Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 1.djvu/600

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SIXTY-THIRD CONGRESS. Sess. II. CHS. 216-218. 1914. 581 northern district of Illinois, the district of Minnesota, the district of Nebraska, the district of New Jersey, the eastern district of New York, the northern and southern districts of Ohio, the district of Oregon, the eastern and western districts of Penns lvania and the west- A¤•.x»~¤¤· ern district of Washington, there shall be an additional district judge in each, and in the southern district of New York three additional district judges: Provided, That there shall be one judge for the eastern g’g°,g,gg·,¤ ,,0 d,,_ and western districts of South Carolina, one judge for the eastern wwwand middle districts of Tennessee, and one 'udge for the northern and P°“"‘ °°1° southern districts of Mississippi: Prooidedlfurtber, _That the district mm judgg for the middle distnct o Alabama shall contmue as heretofore R_mm“m,,,,,,d_ to a district judtge for the northern district thereof. Every district judge shall resi e in the district or one of the districts for which he is a pointed, and for offending against this provision shall be deemed guilpty of a high misdemeanor. Approved, July 30, 1914. CHAP. ‘317.—An Act To authorize the construction of a bridge acres Saint John fdlhzsiidsgilill River at Fort Kent, Maine. —· "*"[Pubuc’ Nm lsu Be it enacted the Senate and House o Representatives o the United ¤¤i¤* J<>¤¤ mw- States ¢g"Amerwkbd/ in Congress assembZed,j'i‘hat the consentiif Congress m“;li»°m°;? rx is here y given to the construction, maintenance, and operation by F°"K°“‘“"°°"“‘• the State of Maine and the Dominion of Canada jointly of a bridge across the Saint John River at z;1Hoint suitable to the interests of navigation between Fort Kent sage, corporation in Fort Kent, Maine, in the county of Aroostook an State of Maine, and the parish of Clair, also commonly known as the plarish of Saint Francis, m the county of Madawaska and Province of ew Brunswick. Said bridge Q,<g¤;;¤¤¤<gjshall be constructed in accordance with the provisions of an Act enti- ’ p' ` tled "An Act to reanilate the construction of bridges over naviigable waters," alpproved arch twenty-third, nineteen hundred an six: hmm Provided, at the construction o said bridge shall not be commenced cement or Canada until the consent of the proper authorities 0 the Dominion of Canada '°q“"°"· for the derection and construction of the structure shall have been obtaine . Sec. 2. That the right to alter, amend, or repeal this Act is hereby “°°"“’“°'*" expressly reserved. Approved, July 30, 1914. QKAJP. 1 .-- onzmg` the fiscal court of Pike , n , J"]? 3°·m*‘ to construe? ai>ri¢$: lliihg Fork of the Big Sandy River, atggliinehyr Vézilliatlrigdii, West Vitggnjjh (Public, Na. 158.) Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United { B States { America in Congress assembled, That the consent of Congress s,'§§§ 1-°§§,‘§_ ° l' is here y granted for the fiscal court of Pike Count Kentucky, to m§jkg"§l¤¤¤*g‘£ $,7,; construct, maintain, and operate a bridge across the§{ug Fork of the mmm, dive. Big Sandy River, at a int suitable to the interests of navigation, at or near the town of Wgliamson, in the county of Mingo, in the State Omtmmm of West Virginia, in accordance with the provisions of an Act entitled v.,;_ 3.,, p_ 84, "An Act to regulate the construction of bridges over navigable water-s," a roved March twenty-third, nineteen hundred and six. Sec. 2. That the right to alter, amend, or repeal this Act is hereby A¤¤¤¤<1r¤¤¤¢· expressly reserved. Approved, July 30, 1914.