Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 1.djvu/26

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SIXTY-THIRD CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 3. 1913. 7 That all appropriations heretofore made for the enl ement, U=°¤¤¤¤¤¤==P¤¤·>· extension, regibddlinv, or incrprovement of the ost office m court gg; p. 1369: Vc!. house at Charlotte, North arolina, be, and the same are hereby, 37’p‘“°‘ reapproiipriated and made available for the construction of said new post office and court house, and for said permanent alterations, remodeling, and so forth, of the assay office, and for said rental of

 guarters and moving expenses of the Federal omcials to be

qu therem; and the Secretary of the Treasurynis authorized to use the assay office building at_Charlotte, North Caro a, for the occu- DQ”•>¤¤p¤¤¤¤ ¤f ¤·¤: pancy of certain Federal ofHc1als when the building has been placed ° ` m condition to accommodate them. _ Chickasha, Oklahoma, post office and courthouse: For continue- °m°““"°* °“'* tion of building under present limit, $105,000. Chicago, Illinois, appraisers stores: For repairs and alterations, ,,§g,“‘§.§$°,,,,§· ‘°' including eqlpfipment and plumbing fixtures, $15,000. Chico _Ca ormabgost office: For continuation of building under °“'°°·°°'· present limit, $25,0 . Clarksdale, Mississippi, post office: For continuation of building °“"“°“‘°·m”· under psresent limit, $24,000. ` Clar ville, Texas, post office: For completion of building under °'"*“’“°·'*`°‘· present limit, $15,000. , _ Concordia, Kansas, post office: For completion of building under °°°°°"“°»K°'“· present limit, $35 000. _ _ = · Concord, New llampshire, rent of bmldings: For rent of tempo- °°”°°“*·N·H··""*· rary quarters for the accommodation of Giovernment omcials and - movli§ incident thereto, to continue available until ex- , 5 . Pegookeville, Tennessee, post office and courthouse: For continue- °°°*‘"*“°·""‘°· . tion of building under present limit, $15 000. ` Corpus Christi, Texas, post office and customhouse: For comple- °°’P“’ °""‘“·'“‘ tion 0 builex under present limit, $10,000. _ _ _ Corry _P yvania,post office: For continuation of building under °’“’*I" present limit, $45 000. _ _ _ N Y Cortla.nd,New`York,postoffice: For continuation of bmlding under °°“"‘“°· ‘ ‘ present hm1t, $40,000. _ _ _ . co Tm Covington, Tennessee, Opéist omcez For continuation of building '°"°°°' under present limit, $10, . _ co V Covingttzp, Virginia, post office: For completion of building under "°‘°°°’ " present `t, $25,000. _ _ _ C I Crowley, Louisiana, post office: For completion of bxnlding under '°' °" present hmit, $10,000. _ _ Cm Tm Cuero Texas, post omce: For commencement of building under ’ present limit $35,000. _ _ _ C H Ml Cullman, Alabama, post office: For completion of building under present limit, $25,000. _ _ _ C umm; mgynthiana, Kentuckyimraost office: For contmuation of building Y" " er present limit, $40, . _ _ _ Dalles The, Oregon, post office: For continuation of binlding under 'm’° D**“°°· °"¢· present limit, $5,000. _ _ So much of the unexpended balance of the appropriation for con- m- •P· struction of the Federal building at Danville, oxs, as may_be V¤1.a6,p.1<¤0· necessary ma be expended on plans approved by the Supervismg Architect of ie Treasury in the improvement of the approaches to and grounds aroimd said building. . _ _ _ www 8 c_ Darlington, South Carohna, post office: For completion of bmlding °' ° under present limit, $10,000. _ _ D3 n Ohh Dayton, Ohio, post office and courthouse: For completion of build- ’°° ’ ‘ ing)under present limit, $200,000. _ _ efiance, Ohio, post 05.ce: For completion of bmlding under pres- D°““°°· °“°· em: limit, $30,000.