Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 1.djvu/477

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458 SIXTY-THIRD CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 141. 1914. For materials for furniture and repairs of same, exclusive of labor, ger services ii.(;>lean1;;)sc?(;·epa1rmg, and varmshing fm·n1ture, $2,000. Packing boxes or pm XSS, · , wmnouseror awa- For rent of warehouse for storage of public documents for the Sen-

                • 3- ate, $1,800. , . .

mm ¤ · ’ d t f th C `tol Burl and Grounds IS hereby m§°°t°’ mi M d cu aullddriilig andudlirezlzedutg riiamigida anyt1;n docu11(i§_Hnts ligate- ' ° C 'tolB`dmg' o an ouse ce dmgs glrlntlrzlgdiiieirt llgilice mocéeli ndw stolrpgg thai Sepglteoang Exe ' , to ding or Oqa 11 es -

 *~·~es* ¤¤i1e~e..s,*::a:¤a;

° tend t th 'to _ an rorm rs izixnstcdiiilu gr of aE}’,t..g or 1..;:}l‘,1'¥.§..e wgrzctgb 000 mm. mjeeelleu tems ex usrve 0 a , . mvmiawm. gg; expenses atgd investihgsatégns ordeiéetglcgryatihpuiplnlaspé ’ ° tr s noga commr , iinsclrlriii,-;{l>§0ii¤:iIei·dnl>*;v iillie Committed) to Audit and Control the _Con- ‘ tingentzggpgnses of the Senate, but not exceeding $1 per printed RQPOYWHS dents- Pagilri-sreportiirg the debates and proceedings of the Senate, $30,000, payable m equal monthly installments. ¤•pf¢¤1¤¤¤r¤¤- cnrror. rouon. P"` F tain $1,800; three lieutenants at $1,200 each· two special omeceiswalt $1 500 each; forty-seven privates, at $1,050 one-half of said ,privates to be selected b the Sergeant at Arms of the Senate and one-half by the Se eant atzrms of the House of Representatives; in all, $57,150, one hallg to disbursed by the Secretarjgiof the Senate and the other half to be disbursed by the Clerk of the ouse of Rept t' . °°"““$°°*”P°°”’· r$I?§raci>`i1 thexpenses, $200 one half to disbursed by the Secre of Senate and the other half to be disbursed by the Clerk of th§use of Representatives. ,,{,;*_*g*,fm‘§**********°***° °** somr commrrnm ou rnmrmo. °€·K"ée$t§jm_ Fer clerk, $3,000; inspector, under section twenty of the Act approved January twelfth, eighteen hundred and nmety-five, $2,000; e§l°“”°°“l°“l D"` steno pher, $1,000; forjexpenses of compilingmpreparmg, and mdex- °***P‘“**¤·°°°· ing tg? Congressional Directory, $1,600; rn $7,600, one-half to be disbursed b the Secretary of the Senate and the other half to be disbursed by the Clerk of the House of Representatryes. ?‘°'*°° °' R°¥’“”°°*" rrousn or nnrnssnxrarwns. atnves. P***' QQ ’,{g”*"*;;’,; F m ti n of Members of the House of Re es t ti , <1i·:=lig<i?·imi¤1=¤i1¤¤I•ir¤· Delegatzé gi mRTe)1;1ritori3s, the Residenftb Coxrt3nis1§ip£e£rfr§%Pd1?;1;'?o Rico, an e esi ent ommissioners m · e 'ppine an , $3,304,500. -

 '1`he salaries of Representatives in Congress, Delegates from Terri-

¤¤¤¤¤· tones, and Resrdent ommrssioners, elected for unexpired terms, shall commence on the date of their election and not before. Musee- R Fer migzage of Represenéatiggs and Delegates and expenses of esident ommissioners, $1 5, . °m°°”· °‘°'”· °"°· F 1- ompensation of officers, clerks, messe e , and thers: “*’°‘“‘°""°“°°· Ogwrbn or rrm Srmumn: Secretary to Sgrlegaliser, $4,800; clerk to Speakers table, $3,600, and for preparing Digest of the Rules, $1,000 per annum; clerk to Speaker, $1,600; messenger to Speaker, $1,440; messenger to Speakers table, $1,200; in all, $12,840.