Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 1.djvu/1440

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cxoiv mnnx. Parkersburg, W. Va., P¤8¢· Patent Ojiw Gazette, _ _ _ _ · P¤8¤» bridgeBauthori3;d agloross Ohio River to appropriation for prmtmg, binding, etc . . . 672 el re, io, m 954 , terms of cgurt at. ... 702 Patent Office, Interior Department, _ _ Parking Cornmrlssian, D. C., appropriation for Commissioner, assistapprogmriation for expenses . 527, 904 d ants, <;x§mineArs, etc . 490, 1032 P , t , uties o irst ssistant an ssistant atiracts in reclamation projects for,. 727 Commissioners 491 Parks, D. C., f R k C k d for professional and scientific books, etc. . a pro riation or care etc. oc ree an P PPiney Branch., . 531, 907 for weekly issue of patents; drawings, for maintaining portions of, for outdoor etc 491, 1032 ks . I 846 §or isnvestigationsi etc .. . .1. . . . 491, 1032 Par , . . ma or expenses, ntemationa ureau appropriation for condemning land ior, out- Berne . 491, 1032 d side city limits ... i5éed550, 923 for printing weekly issue of patents, etc .672 con emnation in etc. p , under Chief of 550 for printing, etc., Official Gazette. . 69, 672, 881 condemnation of land for, limited to areas for special repairs to . . ... 642 P ks s?undeg by streets ... 625 for engerkses branch office anama-Paé68 8 9 ¢rr,argaret. c`cx'tion .. ,7 payment of Court of Claims findings to 963 designatioiiogi employees, etc ... . - 668 Parks, N¢'d1bT|»Gl(86€ National Parks). deiciency appro riation for expenses, In- Parlor Car Seats, teruatronai Bureau, Berne. . 230 Pstanip .tiaxEon . . . 763 §or haw library. . Z .. 331i52(; ams, . . orpansornew ding . . 1 deficiency aippropriation for paying interest for weekly isue of patents .. 1154 czrdju gment to .. 215, 318 models now stored in Senate and House Parsley S , Office Buildings to be removed to P duty ogg .. - .. 134 P Iieserlzztion No. 13 458 arsmp rm: Pduty $:..3 . 134 contracts co*:ddi£1;1Q>ns that artnen ° , etc,restric musingp uctso P excepzdu from income tax requirements 172 others, unlawful, if to lessen compe· 1 artner ps, etc., tition etc . 73 unfair methods of comfpetition in commerce Patents, ' P b$ or prevenung ... 719 application req1b1i;emer:§·&rs;bspeci£cation and artrtdge` 0 c to sign inventor . . 958 on free list, the rough, cut for umbrellas, drawings to be furnished; signed by in- P cage? etc. . . . 164 ventor pr attorney .. . . . . 959 asadem, a . requirements or witnemesto iiications appropriation for public building .. . , . 12, 613 claims and drawings, aigolished .’ 958 conderanedvcannon granted to Spanish 1211 temporlary protefstggr oéioreign exhibits at 12 ar eterans . anama- c ation . 1 Pascagoula Harbor, Miss., _ Patents, Commissioner of,_ pos improvement of ; terminal space for appropriation for, assistants, examiners, wharves to be furnished by local m- etc 490, 1032 P Wterlests . 1051 d;1tiesc;fs?istants .. 491 asco as . _ _ _ _ time imit or urmsh' ing copy or ann deficiency ,appropnation for public bruld· reportstopriuter, notapplicable 1:0.. 886 P , XT. 563 to estalébsh branch office at Pant$·Paci€g asquotan wer Z .,_ x ition to tact e mar preliminary eniammatron, etc., of upper, \ andxgitents of gxign exhibits . . 112 P mails-, ... . . 1058 to exclglmgiiprinted copies of patents with assage ts, oretgn, an ... stamp tax on ... 762 Patton, Henlg, Passaic, N. 1, pa ntof CourtofClaims findings to-... 984 appropriation for improvement of ... 36, 636 Paul, James L., Passenger Carrying Whrkles, _ payment of Court of Claims Endings to restriction on purchase, etc., of, in execu- administratm of ... 984L P tix; degartments, etc .. 508 Paulina Nations; Forest, Oreg., f 428 assenger esse a ro ti n tenan , tc., crude pptroleum may be discharged from PM2; 3;;;, LWN cc e 0 when signal sb;%•i€:;;e¤¤1¤¤¤¤·l ports ---·- payment of Court of Claims Endings to 963 . p°”° ·‘ ‘ 1 ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ Paulk, Jcmathan, Putpot sulqecttocsugo, etc., restrictions 511 payment qt -C0m,t of Claims Endings to 1 at abaaadaaga . at ,. . ;dmm¤·*°* ---------·-··-----· *3 manufactures of, not specially provided *;*7*9 °'“· for.--nun"--n"_•”uH___·U- 123 utyon. . . . -. .. . . 130 Pqgulg, Paw·kaw-bah, Kickapoo Indian, _ _ duzecgnlisriot specially provided im- ,._,, _ _ 151 reservation of moneys due, to be paid Ins 597 gn ° ___ _______ ______ ______ 165 Cl1SUOd13D ..·.. .·· -·-·-· Pazapsoo_River, xd., Paw Paw, W Va., Idhodist Epnboopal preliminary examination, etc., oi, to be Ckurda, made . . ... 1057 payment of Court of Clairm findings to... . 95