Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 1.djvu/1454

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ocviii mnnx. Pottawalamaz County, Okla., Pass * Praink Grove, Wash-, P°8°- appropriation for paying drainage amess- E condemned cannon granted to, for Daughments on certain Indian allotments 55 [ PT tt Kters of the Confederacy .. . . 1203 ° _,_________ _ __,____.,.._, 3 1 a , ans., Pottawativninie Indians, Wis., deliciencyappropriation for public buildappropriatic? for support, etc., 102, 606 P _ ------·---·--------·--·----· 563 P¢¢¢1w¤¢0 WT ,W‘¤% I i "“`“’”··’.‘. . .. zppmprigrtion zii)7;8 purchasiribg lands for approprmtioli for collecting Statwtres of. 473,1015 allotment to, residing in Wisconsin Precious Stones, and Michigan. ..,... 102, 607 dnrty_p;1,_ cut, aut not set . {gg P tr P , rmi tron, e _ .. zliggyr or? ___________________ _ ________,__ 145 jewelry set Wllih ... 149 Poway, Worksin, rough, uncut, etc. 149 on free list, produced more than 100 years Pfchwtoftc _R11/ms, Colo., ueb?)ore importation ., . __..,, 166 supervglpp of, rirggsrde of Mesa Verde 84 P ttsvi , ., , FGPQ ··---------··-··----- ztondemneld cannon granted to ... IZ)3 PT¢l’i’m‘§7¤;¢¤‘y I’f;iWw!'W¤»§, _ Poughkegpgk, M K, , provisions or issuing, under Antitrust appropriation for public building ... 613, I P Act, 9tC -·-··-- - -------·---··------ 737 t '¢P¤’¤¢¤m8, Pwlgdariaixdy, Wash., duty on spirituous- - . , .. , - 1. - . 136 prelirninary examination, etc., of, to be 1062 Pfgpzmiwfwr gm, Qhwzlwdhgld Medmmlr 115 mgd ____ _ ________________________ u y on, co g co ... Poultry, 9 I Presbyterian Theological Seminary of Kenduty on, dead. or prepared in any manner. . 135 m¢k!I» . _ _ ]jv(,_;z&,b ____________________________ 135 payrtrgent of Court of Claims findings to 970 P U a 9, 1'“°° rm. wm . . . (gpprrlfmpriation Stor investigating, preparing I appropriation for .publ1c building .. 613 for markpgi eg .,.,,,.,,,_ _ _ _ , 431, 1102 Prtermtrg péagourtlagi . . .t. 2. , ... 203 experimen s 'pments . -- 431, 1102 6860 _ QM ¢W8_, TV-, P I colcgadergvdcim ggher bureaus 1102 Prappmpr?i;nh<;¤l§0r`2§,¤r;a¤ké1tenance, etc., of. 4%, 1098 t t a z . 0 ’|'|· . (gppirii/opriatizir for experinilgntsin ... 420, 1090 approgerration for compensation 464, 1007 os;-ich izidusyx ..,,._ 420,1090 or tiretary of, executive clerk, c1er1;¤é4 1007 -P°Wd¢T» Ou » 9 . ················ : ····· : ·. ···· . limitatid1inn!i>rie;>‘;ic(•; oitmdlilligr Owen small l for riihef, etc., of American cmzens in ’ 346 ... . . 392, 891 exnco Powder (,*2;]:: Q for traveling expenses of . 635, 847 duty 0¤_ jewelry _____ _ _____,_____________ 149 for protecting gg;-gg]; gf_ __________ 52, 652, 865 Powder, Nagy, [ for Panama anal construction, etc., appropriation for purchase and manufac- \1!{d61‘ ----···-·----- ; ---·- ;-_ ---·· ;- 674 ture of .. . 399, 934 for relief, etc., of American citizens in limitation on price for, other than smnlégg 934 tEElru1&;;1e,6§rphmng out of political dis- 776 arms . , . _ _ c ere ... . purchases of smokeless, seiglgect to full additional ... 776 operation of Indnanh plant 399, 934 to use Army and Navy officers, vessels, Powder 2`,gri1;Zs,§ Ggi, Methodist Episcopal wsupplies, it: ... .. ur ou., charte___r,e.,vesse .. Ptpuaavemerét of Court Go; Claims H11diIlg‘S£•0 ,,._ 967 for Dryxinlpln of Filicpenlpyf under; ap- 1007 , ., tmo·nary' ‘z 111 en ec.,o C19.._.1  :.. Chiznclf apm deiicieiigy appropriation for admimstratron payment of Court of Claims findings to 967 | of customs laws. . Z ... _ . 231 Powell National Forest, Utah, action directing expenditures for relief of apprpgpriagon for maintenance, etc., of. 428, 1098 pinggerers from floods, etc., 1913, rat.1- 215 P t te , ---.···-·.---···-·---------·-- tiigegmggiatigg ftbr mail transportation by-, 300 authorized to accept invitation to expo- Power, etc., Sites, Indian Reservations, a sition at city of Panama, Panama. . . 1127 appropriatizn for investigations and sur- Interrirational Commission of Phytopath- 768 s or .. . .. 78, 582 0 . . Power Phfziils, Hydroelectric, Internggzibnal Conference on Education. . 236 provisions for, in grant to San hancisco, International Sea Fisheries Exposition. . 778 Gal., for water uses .,...,.._ 242 Sixth Internatronal Congress of Cham· Powers of Attmney, bers of Commerce, etc .. . . . 773 stamp tax on, to vote at corporation elec- ilixthzgiitpbmauond geintal Copgress 774 tions etc. 762 au on appoint vrsory ommrttee general- .l . 762 for Aeronautics .,. 930 pension, gack pay, etc., claims ex- agent for Birtérslh-fkmerican pecuniary 449 cepte , . ...,. `63 clarmsat 1 tron .. Poynter, Mllmm L., I I commission on national aid for vocational payment of Court findings to I education .. i .. _ .. } 768 s.dmm.rstra' trixo ... 969 commission to compete acquisition 0 Prairie Dogs, 1 lands for extension of Capitol appropriation for devising methods for de- grounds ... 781 stroying .,,,,,,,,,,. 434, 1105 * approval of purchases, etc. ... 781