Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 1.djvu/366

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SIXTY-THIRD CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 71. 1914. 347 CHAP. 71.- t To rov` for ` th ol f f th nited A @25 1914- samaam. a‘2c"a€.i0.a.‘é.t.;‘l% W..T°‘“‘“g ° " “““’°’ °’°°“ ° ° U li- R· *1384 [Public, No. 90.] Be it enacted by the Senate and H cvuse ry Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the land forces of the g`·0’;‘g6Sm°n Ofkmd United States shall consist of the Regular Army, the organized land forcesmilitia while in the service of the United States, and such volunteer forces as Congress may authorize. Sec. 2. That the volunteer forces shall be raised, organized and XQ,l‘},§“,§§;'°'§,§S· in maintained, as in this Act provided, only during the existence of war, time of war- ' or while war is imminent, and only after Congress shall have author- _ ized the President to raise such a force: Provided, That the term of §§°;l?§`{‘{,3tntp,r;,d, enlistment in the volunteer forces shall be the same as that for the _ Regular Army, exclusive of reserve periods, and all officers and en- T°"'“”°"°°- listed men comlposing such volunteer forces shall be mustered out of the service of the United States as soon as practicable after the President shall have issued a proclamation announcing the termination of the war or the assing o the imminence thereof. la Sec. 3. That wlien volunteer forces are to be raised the President a§,f,‘Zf mm °° °° shall issue his proclamation, stating the number of men desired for each arm, corps, and department, within such limits as may be fixed by law, and he shall prescribe such rules and regulations, not inconsistent with the terms of this Act, as may be necessary for the purpose of examining, o anizing, and receiving mto the service the men called Pmim for: Prmrided, Tint the power to organize volunteer forces shall in- rammi. clude the power to provide, within such limits as are or may be prescribed by law, the officers and enlisted men of all grades and classes, and the trained nurses, male and female, that may be necessariglin Organized Mmm the various arms, corps, and departments: Provided further, at Ac¤ep:a¤&;¤:,1¤a¤c- when three·fourths of the prescribed minimum enlisted strength of xg? ° ° r °°°°` any company, trocgplg or battery, or when three-fourths of the prescribed minimume ted strength of each company, troplp or battery comprised in any battalion or regiment of the organize land militia of any State, Territcgar, or the District of Columbia organized as prescribed by law and ar Department regllgitions, shall volunteer and be accepted for service in the Volunteer y as such comggafy, troop battery, battalion or regiment, such organization may received into the volunteer forces m advance of other organizations of the same arm or class from the same State, Territory, or District, and the ,,§§,“,§'l"”’°°’·°°°·*°° officers in the organized land militia service with such organization may then, within the limits prescribed by law be a pointed bé the President, by and with the advice and consent of the Sgnate, as officers of corresponding grades in the Volimteer Army and be assigned to the same grades in the said orglanization or elsewhere as the President _ may direct; Provided further, hat all enlisted men received into the ],si;’§p§,'§§°‘}0°§t,‘2§,j service in the volunteer forces shall, as far as practicable, be taken em from the several States and Territories and the District of Columbia in proportion to the respective populations thereof: Provided further, vl;}U;‘gg;g¤°° °' °°¤°’ That when the raising o a volunteer force shall have been authorized ' by Congress, and after the organized land militia of an arm or class shall have been called into the military service of the Cnited States volunteers of that particular arm or class may be raised and acpleglted into said service in accordance with the terms of this Act reg ess of the extent to which other arms or classes of said militia shall have been called into said service. A H H i A Sec. 4. That the volunteer forces shall be subject to the laws, m_Z;.E§e§3s.°°° my orders, and regulations governing the Regular Army in so far as such laws, orders, and regu ations are ap licable to officers or ·6D].lSt€(l men whose_ permanent retention in &e military service either on the active list or on the retired list, is not contemplated by existing