Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 1.djvu/407

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388 SIXTY-THIRD CONGRESS. Sess. II. Cris. 125, 129. 1914. ·l'*¤§ g·é°“· GEL?. 125.-An Act To authorize and direct Colonel George W. Goethals, Goverm_K *1 _. nor of the Canal Zone, and formerly chairmnm and chief en.gmeer_0f the Isthmian [Publi¤,N0.119.] C&Il31_C0]é10mlBSl0H, to investigate certain claims oi the McClmt1c-Marshall Construction mpany. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rerggsentatives of the United C°¤i{gt¤¤=¤g¤-M·(g¤¤¤¤ States og America in Congress assembled, t Colonel George W. pa¤y.m° °° °m` Goe , Governor of the Canal Zone and_ formerly chairman and z§',‘§"°{,‘E‘°‘,,,‘{$,,,,,@§,} chief e ° eer of the Isthmian Canal Commission is hereby author- $$*5 d- *°¤ W·¤¥ ized and directed to investigate the claims of the iMcClmt1c—MarshalI ` Construction Company, a corporation of the State of Pennsylvania, having its principal office in the city of Pittsburgh, in said State, and to ascertain what amount, if any is m Mjustice equity, and fairness due and o e said McClintio— arshall, Construction Company from the Is ° Canal Commission for work and labor done and materials furnished in connection with the construction and erection of lock gates and alppurtenances for the Panama Canal, and in connection with or inci ental to the doing of the work and fiunishing of the materials provided for in a certain contract between the Isthmian. Canal Commission and said McClintic—Marshall Construction Company, dated June twenty-Bret, nineteen hundred and ten, taking into consideration the claim of the contractors that the ~ work was done under requirements as to character and finish not fairqlly within the meaning of the speci‘dcations. ¤;'f”"’°"*Y°¤d P°"· _ e said Colonel George W. Goethals, Governor of the Canal Zone, is further authorized and empowered, either personall or through such commission as he may appoint, to invest ate such claims and the various items thereof in such manner as tdghim may seem best, and either personally or through such commission is hereby empowered to administer oaths and aiiirmations to witnesses, and to ¥¤>¤*°°'¤¤¤*¤¤· issue subpoenas and to compel the attendance of witnesses. He shall report in detail to the Congress of the United States his iindings. Approved`, June 24, 1914. June 27. 1%*14. GEL?. 129.-An ActMaki appropriations fort '

 defense, for the armament the:•§of,p!£r sie pr0cumms°d:]li>‘i8'f1i:an:yab1;1d1idn}dg;  

[rubuc, No. 120.1 and service, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House o Re esentatives 0 the United Pr*,;;*,{g§’S$°*'°¤°°PP'* States of America in Congress assemblejd, 'lqat the sum! of money herein provided for be, an the same are hereby, appro riated, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appro riated; to be immcdiately available and to continue available until, expended, namely: FORTIFICATIONS AND OTHER WORKS OF DEFENSE. mE3si¤•¤¢f 1>¤v•r•» UNDER THE ENGINEER DEPABTIIENT. mgge ¤¤<ii=¤¤r¤¤b¤¤- ger congtruction ofdgun anil mortartsbafiialteries, 5%.50,000, Modern nlug em- 01j H10 61'D1Z1Ilg0 BIB BUBIIIBII , Bsumo 100,0 ` P"°°“"°“"· Bmpnated and made avs?l§ble out of the aggregate ugggsgclnedigd alance of the appropriations for re air and protection of defenses of 2§g{—;;·I1:·;§· Pensacola, Flon a, made in the Igvrtifications Appropriation Acts ' ’ ` a proved March second, nineteen hundred and seven and March tllfird, nineteen hundred and nine, respectively. ’ mgtegczggmw vu For- the construction and installation of methods of Coast Artillery war instruction at Coast Artillery posts, including necessary material and labor therefor and for extra—dut a to s 1 ' . Y P Y o dieis necessarily employed for periods not less than ten days, $25,000,