Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 1.djvu/412

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SIXTY-THIRD corennss. sm. II. os. iso. 1914. 393 amount of mone of all pay and for all allowances for each grade of ofiicers in the l*l1avy, including retired officers, and for all officers included in this Act and for all enlisted men so included. For commissions and interest; transportation of funds; exchange; p°§S’;’°“°¤°°“¤ °*·· mileage to officers while traveling under orders in the United States, ` and for actual personal e nses of officers while traveling abroad under orders, and for trawiiililng expenses of civilian employees, and for actual and necessary traveling expenses of midslupmen while proceeding from their homes to the Naval Academy for examination and appointment as midshipmen; for actual traveling expenses of female nurses· actual expenses of officers while on shore patrol duty- for rent of and offices not in navy yards, including the rental of offices in the istrict of Columbia; expenses of courts-martial, prisoners and prisons, and courts of inquiry, boards of inspection, examining boards, with clerks’ and witnesses’ fees, and traveling expenses and costs; stationery and recording; religious books; expenses of purchasing paymaste1—s’ offices of the various cities, including clerks, furniture, fuel, stationery, and incidental expenses; newsbpapers and periodicals for the naval service; all advertising for the av_si3Department and its bureaus (except advertising for recruits for the ureau of Navigation); copying; care of library, including the purchase of books, photographs, prints, manuscripts, and perrodicals; ferriagle; tolls; costs of suits; commissions, warrants, diplomas, and disc arges; relief of vessels in distress; recovery of valuables from shipwrecks; quarantine expenses; reports; professional investigation; cost of special instruction at home and abroad, including maintenance of students and attaches; information from abroad, and the collection and classification thereof; all charges pertaining to the Navy Department and its bureaus for ice for the cooling o

 water on shore (except at naval hospitals), telephone rentals

and to , telegrams, cablegrams, and ostage, foreign and domestic, and post—ofIice box rentals; and otliier necessary and incidental expenses: Promkled, That the sum to be paid out of this appropria- Jjflwuytm M CM tion, under the direction of the Secretary of the Navy, for clerical, mn mmm, ac., at inspection, and messenger service in navy yards, nava stations, and ’°‘d’· °‘°‘ purchasing pay offices or the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and fifteen, shall not exceed $280,000; in all, $1,000,000: Provided, That hereafter no mileage shall be paid to any omcer where igégégggghgyr Govemment transportation is furnished such officer. P° ’ CoN·r1NonN·r, NAVY: For all emergencies and extraordinary ex- °°“““‘°“‘· penses, exclusive of personal services in the Navy Department, or — any of its subordinate bureaus or offices at Washington, District of Co urnbia, arising at home or abroad, but impossibe to be anticipated or classified, to be expended on the approval and authority of the Secretary of the Navy, and for such purposes as he may deem proper, $150,000: Promkled, That the accounting oH:icers of the €{%,;" ,,,,,,,1,,;,,,, reasuriy are hereby authorized and directed to allow, in the settle- *¤*¤l¤¤d P°S$**Si°¤$· ment o accoimts of disbursing officers involved, payments made under the appropriation “Contingent, Navy," to civilian employees appointed by the Navy Department for duty in and se at naval stations maintained in the island essions duri al year _ nineteen hundred and fifteen: Pr u.rther, Thaiiliihe sum of $104,- ,,,,*§“°°§‘,,°f,{§f‘§»‘,§’,,‘§§,,‘},l 000, or S0 much thereof as ma be necess , be expended, on the P¤°§zE¤P°¤i*i°¤· approval and authority of the Secretary ofmthe Navy, for entertaming the officers and crews of foreign fleets which may be sent to attend and participate in the Panama—l?acific International Exposition m consequence of the invitation of the President of the United States, exten ed in pursuance of the authority contained in the joint resolu- V°l‘ 36*** 1*5* tion of Congress approved February fifteenth, nineteen hundred and VOL 36 mg eleven, and of the authority contained in the Act making appropr1a— '°‘ '