Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 1.djvu/345

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326 SIXTYZTHIRD CONGRESS. Sess. H. Ch. 52. 1914. °¤*¤·=·°*°*°¤*°¤= ized b said Act; also for preventing the unlawful entriy of Chinese into the United States by the appointment of smtab e omcers to enforce the laws in relation thereto, and the expenses of returmng to China all Chinese persons found to be imlawfully in the United States, inclu cost of imprisonment and actual gems of convey- ance of ° ese ersons to the frontier or seabo for deportation, R°'““°°‘“h°°°°“" and for the refunding of head tax upon presentation of evidence showing conclusively that collection was made error of Govemment officers; all to be expended under the direction of the Secretary ·*”“·P·“* of Labor (Act June twenty-third, nineteen hundred and thirteen, volume thirty-eight, page sixty-five, section one), $95,000. mgmr 8¤¤¤¢i¤s Bu- nunmu or LABOR srmrrsrros. Per diem. ¤¢¤·. ¤¤i- For diem in lieu of subsistence of s cial agents and employees °°”°°°°mm°’°°* while i)ri1.rvel.i.¤:,{ on duty away from theirpchomes and outside of the District of Co umbia, at a rate not to exceed $3 per day, and for their transportation, and for employment of exiplelrts and temporary assistance, to be paid at the rate of not excee g $8 per day, and for traveling expenses of officers and employees, $5,000. I·°¤¤·¤'¤· LEGISLATIVE. wz{¤¤¤¤ °' “¤° CW mormimzrr T0 conmmrorwm um WOMEN or 1*111: crvu. vn. P¤¤¤¤¤¤¤°*¤¤¤¤¤¤*¤— The commission under whose direction the ditures are to be ?»°`}»1wi°:h.u°m°rhl t°' made for the site and memorial authorized by the urgent deficiency "‘“**’·m‘ a propriation Act approved October twenty-second, nineteen hundiled and thirteen, to commemorate the service and sacrifices of the women of the United States, North and South for the sick and wounded in war, shall consist of the Secretary of ,VVar, the chairman of the Senate Committee on the Library,_the chairman of the House Committee on the Library, and the president of the American Red ¤¤¤¤¤¤· smvxrm.

  • “‘""“’ °· B“°°"· To a to Mrs.V1rgm1' 'a Lamar Bacon widow of Honorable An stus

a t widow. y P Y 0 O. Balfzoii, late a Senator of the United States from the State oig(`leor· B ia, $7 ,500. °”°°°”°°°i°”’ °°° g For compensation and mileage of Senators, $1,767.12. ¤ii%i—`¤yHri.B1fiiiil° The Secrets.? of the Senate is hereby authorized and directed to $°"*°°=· ay to Joseph . Sullivan, $116.67, for clerical services rendered the lilonorable ames Hamilton Lewis, of Illinois, from March twenty- sixth to April sixteenth, nineteen hundred and thirteen, and to Harry H. Buck, $466.67, for clerical services rendered the Honorable Blau Lee, of Maryland, from November fourth, nineteen hundred and thirteen, to anuary twen?··seventh, nineteen hundred and fourteen, from the appropriation o "Salaries of officers, clerks, messengers gnddriiéléers rfifthe service of the Senate/’ for the nscal year- nineteen un an ourteen. 1§:¤\I:&:'it;uqgz The Secretary of the Senate be, and he hereby is, authorized and "' ’“ ”‘ directed to pay to Hattie A. Krueger and Lizzie Krueger, sisters of Paul R. Kruegerhlate Clerk to the Committee on Irrigation and Reclamation o And Lands of the Senate, $74, being the amount due _ him on account of salary. “'”°°“°°°°“¤**°¤¤· For miscellaneous items, exclusive of labor, $50,000; P¤*<¤¤c- For folding speeches and pamphlets, at a rate not exceeding $1 per thousand, $5,000.