Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 1.djvu/545

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526 SIXTY-THIRD CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 191. 1914. done by the Commissioners of the District of Columbia, the cost to be aid from the appropriation for said bridge and viaduct and collected from said street railwa company in the manner provided for m Vol.20,p.105. section five of ‘ ‘An Act provirhng a ermanent form of government for the District of Columbia," a proved June eleventh, eighteen hundred and seventy-eight, and paifmto the Treasury, one-half to the credit of the United States and one—half to the credit of the District of Columbia. — G¤¤i¤8· GRADING smnnrs, Aums am) Roms: For labor, purchase and repair of cars, carts, tools, or hire of same, and horses; and mmates of the Washington Asylum and jail may be used in connection with this work, $15,000. °°¤d“¤¤*“°¤· CoNDnm~1A·r10N or smnnrs, norms AND umms: For purchase or condemnation of streets, roads, and alleys, $1,000. ,,;‘§,';§’s‘}'“°° '°°d°°°d Consrnocrron or sonunnan noans: For construction of suburban Gmstmcriou. roads and suburban streets, to be disbursed and accounted for as "Construction of suburban roads and suburban streets," and for that p cse it shall constitute one fund, as follows: ultibrthwest. Irving Street, Georgia Avenue to Park Place, grade and im rove, $10 400; Northwest. Ulpshur Street, New Hampshire Avenue to Eighth Street, grade and improve, $3,800; Northwest. Nineteenth Street, Kalorama Road to Biltmore Street, pave, $12,700; Northwest. Taylor Street, New Hampshire Avenue to Eighth Street, grade and improve, $4,200· Northeast. Summit Place, Todd Place to V Street, grade and iI!.l§1‘0VB, $2,800; · ortheast. Uhland Terrace, Summit Place to Second Street, grade and improve, $1,900; Northeast. U Street, Lincoln Road to Second Street, grade and im rove, $6,800; ` Northeast. Second Street, end of present pavement to V Street, grade and improve, $5,200; Northwest. Harvard Street, from Sixteenth Street eastward to end of pavement, [pave, $4,000; Nort west. Al son Street, E' hth Street to N`mth Street and Eiggith Street, Webster to Alhsonlétreet, grade and improve, $5,200; orthwest. Newton Place, Park Place to alley west of Warder Street, grade and improve $3,900; Northwest. Jefferson Street, Seventh Street to N`mth Street, grade and improve, $5,100; Northwest. Fifteenth Street, Euclid Street to Columbia Road, grade and improve, $7,200; "°",f, }",§_$§’é ggfeig Northeast. Fort Place, Seventeenth Street to E` hteenth Street, gig grade and improve, $1,800, and hereafter said streetietween Seventeenth and Eighteenth Streets shall become a part of Irving Street, and be known and designated upon the plats and maps of the District of Columbia, as Irving Street; Northwest. Shepherd Street, Sixteenth Street, to Piney Branch Roadgvtgrade and improve, $5,500; No west. Davenport Street, Wisconsin Avenue to Howard Street, grade and improve, $5,000; Northeast. Minnesota Avenue, Benning Road to Forty-second Street, grade and improve, $5,600; Southeast. Highview Place, Nichols Avenue to Brothers Place, grade and improve, $500; Southeast. Fifth Street, Alabama Avenue to Savannah Street, and Savannah Street, Fourth Street to Randle Place, grade and improve, $1,800;