Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 1.djvu/243

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224 SIXTY-THIRD CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 32. 1913. cususomte nunmu or rim orznsus. atisths. Th unexpe ded bal t 66<hug` $50 000 of the appropria- ,,,?C:“l.:‘$t°;n§':‘i””’“ tion {br collectling statizlliieg, 3:2 tliiciiscal year lnineiteen hundred and Val- ¤'*· P· **6- thirteenis hereb reappropriated and made available for disbiusement during the fiscal, year nineteen hundred and fourteen. 0¤·=¤ R¤ci¤·¤=· OFFICIAL nnorsrna or trim mmrmn srnms. P Mi ¤¤¤i¤¤ *<> 1* H afte th OI·cial ter of the United States shall not contain °`i»·€:i°`i.·{"{»`fi1¤. the riéies df those persons eretofore published Volume H relatmg ,,,,*§,,·§,·,,·,,°°°·“‘°·*""‘· to the postal service, namely, postmastexs, assistant fpostmasters, ` clerks in post offices, city and rural carriers, employees o the sea-post service, employees of the Railway Mail Service, employees of the ma1l mess er service, and mail contractois; nor shall it contain the statementeldg allowances made to contractors for carrying the mails or the list of shi and vessels belo ° to the United States, as heretofore publishedpihi the said Official alegister; and all Acts or parts of Acts mconsistent with the foregoing provision are hereby repealed. ugnmwmrmmm nmmsu or uemnousns. A Pa ¢¤¤ T a the claim for damages which has been considered, adjusted

  • °a··.?i.'i§¤°¤;;°°°° andtllgteimined to be due the claimant by the Commissioner of

• P· . . . . houses, under authority of the provisions of section four of the Act of June seventeenth, nineteen hundred and ten (Thirty-sixth Statutes, page ive hundred and thirty-seven) on account 0 damages occasioned by collision for which a vessel of the Lighthouse Service hm been found responsible, certified to Congress at its present session in House Document Numbered One hundred and fifty-four, $22.50. L,,,,,,,,,,,,, mm,. ueirmousn nsranusmmnr.

 Entrance , . . . .

cnumen, . _ Aids to navigation, Atchafalaya Entrance Channel, Louisiana: For gndsmtg navigation m Atchafa aya Entrance Channel, Louisiana, 50, . ¤_E_gg¢¤i·_¤¤¢ Pm ¤¤· vessel for Southwest Pass Entrance to Mississip i River, Lzgsuewn. gouisgininz To consgructand equigia hglitovessel for- the gguthwegt ass n rance to the Mississi pi iver uisiana $125,000. Nnvggn mma, w.r. liilght statmog a\;;ss:%vkl;:1x}dhiWee; Indies: Eor a light station on avassa n in e es n es 125,000. Assmmn num, Improvement of aids_ to navigatidn, Ashtabula Harbor, Ohio: °'“°· Fog: reargagsginninty rgwuigdmgblagx 1$n11p1J)v)ement of the aids to navigaiona aua aror o, 5 . gglutemrrcg. Site, and so forth, for depbt for sixth, lighthouse district: For pur-

  • ’° S ·° °· chase of a site and construction of a wharf and buildings, and urszsz ·;£:’s.z¤;°.i#*.€,§h$*.1:,é:.;mz?:; as my pmt is ·

e nc , . cxevtnma, cum. Ebmoval, and so forth, of fo§—signal station, Cleveland, Ohio: Béoié remzgl, rizco§st(1;f11ct1ogii7a:.5n00 improvement of the fog-signal s aiona evean o, , . 1.m1¤,om¤. _ Improvement of hids_ to navigation, Lorain Harbor, Ohio: For light and fog—s1gnal station and improvement of aids to navigation at Lorain Harbor, Ohio, $35,000. A¤¤1¤¤<1.Wi¤- Rgdglitional totn2gCglati3n,v?sMand, Vgisconsin: For additional ai _ 0 naviga IOII a _ an nsconsm 25 000. M=¤¤‘¤¤q¤¢. HMB- A1ds_to navigation, Mamsticénie,  : Fei- establishment of aids to navigation m the harbor 0 Mamstxque, Michigan, $20,000. Ugg Sem Elia. Light fog signal at or near Cape Saint Elias, Alaska: For light and og signal at or near Cape Saint Elias, Alaska, $115,000.