Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 1.djvu/31

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12 SIXTY-THIRD CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 3. 1913. N°"“°'*°“’·N-Y- lgew Rochellf, New York, post office: For continuation of building im er present imit $25 000. §:'g,Y°§‘·,}°·Y· New New ’York; barge office: For completion of the annex gg Oggilding pier in connection therewith under present ’°"°“’°°· unlgeolw ·Y0rk£ Yorkbogost omcez For completion of building Nilxiim Tmmm b ZNO_l’\g T¢g1$W8l1¢i¤, tN1;:itY;>§13, 0g)ost office: For completion of mldmg_ - un er presen _ , . °° °"" h' 011 City, Pennsylvania _ post office: For completion of the enlargegient, , or 1mprovement of the building un er °“°°"°·"°· P Oldtggtlléigeioopost office: For completion of building under Omni" wm" P Ol yV n, post office: For completion of building undu- N` Y` 0¤0¤¤§¤·»_N0W York, P0¤¢ offico: For continuation of building under A l1ID1§i¤$€0,000. l a am oiii : F tiuuation f buil ` Ou, N J present liiiiit, $25,0lll)P°st cc or mm 0 ding ulldar ' ` J¤¥¤0)’, P08t office: For continuation of building undummhm so cb present , $10,000. _ · A , (grangeburg, Carolina, post office: For completion of building Onmmnm xm erprespn llmlt, $5,000. O O · _ P Osagolglnfg. post office: For continuation of building unda]- °‘“"‘·‘“"· P omcez For completion of building under °"’°°°°"m“’ Owatomm.; Minnesota, post omoe: For continuation of building under resent limit $23 000, oxmiu. c. P .· Oxford, NOIlil1.6&lDllh8, post office: For completion of building kh under present limit, $25,000. _ I"°‘°°m’ prg.’Sx;r;;g1¢;;‘1l%, i;.gk0i.)n6aas, post office: For completion of building under Paris Tex. r n ~ ' _ Paris Texas post omcez For com I t' fth nl - ..“.$.bg8;..0dei;g, .. impm.m.m‘L? i."{.'i1?ing°u‘Z.d.r“gp°m».§Z?.'iz%*¥., Pmm M. P P¤S8£d§:;%C$i§g1·61g3, post omcez For continuation of building undu- Pm Y°°’ N' Y' P Peru; Yan,,};;a:)v0i(;¢5rl·i, post omcez For completion of building under !°°°°°°"m" Pensacola,'F1o1ida,•post office and courthouse: For completion of tll;:l;a1nl;.rgem€n£;ue€;t;§ig13:)i6 remodeling, or improvement oi) building Rent, 7 7 · For rent of tem orary quarters at P I Fl ' Pm, Im aceipmmodation of (ibvemment officials, 84, Onda, for the Hmi:r1g;5I3§gi, post office: For continuation of building under present Petnske . ¤ · . . r.¤1¤1¤ pr;>S;; t]Lt${;;Om(§0u51, post office: For completion of building under mm om (algigw, pdst office: For continuation of building under present

L°°;'; unglgirgfield, t.l?3·sgg0gost office
For continuation of building

Pmmb mm ${1;;-;1§:fl;g? office: For continuation of building mm W bug3ciIi;elll;>&‘;·d;.ho, courthouse: For completion of ““"““‘· · t Pl t, W ‘ ‘ ’ . . V; ing gllfaer Post 0mc6• For completion of build.