Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 1.djvu/466

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SIXTY-THIRD CONGRESS. Sess. II. Crr. 132. 1914. 447 to play the salaries, comp)ensation, wages, and allowances heretofore author·ized or approved y the Secretary of State, and any and all persons employe by or under the direction of the commissioner appointed by the Secretary of State to study the uestions in connection with the distribution of the waters o the l%io Grande, from the date to which such salaries, compensation wages, and allowances were last paid up to and including the thirtieth da of June, nineteen hundred and fourteen, or until said erplplo ees shall be separated from the service; and the appropriation m e gy the Diplomatic and Con- tE=;_g·f¤r¤¤¤· nrprosular appropriation Act, 'sipproved February twenty-eight, nineteen pver. sa,p.m. hrmdre and thirteen, " o enable the commission to continue its work under the treaties of eighteen hundred and eighty-four, eighteen hundred and eighty-nine, and nineteen hundred and five"_ is hereby reagprocpriated an made available for the payments herem authorize an directed. nomvnanr Lmrz, anasxa arm emma, arm mm UNITED swarm ant emma. i To enable the Secretary of State to mark the boundary and make .¤li°°l`c»??£ Amb the surveys incidental thereto between the Territory of Alaska and v°'· ““·*’· “’“‘· the Dominion of Canada, in conformity with the award of the Alaskan Boundary Tribrmal and existing treaties, including employment at the seat of government of such surveyors, computers, draftsmen, and clerks as are necessary; and for the more effective demarcatron and ma ping, pursuant to the treaty of April eleventh, nineteen V¤¤·=¤»1>-¤¤¤· hrmdredp an eight, between the United States and Great Britain, of the land an water boundary line between the United States and the Dominion of Canada, as established under existing treaties, to be expended under the direction of the Secretary of State, including employment at the seat of government of such surveyors, computers, draftsmen, and clerks as are necessary, $100,000, together with the unexpended balance of previous appropriations for these objects. INTERNATIONAL nmznau ar nrwssms rox m¤·¤.nssION or THE AFRICAN snavn mmm. To meet the share of the United States in the expenses of the B¤¤¤¤ *¤*R¤g·•· special bureau created lbly article eighty-two of the general act lllligadthlcan S °v° concluded at Brussels J if second, eighteen hundred and ninety, "°” "·"‘°"· for the repression of the rican slave trade and the restriction of the importation into and sale in a certain defined zone of the African Continent of firearms, ammunition, and spirituous liquors, for the year nineteen hundred and fifteen, $125. mrnnnarrorwar. rmsor: coumssrorw. For subscription of the United States as an adhering member of the P"’°" International Prison Commission, and the expenses o a commission, including preparation of reports, $2,550. rar: arrnnrcm UNION. Pm American Pan American Union, $75,000: Prmnded, That any moneys re- m;¢m·>·?*•¤·· ceived from the other American Republics for the SI3I£OI't of the esg:r.°‘ m°°°” r°` Union shall be paid into the Treasury as a credit, in a _ tion to the a propriatiorr, and may be drawn therefrom upon requisitions of the _ cliairman of the governirri board of the Union for the purpose of meef the expenses of e Union and of carryrnghegut the orders mtmy ,,u,,,,,,,_ of sell? govermng board: And promkled further, t the Public