Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 1.djvu/573

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554 SIXTY·THIRD CONGRESS. Sess. II. Cns. 192, 205, 206. 1914. shall be recited on the face of each patent fee issued and the amount S****’”*°**°¤· of the lien set forth thereon, and the receipt of the Secretary of the §¤t:::» or 0* &?@:**%r:» aszrzztatmzatssasnt 2::; or urpos r a allcéigzggig astlherein provi§ed shatlk vciges duly rxiceolrded bytthe recortder o in ecountywerein e isoca ,operaeasasa1s- faction of such lien. .té°°""""‘ °' '“l”’ Sec. 4. That the Secretary of the Interior is hereby authorized to perforim any and all aicts and go make such rulezs an regulations as may e necess an roper or the purpose o carrymgt e provisions of this Acilzrirnto full force and effect. Approved, July 21, 1914. I 1 b éc£:nTo increase the limit of cost of the United States post-office 0, 0. . Be it enaetai by the Senate and House ¢y'Representat·ives the United ’,f;’,,,"§°°_§§°· Q- ,¤_ States of America in Congress qesembled, That the olfcost of the mvrggi. vutue build- United States post-office budding at Newcastle, Indiana, be, and the ' same 18 hereby, t1nl¢;1éeas1e§ §1i,1000 torfso mpch therepf lmayli be uecessa to mee t a tion cos o cons ructnou o said U1 ng by the siibstitution of stone instead of brick with stone· trimmings, as specified in the existing specification. Approved, July 22, 1914. igivggggj CHAP. 906.g-An Act To amend. an Act appipved October first, eighteen hundred _;;i__ and_mnety, entitled "An Act to set apart certain tracts of land in the State of Caliyruhuo, No. 142.1 forma as forest reservations? Be it enacted the Senate and House gl 1§e£vr·esentat·ives of the United P_ix{g¤•&f¤ N¤¤¤¤¤¤ States of _America in Congress assembl , at the Secretary of the Migiiw .,4 me gr Interior is hereby authorized and empowered to grant leases, for m,,,,,L‘§{°‘°°· ° ·· per1ods of not exceeding twenty years, at annual rentals, and tmder V¤1·¤¤. 1>-¤~51- terms andcondxtions tg be deterrtnined by him, to may person, cgration or compan e may au orize to transact usmess in e §)osemite_National Iyark, for separate tracts of land, not exceeding summumm. twenty acres each, at such places, not_to exceed ten in number, to any pe1son,_ corporation, or company in said park, as the comfort and convemence of visitors may require, for the construction and maintenance of substantnal hotel buildings and bmldmgs for the grotection of motor cars, stages, stock and equipment, and so forth. °¤·§g,?,;},‘jg{¤,g:f» •“’-· uch leases may, at the option of the Secretary of the Interior, contain aplpropriate provisions for the zppraisement, at_ the expiration of the ease, of the value of such ho and other buildings or portions thereof) as may be constructed by the lessees, respectiveby, and the payment of the same to the lessees m case a new lease e made to persons other than .881d lessees, such payments to be made by such new lessees, respectively. “°'°¤S•¤ ¤¤¤*¤d· I That persgn o1i{<;orpo11;ation or comlpoany holding a lease or easeswi said ar ortep avd `bed°h b authorized, with tile a roval of the Secret 9 oeiscille II11;§1"l($Il-6lZ% execute mortgages uponphis or its rights and parry erti 1 din l his - _ op es, mc u g or 1tS contract or contracts with the Secretary of the Int rior; such mortgages shall be executed in duplicate and delivered toethe Secretary of the Interior for his approva.l, and u on his approval thereof llipgslgll retain one of said dupllicates and tile the same for record in 0 ce.