Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 1.djvu/302

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SIXTY-THIRD CONGRESS. Sess. II. Gus. 19-21. 1914. 283 CHAP. 19.-An Act To authorize the Missouri, Kansas and Texas Railway Corn- F¤b1’¤¤fY 10. 1914- pany to construct a bridge across the Missimippi River near the crty oi Hannibal, m lH· R· 957*] the State of (Pubns, Ne. ss.] Be it enacted by the Senate and House o Re esentatives o the United . . States eg America in Congress assembled, 'llrhatzthe Missouri, `éansas and i‘r‘s;“'f.’1‘t€"i¤I?}'.‘2.';¤, Texas ailway Company, a corporation organized under the laws of the °C{§§, T°;°,f,,5¥‘,*§}*,f,'é’g' State of Kansas,ishereby authorized to construct, maintain and oper- ¤w§u¤¤¤i¤¤1. M0. ‘ ate a bridge and approaches thereto across the Mississippi iRiver at a point suitable to the interests of navigation, from a point on the Missouri shore near the confluence of Bear Creek with said Mississippi River to a point in the State of Illinois opposite thereto, in accordance with the provisions of the Act entitled "An Act to reinilate the con- V°*· 3***8*- struction of bridges over navigable waters," approved arch twenty- third, nineteen hundred and sur. Sec. 2. That the right to alter, amend, or repeal this Act is hereby *’—'¤°¤dm°¤’· expressly reserved. Approved, February 10, 1914. cnn. ao.-Au Act rt Emacs str the appointment or an saeasem district "°‘°{,§*}*,{_*§,j°**- judge in and for the eastern istrict of Pennsylvania. Be it enacted the Senate and House o Re esentat·i·ves o the United States of Amailczir in Congress assembleg Tgt the President of the Y>$..t§,d§$:.l;,"§°°$l'§; United States shall appoint an additional district judge for the eastern °";ddm0¤;u judgom district of Pennsylvania, by and with the advice and consent of the ¢hgf1¤fd· Senate, who sha reside in said district and shall_possess the same m.,,‘§d5d?°’ p‘ N"' qgraliiicatrons and have the same power and jurisdiction and recerye t e same salary now prescribed by law in respect of the present district therein. Sec. 2. That whenever a vacancy shall occur in the office of the $gr =`;g,;g·tg)¤,g; _*<• district judge for the eastern district of Penns lvania, senior in com- pcmmi. °` mission, such vacancy shall not be filled, and, thereafter there shall P°"*P‘5“‘ be but two district judges in said district. Approved, February 16, 1914. - CHAP. 21.-An Act To promote the eiiiciency of the Naval Militia, and for other Fopauaay Mart. purposes. \ [Public, No. 57. Be it enactul by the Senate and House q" Representatives of the United mu I States of America in Congress assembled, That of the Organized Militia ii·i¤is°¢it¤¤.ii°6¢. as piovided for by law such part of the same as may be duly re- V°‘· ”·P·”°· scm d in each State, Territory, and for the District of Columbia shall coréstitrgte 'iah Naval lliigitaiia. hm f h d f h ( to nc. . atonan tert eyears romt e ateo the ass e ymm °· of this_Act the organization of the Naval Militia shall be riixitsagf :¢¤ry<kii1il11i:dNi¤)·i'y§°°' convenient size, in each of which the number and ranks of officers and the distribution of the total enlisted strength among the several ratmgs of petty officers and other enlisted men shall be established b the Secretary of the Navy, who shall also establish the number of ogcers and the number of petty officers and other enlisted men required for the orgamzatron of suc units into larger bodies for administrative Mm d and other purposes, and the arms and egluiyinirsent of the Naval Militia mm 1m·1?rd seiqvig of the several States, Territories, and the trict of Columbia shall be the same as, or the equivalent of , that which is now or mayjhereafter bciqprescrrbed for the landing forces of the vessels of the nited States avy, and_ such other and additional arms, armament, and -“=¤¤~ _ iauipment, includingvessels and stores, sup lies, and equitplment of kmds for the reparrmg, maintenance, andp operation of e same,