Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 1.djvu/354

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SIXTY-THIRD CONGRESS. Sess. II. CHS. 52, 55. 1914. 335 CLAIMS ALLOWED BY THE AUD1ToR Fon THE STATE AND OTHER DEPARTMENTS. For public rintin and binding, $134.40. Clelm ¤¤°W°d by For tlians olitationgof diplomatic and consular oficers, $114.25. f>`i•iij¤iig€•i¢§.mw'm" For reliefp and protection of American seamen, $425.19. For eneral expenses, Bureau of Chemistry, $44.45. For Iaboratory, Department of Agriculture, $20.50. For general expenses, Bureau of Entomology, $4.45. For contingent expenses, Weather Bureau, $2.88. For miscellaneous expenses, Bureau of Fisheries, 20 cents. For contingent expenses, Department of Commerce and Labor, 54 cents. For salaries, fees, and expenses of marshals, United States courts, $100. For fees of commissioners, United States courts, nineteen hundred and thirteen, $819.55. For fees of commissioners, United States courts, nineteen hundred and twelve, $61. For fees of commissioners, United States courts, $15.15. c1.A1Ms ALLOWED nr THE AUDITOR Fon THE POST OFFICE DE1·ARTuEN·r. For mail transportation, star, $11 .71. A,,°$‘,§1,,“l1i‘],§'g°21,¤{’,,’Q For shipment of supplies, $99.84. D°P“’*¤°¤*· For electric and cab e car service, $29.80. For miscellaneous items, first and second class omces, $16. For Rural Delivery Service, $530.43. For indemnities, domestic registered mail, $30. For comphensation to postmasters, $121.33. Sec. 4. at the appropriation of $10,000, made in the Indian Tg;} °"m"’d Appropriation Act approved June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and m§’,j;1;¤r*:§;;*Bg*°*¤ thirteen for the (preparation of a complete separate fiscal and A¤a,p.m. ` financial history an statement of the affairs of each o the Five Tribes of Indians, is repealed. Sec. 5. That no part of any money appropriated in this or any {’,‘§,§‘;,‘§1<},’§°[‘,’§,°‘},‘;,_ other Act shall be used for compensation or payment of expenses of gg8°;_=g}*g“§° *¤¤¤¤¤· accountants or other experts in inaugurating new or changing old ` methods of transactin the business o the United States or the Dis- $,,.,0,,,,, ,,,m,,,,, trict of Columbia unlgess authority for employment of such services fg c°°:“P:1‘L'£K mhz or apayment of such expenses is stated in s_peci£c terms in the Act °q ` m ing provision therefor and the rate o compensation for such services or expenses is specifically Exed therein, or be used for compensation of or expenses for persons, aiding or assisting such accountants or other experts, unless the rate of compensation of or enses for such assistants is fixed by omcers or employees of th:xUnited States or District of Columbia having authorfly to do so, and such rates of compensation or expenses so fixed sh be paid only to the person so employed. Approved, April 6, 1914. Apri114,1914. CHAP. 55.-—An Act To authorize the issuance of unqualified patents to public lands in certain cases. [Public, Ne. ss.] Be it enacted by the Senate and House 2 Re enmtives the United States of America in Congress assembled: Tg? the Secrgimy of the ;Ii§g.l€,1?§,°¥g.,t., i,. Interior be, and_he is hereby, authorized and directed in cases where g°0gf,‘°},{¤¤ °'*°¤“*°°°¤ patents for public lands have been issued to entrymen under the provisions of the Acts of Congress approved March third, nineteen hun- V°L 3~‘»P-8**