Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 1.djvu/364

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SIXTY—THIRD CONGRESS. Sess. II. Cns. 56, 58. 1914. 345 For maintaining and improving the grounds of the post cemetery, °°“‘°““"’· $1,500; IF or continuing the construction of breast-high wall in dangerous W°·““»’°“d$»°"’· aces, $1,000; P For broken stone and gravel for roads, and for repairing sidewalks, roads, paths, and bridges on the reservation, $6,000; _ _ For repair of boilers, entgines, dynamos, motors, refrigerating and m°m“°"’°°"‘ other machinery in the ca et mess, and the replacement of same, to be expended without advertising, $500; _ For the repair, impfovement, and maintenance of the cadet polo field, and for the purc ase of blackboards, gongs, and other necessary m?eri$l` for the same, $600; h bs $1 00 -— if or aining swamp near the 0 ervatory, , 0; _ For plaster and other models, relief plans, and maps (pictures and ,,,,¥°°°"’ '°"°'P‘“"" views) to illustrate the facts of geology hotogrglphy, geography, hydrographiy, the rocesses and results of, the usef (and Eno) arts, 0 the art 0 war, fiirtifications, artillery, and the like, to be displayed on the walls of the buildings of the academy (for transportation _0f such material tg dlgesit lgoint, and for wall and other cases for 1iZS reservation an ° a , $2,000; P For c on tli)e drevelopment of the general plan for imfprove- I““"°"“‘ "°“"°“‘ ments to ro and grounds on the reservation 0 West Point, designed under contract by authority 0 the Secretary of War, $3,000; For the care and maintenance of organ in the cadet chapel, $150. Approved, April 15, 1914.

 58.-—An Act To amend section one of an Act of Congrem a proved April Avg! ighigii

ninth, nineteen hundred and twelve (Thirty-seventh Statutes, page e1%ty), entitled "An Act to authouze the Secretary of the Interior to secure or the mted States [Public, No. ss.] title to patented lands in the Yosemite National Park, and for other purp0ses." Be it enacted the Senate and House 0 Re sentatives of the United States of Amerwgzd in Ucmgress aese·mbZed{ThZai’t8section one of an Act p§§°°5'§iF° N°"°"“l of Congress zzpproved April ninth, nineteen hundred and twelve mY_·;f;,°d§’» P- 8**- (Thirty-seven Statutes, page eighty), entitled "An Act to authonze the Secretary of the Interior to secure for the United States title to patentecé landg ir}: the Y0selp1it¢i)Nationall Sag, anid fo; Ether purses, ’ e, an thesame IS ere y, amen e rea as 0 ows: _ p0“SECTI0N 1. That the Secretaries of the_Departments of Interior °t]:·}g,};·g_§`$;,;{g;¤§;g and Agriculture, for the puxipose of eliminating private holdmgs me mes. within the Yosemite Nationa Park and preserve mtact timber along and ad`0ining the roads in the scenic portion of the park on patented lands, are hereby empowered m their Ql1SCI'6t10D to obtam and accept for the United States a complete title to any and all patented lands within the boundaries of said park by the exchange of timber or timber and lands within the Yosemite National Park and the Sierra and Stanislaus National Forests for such lands and the timber thereon within the park, necessary conveyances of park and national forest timber or timber and lands to be made by said Ex { F secretanes, respectively. That the secretaries of the ·S81d depart- ,,,,,,,,f"§§,‘§’ ,,{"S,§,‘?,, ments may, an are hereby authorized to, acquire t1tlB in fee by the :;¤<g,,§:és,*¤8§l¤¤SN¤¤¤¤· exchange of lands of the United States for patented lands not exceeding six hundred and forty acres in the Sierra and Stanislaus National Forests, adjaclelnt and céunlgilguous to tithe Yosemgse Nait1pnaéSPp11;1kli and when suc atente ds are us ac uire , said im S become a part oi) the Yosemite Natienal_Pa;l; and be subject to all Vous m the provisions of the Act of October iirst, eghteen hundred and ninety, · P‘ entitled ‘An Act to set apart certain tracts of land in the State of California as forest reservations} " Approved, April 16, 1914.