Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 1.djvu/585

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566 SIXTY-THIRD CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 215. 1914. M1¤w¤¤¤¤¢¤¤¤¤°*· For allowance to principals, including the same objects specified °°`°` under this head in the District of Columbia. appropriatron Act for the fiscal year nineteen hundred and fourteen, $1,600. _ W¤s¤¤r¤ Kish For reconstruction of the Western High School, in accordance S°hR°£ii.scm¢:m. with plans to be prepared under the supervision of the municipal architect and approved by the commissioners, $150,000. _ Polka- Mnrnoronrrnn Ponron: For maintenance of motor vehicles, $900. rm aepmmmt. Frm; nnpnnrumur: For forage, $2},778. _ 1¤v¤¤i1¤¤¤¤¤· JUVENILE Comrr: For compensation of jurors, fiscal year nmeteen hundred and ten, $12. _ P¤¤¤¤ <>¤¤rt· Ponron Comrr: For witness fees, Escal year mneteen hundred and thirteen, $100. _ “°P¤’°"°‘ °°"’°*’· Surronr or coNvrcrs: For support, mamtenance, and transportation of convicts transferred from the District of Columbra, to be expended under the direction of the Attorney General, fiscal year nineteen hundred and thirteen, $2,010.25. _ L‘“’*°¥ ""‘* Wnrrs or Lmucr: For write of hmacy, including the same objects s ecified under this head in the District of Columbia appropriation gots for the fiscal years that follow: For nineteen hundred and fourteen, $200. . For nineteen hundred and twelve, $1.25. _ _ mgggumvmwlm Wasmxeron Asrmm AND Jam: For provisions, fuel, forage, har- ` ness and vehicles and repairs to same, gas, ice, shoes, clothargg, dry- ds, tailoring, drugs and medical supplies, furniture and ding, Eitrzhen utensils, and other necessary items, $7,000. ·*""“’°“°"“"'““‘· For ayments to destitute women and children_, including the same objects spzaciiied rmder this head in the District of Columbia appropriation t for the fiscal year nmeteen hundred and fourteen, $2,900. _,'*f°"'°¤*°°'* H°°P" Tunmncmrosrs Hosrrrar.: For maintenance, including the same objects specified under this head m the District of Columbia appropriation Act for the iiscal year nmeteen hundred and fourteen, $1,500. amor c¤a¤¤¤·¤ Bonn or- Cmr.namw’s Gusrznrrmsz For board and care of all

 of cm. children, including the same objects specified under this head in

dm- the District of Co umbia appropnation Act for the fiscal year nineteen hundred and fourteen, $,13,287:82 uastarlau mmm- Authoritiy is to [Kay dnmnghthe Escal year nineteen hunv¤i,2g_p_m_ dred and ourteen, m ad tron to the sum of $6,000 heretofore authorized, a further sum not to exceed $1,800 to institutions prohibited by the District of Columbia a propriation Act approved June eleventh, eighteen hundred andp ninety-six. (Statutes at Large, volume twenty-nine, page four hrmdred and eleven.) dgnaenemmem em- 3 Fgré giaintenance of feeble-minded children (white and colored), ‘ 3 1 . . ¤l:__<;¤&¤¤E{1;·:l1:w¤ mr Innusrnrar. Home ScHOOL Fon Conomrn Crrmnrzmwz For main- ° tenance, mcluding purchase and care of horses, wagons, and harness, $1,750. Gmc ai-nymm. Tmnonanr Hour: ron mr-UNION Sommns mn Sarnons, GRAND ARMY or rrrza Rmrunmc: For maintenance, fiscal year nineteen hundred_and eleven, $8, to be expended under the direction of the commissioners. I¤dis¤¤u¤ss¤s. HOSPITAL ron rim INsANn: For support of indigent insane of the District of Columbia in the Government Hospital or the Insane, as _ provided by law, $22,000. §,§,,“’g*g$ ';,§,°g,°_ Rnmxnmo runs: The commissioners are authorized and directed to pay to Charles H. Wiltsre, from the appropriation for "Refunding taxes, and so forth," the sum of $35.68, on account of cancellation of certain erroneous tax sales.