ... 889 appri>priation for relief and settlement of Irigrtsu Jay E. Hofiger 2::1 Lieut. Apache Indians, prisoners oiwarat. 94, 597 Alfred H. Hobley .,. 889 91006°—·-von 38-rr 1——84