Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 1.djvu/1438

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exon INDEX. Panama-Pacijic International Expositebn-— P¤·8¤· Papago Indiorw, Pima County, Ariz.-—Gontd. P¤K°· Continued. appropriation for schools for children of. . . 584 details of Army officers authorized for 1065 or_water supply for villages _ . . . I . . 588 foreign Governments invited to Congress deiciency appropriation for irrigation on Education in connection with. . . 1222 system 011 1’8BB!`V8lZl0lr . Z 230 free admission of articles for foreign build- for water supply for nomadic 230, 232, 332 ings and exhibits . . 112 Paper, _ _ _ _ temporary copyright, patent and trade- uty on, albumxmzed or sensitized . 145 mark protection 112 albums for phoxkgrafphs, etc 146 Govemment exhibits ma be installed in articles compo 0 crepe, etc .. 145 Government building or exhibit lithographically printed. . ... 145 palaces 793 surface-coated, etc . . . 145 isue of coins commemorative of, author- bags, cloth-lined, etc .. 145 ized ,,, 793 basic, for sensitiz ing, etc ., 145 designs; legal tender. ... 793 bibulous .. 145 gold; denominations; $50 octagon piece. 793 bond . . 146 sale to Exposition Compmy . 793 booklets, lithographically printed .. 145 silver 50-cent coin; delivery to Expo- decorated by hand, etc. . 146 sition Company . . . 793 books, chi1dren’s, lithographically printmedals and diplomas to be prepared_at ed ..,. 146 Philadelphia Mint and Engraving not specially provided for 146 and Printing Bureau 794 box board, not coatedécprinted, etc . . 144 delivery to Exposition Company; pay- boxes of surface-coat , etc . 145 mept .,. . . 7 94 moi wood, looarered . . lg co' e o 50-cent ver iece at vem— , endars, ograp 'ca y prin . 1 umgment exhibit; recoinage, etc .. 794 · calendered ... 145 souvenir medals to be struck 0H at Govern- cardboard, etc .. . . 146 ment exhibit . . 794 charts 146 payment for; regulations, etc. 794 cigar bands, lithographically printed 145 counterfeiting laws applicable 794 cigarette , . 152 appropriation for designs for coins and cloth-lined . 145 medals; fpayment . ...- 794 copying . ...,. 145 jurisdiction ced to Califomia over gan of copying books, letter .. 145 Presidio of San Francisco an Fort cork . . 147 Mason reservations, Cal., while used crepe .. . .. 145 for ..., 783 cut into designs, etc ,.. 146 provisions for participation in 76 decalcomanias - .,.,,.. 146 Government Exposition Board created; decorated, etc . .. . ...,.. 145 composition 76 emery .._. 147 duties in selecting, etc., exhibits 76 engravings . . ..,.,.. 146 extended to purchase representative envelopes, cloth-lined .,, . , 145 articles, etc .. . .. 669 not specially provided for ...,.. . . 146 allowance for exlpenses 76 etchings ...,.,,..,,.,_,,,, , 146 to _Army and avy officers . 76 fashion periodicals, lithographically details permitted .. _ .. 7 6 printed, etc .,,,.,,,,,_ 146 payment of employees; limit .. 76 Elter masse or filter stock ... 144 disbursing officer; bond; advances 76 Eltering. ... . ... .. ..§ . 145 buildings to be provided by Exposition llaps, Irthographically printed ... 145 Company .. . ._ .. 77 grease-proof 145 appropriation for expenses of installing, andmade, etc ,,,,,_,_,,,,,,_,__,, 146 etc., exhibits .. . . . 77 hangings ,..., , ,,,,_,,,,_,_,,___ 146 Panama·Pacific Intcrrmttional Exposition Com- imitation parchment, etc . . 145 _ _ pany, _ Jacquard esigns, etc ... 146 buildmgs for Government exhibit to be Ja ... . . 146 _ provided by, free of cost ... 77 126:1:, lithographically printed . 145 disputes between foreign commissioners ledger, etc 146 and, to be settled by National Expo- lithographic transfer, not printed ... 145 sition Commission .. 77 lithographically printed pictures, cards, Panama, Panama, _ labels, etc ,.,.,,_,, _ _______________ 145 appropriation for operating public works, manufactures of, not specially provided etc., from receipts therefor .. 676,885 for .,,,,,_________ _ ___________ 146 Panamza Railroad, maps ,. . ,...,...,. 146 detail restrictions of Army officers not marbleized ,,____,_______ _ ____________ 145 gaplicable to service, construction of 357 masks ,,,,..,.,,,,_,,,,,,_,,,,__,,,,,. 151 PGMM Cvmptmy, _ music, in books or sheets .,.., , , 146 land commission not to act on claims not specially provided for .. 146 ‘ originating under leases, etc., of 886 onionskin, etc ____ _ _____________ _ _____ 146 Pants, papienmaché boxes ... . 145 dui? 011, {rotten, etc._ 139 parchment ..,,________ _ _______________ 145 Prwlnduzn Re.m-vatpmt, Ariz., _ _ _ phqtogrg hg __________ _ ________________ 146 e Cleucy appropnamon for irrigation 230 pgoturesiithographically printed 145 “Y“”°m. ··--~··-- · -··-- _ ~··-·--—-- y cards .. 146 Pe;1;,ag;);ngi•qn•, 1;;1mdOo:lmy, Ariz., f M Bressubémards or press paper ,,..,,,_, 146 ¤1l¤0¤ ev opment o ws rinted matter not speci] ll ` °“PPlY» fw ¤¤m¤<hc ... . . . . 85, 587 P re: I ...,,,__ 146