Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 1.djvu/1491

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INDEX. cgxlv $h0d¢{3/, Wiwl, _ _ Y¤K¤· Shreveport, La., Page. on tree list, not specially provided for . 165 deficiency appropriation for public build- Shoe Butwrw, ing, ron; ____________ _ ____________ 210 d\1%0§1 -··--·---—··----~ - ----.-.. 147 Shrewsbury Rwer, N. J., Shoe mves, preliminary examination, etc., of, to be dum? --·-·-----·-·-- - ---·-------... 127 made ,,,_., ,, _ 1057 Shoe nga, Shrimps, duf.L0l1,_ cotton, GLC . .. 140 on free list; ____________________ _ __________ 162 Shoe achgneny, Shrubs, _ _ on f¤*>¢_h¤t ·---------- - ------·-----... 156 appropriation for study ot diseases or ,.,,_ , 1092 Shoe Polulwl, dutzetgn, nurse or greenhouse stock .. 133 duty OH ~·--··- · --·---···-··-·-·—-·· · --·-- 115 011 list, fotr¥)g>aftmeut of Agriculture Shoes, _ or Botanic arden. . . . . - 168 on tree list, leather . . . 158 Sam, leather uppers, Gtc., for . 158 appropriation for minister to ________ _ _ _ 442, 1115 Shocks, _ _ or secretar£ of legation and consul genduty on pack1ng·box, not specially pro- eral at angkok ,,_________________ 443 vided fo!' ·---·.--.·· - ...-.. 130 for interpreter to legation, etc ,_,_,,_ 444, 1117 Shwggvgbols .·---·-·--..----··.- . . 130 S_ for expenses of American prisoners. , , 452, 1125 , mmcan, zbena, on free list, returned from abroad as barrels, appmprigtiou {0;- iutgrprgtgyg at consulates et»c._ ..-..- 131 m ...,,,_ _ , , 452,1125 Shocks, Frau, _ Sibert, Izkut, Col. William L., on free list, of Almencan ma¤¤facture,_re— thanks of Congress extended to, for disimported m boxes filled with fruit. . 131 tinguished services on Isthmian Shooting and Ranges, Army, 367 1079 ad Ceaanal Conimission ..,, ,_,________ _ 1190 appli) LOD Of BXPGIJSQS .. . . , vanc in ran to grade of n°gg,digr gn- Shop Wgrk, Army, _ _ _ eral of the line ...,,_,,,________ _ _ 119] no pay to officer, etc., using time measuring may be retired on application 1191 devices on jobs of employees ... 1083 Side Anna, Shop Work, Navy, _ _ _ duty on ..,,...,,,_,,,,,,_ 126 no pay to qiiicer, etc., using time measuring Sidney, Olub, device on employees 953 appropriation for public building .. 828 Shore Duty, N¢wy,_ _ _ Siege Camwn, Army, officers performing engineering duty on appropriation for purchase, manufacture, . shore only an of Construction etc., of ,..,.,,_.,..,. 389, 888 Colfer, elxgllgle for other ... 394, 930 contracts authorized ... . 389, 888 Shortage of mportcd Pcnshabk Arhkles, for ammunition for 389, 888 provisions making allowance for, from de- for ammunition for practice .. 389, 888 cay, etc . _ ... 190 Sigma and Smrna Earths, Shoshmw Indian Reservalum, Wyo., duty on . . 118 appropriation for Indian school. 102, 608 Skrra Natakmal Forest, Cal., or expenses, irrigation system: ... 102, 608 appropriation formaintenance, etc., of . 428, 1098 investigation o roads and bridges . 102 exchange authorized ogprivate lands in, for constructing roads and bridges . 102, 608 to be added to oeemito National for repairing Fort Washakie on ... 103, 608 Park and Sierra Forest . 376 special report required of irrigation project exchange of timber, etc., for lands in Yoseiu, as to Indian water rights, meth· mite Park . . 345 od of Enancing, etc . 583 lands in, added to Yosemite Park . 345 Shoshone Iadahns, Wyo., Signal Corps, Army, _ appropriation for support, etc., of ... 102, 608 appropriation for psy of enlisted men; or school .,.. . .. 102, 608 longevxg ... Z .. 354, l066 for tumiling treaty with .. 102, 608 for pay of officers; longevity 356,1068 de6ciency appropriation for support, etc. . 578 aviation section created as part of . 514 Shoshone Irrigation Project, Wyo., duties, personnel, etc .. 514 appropriation for maintenance, etc ... 860 Signal Oj§ce,_ War Department, ‘ Shosgone Natwkmal Forest, Wyo., appropriation for c erks, etc., -_ 480, 1022 appropriation for maintenance, etc., of. 428, 1098 draftsmen, etc., to be paid from ap- Shot, propriatrons for fortifications, etc. 480, 1022 duty ou, iron or steel, for abrasives .. 125 for radio engineers -----..--.··-- · 480,1022 lead ... .. .. 129 Signal School, Army, Fort Lgavenwortln, Shotgun Barrels, Kang., _ _ on free list, single tubes, forged, rough approspnation for instruction expenses. 352, 1063 bored .·--- · -.-.-..·.-··... 162 Signal ennbe (sea also Signal Corps), Shotguns, appropriation for expenses; war balloons, duty on breech-loading ... 127 _ etc .. 2 ... 1 . 353, 1064 m[]zz]g-1g3di])g_ _ _ ______,__ , _,___,__,,,_ 127 llllllt {OI BEDS]. m9·ChlD€E ..·· ~ - 353, 1064 Shaw, Henry, property reports to be rendered sem1- paymem, of Court of Claims findings to ad- annually; .-··--·----·--·-----··- · ~ 353 mjnjgtmtor of _______,_.__,,,_, , ,,,, 974 use of receipts from sales of BHPPIIGS, 353 Shows, Public, GW .---- · ·-·- _ - ·; ·-·--- ; ----·-- special tax imposed on proprietors of . . 751 for cornmission on aviation station, San yment; required for each State, etc. . . 752 Diego, C2}-, 0I' €lB9Wh€!`€ ------·----· 1064 gahautauquas, lecture lyceums, fairs, etc., for Washington-Alaska telegraph sysexempt ... - ... 752 170111 ------··-- - -·-·--~--·-·----- — 353, 1065 91006°-von. 38-rr 1———93