Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 1.djvu/631

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612 SIXTY-THIRD CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 223. 1914. K°¤°Y °*‘°Y°» '!`°*· Honey Grove, Texas, ost office: For site, $300. H°P‘¤¤¤Ym°· KY- Hopkinsville, Kentucky, post office: For completion, $39,000. H¤¤**¤8d¤¤· H- Huntin don, Pennsylvama, post office: For continuation, $24,000. Id°**° F°“S»Id°h°· Idaho Bgalls, Idaho, post omcez For completion, $42,000. » I¤d”*¤°P°“¤»I¤d· Indianapollgilsé Indiana, post office and courthouse: For extension of mailing orm, $6,00 . I°*¤ F¤“¤· I°*¤· Iowa Falls, Iowa, post office: For completion, $7 ,000. ¥=¤P=¤¤*¤=»m°¤· Ish Michigan, post office: For continuation, $20,000.

  • ¤°k=°¤· KY- J ac entucky, post office and courthouse: For continuation,

$25,000. · - · ···- .=» —

  • °u*°°·'1"°¤¤· Jellico, Tennessee, post omce: For commencement, $40,000.

i'¤¤¤i¤¢=’·» L¤- Jennings, Louisiana, post office: For continuation, $10,000. I-°F°Y°“°· 1* Lafayette, Louisiana, post omcez For continuation, $25,000. I·°*'“¤°°· "°*°· La Junta, Colorado, post office: For completion, $29,900. Mh °**Y· F'¤· Lake Cit , Florida, post office: For site, $6,000. ¤¤¤¤¤ ¥°· Lamar, Missouri, post office: For site, $7,000. — ¤¤°°¤‘°*· P8- Lancaster, Pennsy vania, post office: For site, $138,278.78. ]·°‘**¤°¤· Tm- Lebanon, Tennessee, post office: For completion, $15,000. Wm- N·°· Lenoir, North Carolina, post office: For site, $7,000. IMS 1********- NJ- Long Branch, New Jerse , post office: For completion, $50,000. L¤¤=Y*°'· Tu- Longview Texas, post officez For continuation, $15,000. ¥¤°°¤¤*>·m- Macomb, Illinois, post office: For completion, $26,000. ¥¤¤<*¤¤» **-1)**- Mandan North Dakota, xt office: For completion, $18,000. ¥¤¤¤¤» KY- Mario kentucky, posto ez Forsite, $5,250. ¥¤·¤1=¤u· 'f¤¤· Marshlrill, T t office: For completion, $24,000. ¥¤<>·>¤k¤N¤*>·’· S gigggok, Neb , post office and courthouse: For completion, 2 , . ¥¢P¤¤··¤¤·K·¤¤· McPherson Kansas, post ofiiee: For continuation, $15,000. ¥•·”¤¤*·°¤=· 3 glggfoord, Ctegon, post office and courthouse: For continuation, 2 , . M¤¤¤m¤¤*¤·W*¤· Menomonie, Wisconsin, post office: For completion, $10,000. md<“°°b°'°· KY- Middlesboro Kentucky, post office: For commencement, $8,000. mw °**Y· Mm- Slgdiglgg City, Montana, post officez For site and commencement,

lmrord. Mw- Milford, Massachusetts, post omcez For completion, $15,0(X). 1ii11’·*m¤»N·J· Millville, Jamey, post ofrice: For commencement, $5,000. Minneapolis. Mlm- Minneapolis, Minnesota, post officez For completion, $175,000. Mail davioos- d For tl§;5p%hase and installation of mechanical mail-handling 671965, , . .¢ M1¤¤*· N- ¤¤k· ti Muggi 0l}1')c(;rth Dakota, post office and courthouse: For continua— on , , . ’“°"‘“"“°‘· 1***1* Mishawaka, Indiana, post office: For completion, $35,000. “°"“°- *‘“· Mobile, Alabama, post office: For completion, $50,000. “°“°"g°""°- *`°· 3 glgggngahela, Pennsylvania, post office: For commencement, 2 , . Monroe. N· 0- Monroe, North Carolina, post office: For completion, $5,000. ¤<>¤¢¤1¤¤r. N- Y- Montclair New Jersey, post office: For site, $30,000. ¤¤¤*¤·¤<¤· ¤1¤¤- Moorhead; Minnesota, post office: For completion, $13,500. ¥¤¤*¤¤>*¤’ '¤`¤¤¤· Morristown, Tennessee, post office: For completion, $20,000, ¥¤¤¤¢¤•· ¤¤· Mou1trie,_Geo§§ia, pzost office: For site, $7,000. ¤¤¤¤¤=v¤¤¤.W·V¤· Moundsville, est xrginia, post office: For continuation, $.56,000.' ¥¤¤¤* €¤¤¤¤r H1- Mount Carmel, Illinois, post office: For site, $20,000. HOW V¤¤=¤¤. ¤¤· Moimt Vernon, post office: For continuation $35,000. ”¤¤k•¤¤¤» ¤¤¤¤· I M1us§e(%$>)x(_;,)LIich1gan, post office and customhouse: For additional an , , . B§*;*¤¤¤¤=¤¢¤ Pier. Nmagauggtt Pier, Rhode Island, post office: For commencement, - $10 . M" ‘°°““"· mt New Albany Indiana, post office: For completion of the extension, remodeling, enlargement, or improvement, $38,000.