Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 1.djvu/1355

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INDIE. onx 0o&ns F , llo., Yili Gbosrnrrwnt Exhibit Board, Pa·na1no·Paci;ic Pillhridgvazr-%osi¤sda¤o¤WhiteR.ivsrat..‘ 555 Goldie [Vey., _ _ _ i _ ’ charged with selection, exhibition, etc., of ropratmn for public buldmg. . ._ ... 824 articles. .. 1 669 Ggm, Forrest, late a Representative vu Goa- may pigcehase, etc., representative articles, 669 V'°”· . . . ° ···· :·: ·············· : ········ : deiicienpy appropriation for pay to widow . ~227 Gounnnent Erlnlntr, Panama-Poq;ic Deport- 0·-··-.••.···•..-•-••-st.; · NOR, mhtute, ., V m 81 sr ent · GordonI' B¢¤·ns••»ilkGa installation' 'th Govsrnm build obsolete ordnance donated to . ; 1084, 1208 _ ings or exhibit palaces, autherize.l.. 793

WdHomCg&wmd___ ·' eo1nageof50<:ents1lverpieceat,autb<n·- 793

0 extend , ...,. · ..

 on Isthmian Canal   Gourmnent Funds, · ·

` n . .. .. ~ .- . hr. `1190 reservsbauksmay receivedepositsof . 265 advancedtegradeofrnajorgeneralinMedi·` ’ ‘ toactasfiscalagents .. . 265 ca1Degsrtrnent,...-_..:... 1191 ... 265 tobecome §BODGGD01B1; limrtoftour · · depodt of, other nmbenksurmderkesuspend incumbency..,..;. ‘ 1191 serve Act, forbidden 265 ma be retired on application ...; -1191 gorpitalfor Imam, D. C., Gormiy, P. F., _ _ V ·~ approprranon for current expenses.-. 50, 649, 863 deiicienjgy appropriation for extra works . . 1140 exchange of tyipewnters, etc ... 649 Go•hen,I_ .,_ f bu __ grounds ... -. 50,649,% appro nation or pu c buildmgu or pumps . ._ ... Gou,Tl$m•¤N., _ * iornewbarnsmdprggeriss ... 650 paymentofCourtofCla1msiind.ingstoex· *` hW&u\I0\1J1dCflm1Ill1I1B8l161}111.l41.111g.( 650 ecutorsof .. 974 for completing, etc., power plant, from Godhmlt, Clarks, _ ‘ accrued ,,,,, 650 pay·mentqfCogrtu§Clsi¤snn¢h¤gsto¤d- 983 for¤&1’por·tb_indigentirmne,Disu·icto¥E‘7921 mnmstra o ... . . um ra. .. , Gott: Channel, Jl(e_., · . dsiciency appropriation for completion of psshminary examination, etc., oi, to be power, etc., plant ... T . 217 made .. ‘ ... 166 exchange, etc. , of machinery . 217 Gough, Hay A., _ ; ‘ _ forsupIp.ortofind1gentDistrictpatients. 316,566 payment of Court of Claims iindmgs to ad- * for re d of erroneous collections ... 1142 mirris?.to§*of ... .-.. '988 forretunuéfwirraridsofpatients ... 1167 Gvuvancur- . · . ·- - ‘ Gowrvwwnt in erritonea, , `

 fo; public   .. 611, 824 appropriation for expenses  479, 1021

Gooermnent Employees (ue also ployees, estimates subject to revision by Inte- Government), _ _ rior Department .. 479 appropriation for _ medical examination, administrative examination of accounts etc., of, receivinipay for injuries. 505, 1046 in Interior Degartment . 1021 salaries for, notéaatévaila e for permnnentgs 1049 Government B (ssc also Public mcapac1 ersons . _ . Z , Printing an ui , salaries oi, establishgd as rated in legrsla- appropriation for PI1blICl%1l1DB! and saltive, etc. not . 509, 1049 aries in office of._ . . ... 67 670, 879 Goocrnmiant Board, Panama-Pacnjic for Degutyjf Public Printer and lr;.] 879 xposizion, office . 7, 1, to be designated by the President te pre- for watch force .. _ . . . . . 67, 671,879 are, etc., articles for Panama-Pacific for paying salaries for hohdalys. . . . 67, 671, 879 Exposition ... . . . . .. . 76 for eaves of absence for emp ryeee. 68, 671, 880 consultation for preparation, etc . 76 for public printing and bm ing; allotoflicers; details . . ... 76 ment ... : 68, 671, 880 no extra. compensation .. z . ._ 76 restrictions on details from . 673, 882 travel and ser diem allowance; l1m1t.. . . 76 limitation on branch offices ... 673 Army an Navy officers . . 76 apportionment of expenditures to details permitted to .. 76 work executed .. 70, 673, 882 of emplo ees; maximum . 76 for Sulperintendent of Documents and

 officer; bond; advances.  . . . 76 sa aries in office of  70, 674, 882

buildings to be provided by Exposition for contingent expenses. ... . . 70, 674, 882 Company ...,,,.,,.,,. 77 for enlarging power, eg., rilaplt, for serv- 3, ro riauonforex uses .. . 77 1c9t0l1eWp0Bl50 C6 u`dlJ1g'° - 71 pair gonstruction ofplfuilding for exhibit in for installing mechanical maibcarrying Presidio of San Francisco, Cal., res- _ system to new city post office .. 674 ervation ...,...,,.. 667 dedcxency appropriation or holidays for location and character to be useful for employees ... 228, 575 military purposes after exposition for leaves of absence to employees 228,327 ,1153 closes ,.,,,,,,,,...,... 667 for d waste péiper - . . ..., 228 approval of plan, etc ... . .- 667 for Samuel binson, rlliam Madden, erection by contract, etc., under Sec- and joseph De Fontes. . 228, 575, 1153 retary of War . .. 667 for printing and binding .., 327, 381, 1154 for entertaining representatives of foreign paper of departments, etc., may be used in Governments participating in expo- 66 exegutgpg work at . 3% gitiou .,..,. , ,.,,_,__,,,,... . . . . ..,. 7 G0’l!G'7I‘7Il£7’L¢ u icaliww, to consult by correspondence or otherwise designated libraries to receive, for preparation, etc., of exl11b11n 669 dnnng err enstence . 75