Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 1.djvu/236

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SIXTY ~THIRD CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 32. 1913. 217 INTERIOR DEPARTMENT. mg;;§··¤·>· MM » GENERAL LAND orrrcn. °°¤°*`°“·°¤°°m°°· The unexpended balance on June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and ¤§g’*h°*¤ P°°“‘° thirteen, remaining to the credit of the appropriation of $4,500 con- cuismyinz i¤·¤d¤ tained in the deficiency appropriation Act approved August twent — '*$.§1’{‘g,7,,,_m sixth, nineteen hundred and twelve, for the completion during die $$*,;,1*;;;- @· nscal ear of nineteen hundred and thirteen, of the examination and ' elassigsation of lands within the limits of the Northern Pacific grant under the Act of Jul second, eighteen hundred and sixty-four (Thirteenth Statutes, tliree hundred and sixty-five), is continued and madeavailable to meet the expenses pertaining to such examinatiorn and classifications as may be incurred during the nscal year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and fomteen. sunvnrum rms: runmo LANDS. ,m°g;'°Y*’¢ P”"“° To a William T. Evans, United States de ut surveyor, for sur- www '*`· mwveys rmurve of public lands in Oregon?u1i’der contract num· hymm w` , bered seven hundred and eighty-four, dated January twenty-first, nineteen hundred and nine, e sum of $1,428.16, as ound due him by the Auditor for the Interior Department by certificate numbered thrrt ·two thousand one hundred of September sixteenth, nineteen hundred and thirteen, amhpayable from the a propriation "Survey- ing the public lands," fisc year nineteen hundred and nine. enoL0¤1cAL sunvm. ¤¤¤¤¤¢¤l¤¤my· For the urchase of instruments, equi ment a aratus, su lies, ,,§f’“§*,§§§:§§'°‘ file cases arid other furniture, and lumberijand tlreligprinting otprlhaps by tit M and folios, to replace certain ones destroyed by the fire of May eighteenth, mneteen hundred and thirteen, in the building occupied by the United States Geological Survey, including the repairs to instruments and equipment made necessary by said fire, these emeEency purchases to be made under such rules as the Secretary of the tenor shall prescribe, to continue available during the fiscal YW 1914, $50,000. For reimbursement of carpenters and other laborers for the loss of P°"°“"""°‘ personal property, tools and work clothes, $80.16. mnnrr orrrcn. """"‘°‘“°°· The unexpended balance remain? u n the books of the Treas- C,{°'°°’°'°“B°"°°*' my on June thirtieth, nineteen hun dpgnd thirteen, of the ap ro- },’°•{_9,!,bIj_'*gg_¤· nation of "$15 000 for improvements at Fort Bidwell School; in ' £&l.1fol’& as follows: $7,000 for the erection and construction of a water electric-light system; $3,000 for sewerage system; $3 000 for a. steam laundry; and $2,000 for a conzplete heating system oi] the school and accessory buildings " under e Act of August twenty- fourth, nineteen hundred and twelve, entitled "An Act making apglropriations for current and contingent expenses of the Bureau 0 I-Ixdjan Agairs, go; treaty spipnpaadggngdmm the var-Irons antri es,an oro urposes" or e yearend1n’ § une thirtieth, nineteen hundred) and thirteen (Thirty-seventh mted States Statutes, pages five hundred and eighteen to five hundred and twenty), and under the terms of said agpropriation of $15,000, IS hereby reapproprrated and made availab for the fiscal year ending June thirtreth, mneteen hrmdred and fourteen. · _ Govnnrmmrr H0sPrraL ron rm Irrsarmz For completing the ,_fg;¢¤‘$¤I_g*;g* FW power, heating, and lighting plant, nemodeling the electric layout r¤w¤,ee§p¤¤¤.